Ron shaving. This is our life now

24 thoughts on “Ron shaving. This is our life now

    1. Hello Nan. Yes I don’t know about other parks but I have heard others got flattened. Here in our park there are about five I have seen with entire roofs off. Ours is one of the ones most damaged in that we lost a third of our house. The entire front room of our home has half a roof and only three walls. Every thing that James did not drag out of there is gone and destroyed. Yes there are others hurting more. But that doesn’t mean my own hurt is not real or important. I am tired. I have no idea how to move forward. I am an emotional wreck. I am a physical wreck, I was to have an MRI because the pain doctor thinks there is more damage to my spine, but that is not going to happen. That $800 in co-pay is got to go towards rebuilding the house. I know we should be thankful to have a bed, a roof over 2/3 of the house, but I am tired of being poor and trying to do the right good thing. Ron assigned me to chair duty today because when we when to go for a walk this morning I fell three times. Ron cut the walk short. We spent a couple days in the vehicles two humans and a mad cat trying to sleep in a parking lot. No food which is OK for me I can do it but Ron survived on crackers and chips. At the first place it was a rest area so we had bathrooms the second parking lot was not. I am not whining I am trying to explain what that was like and I did not even tell the story of coming home during the back part of the hurricane to get James to leave. Then getting back home after it over to all the damage, no power, no water, no supplies. Ron and James having to do what they could to make the house safe and livable. Thankfully that handyman guy and his girlfriend came by and offered to pick up all the aluminum if they could have it. Great we couldn’t move it. I thought they would take off. But they stayed and helped us. The guy took his tools and got up on the partial roof and cut it all off and took it down. Ron and James were not here and it was just me. The guy said they would be back to check on me. I doubted it as there was a lot of money to be made. But they did come back to see if Scottie the guy walking with a cane was OK. Ron was here then and was so impressed with the guy we got them a lot more work and aluminum to recycle. Nan everything was wet and drenched and there was mud everywhere. You couldn’t walk out side and back in with out leaving a mud trail. We wouldn’t have been able to keep the generator going if James did not work for the county at the airport they gave their people priority on fuel and other needs, they gave us a tarp, MREs, and other supplies. Nan We are rationing clothing here. I have four pairs of pants. I wore on pair of jeans for 7 days and they were as you can imagine not nice after a couple days of sweat and mud. I am on my second pair now. I have to ration my underwire wearing the same pair many days, something I have not done since I was a kid with out clothing. I had to change socks the first few days because my feet were always wet and for a diabetic the feet are a thing you need to protect as you know. If and when we ever get power I have two huge piles almost as tall as I am of laundry, James just started throwing his in the small bathroom shower. Yes others have it worse, I was reading quickly this morning that kids are starving in Somalia and I am sorry for that. But I am in the US, the richest country in the world, a country where Elon Musk is paying 44 billion for twitter.

      I know you did not mean anything bad and It may sound like I am responding in anger. That is not it. Nan I don’t have any real anger left right now. We had the police next door last night because two of the crazy young women living at the guy I dislike’s house one had a felony warrant and the other was stealing golf carts, things are just crazy. Poor James has to work and can not sleep and even when we try to keep our voices down he hears us. The world is off kilter and Ron just told me I am whimpering and crying in my sleep, and he only wakes me when I start to shake, thrash , and scream. I told him I am having bad nightmares all night now and he shouldn’t worry. He wants to know what to do for me. I don’t know. So please don’t think I am upset at you, I am upset at the world right now. OK, I have only managed to do five comments, this way of doing them is horribly hard and takes many steps. I have to use the WordPress app and it wont let me see the comments other than in a long list that changes on me with every new comment or my replies. But it may be a very long time before I have even one of my computers back. I am watching YouTube on my phone while doing this on my IPad. Hugs. Oh and for everyone I have no way to spell check or anything so please try to read around errors. Hugs


      1. First, please know that I meant NO disrespect by my comment. I KNOW you guys are suffering! I had hoped you would recognize that I was expressing how THANKFUL you must feel because you at least have SOME of your home still standing.

        I can only imagine what you’re going through. And it’s not good. You bring up things you’re dealing with that I doubt many (most?) of us even consider or think about. I’ve remembered several times how thrilled you were with your new bed … and then to have this catastrophe hit and replace that joy with worry about how you guys are ever going to return to normal living.

        But even with all this going on, I admire and respect you for your resilience. Just remember, things WILL get better. They HAVE to!

        Many, many hugs and squeezes to all of you. ❤❤❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hello Nan. I was out of line. Sorry. I was raw with everything. And you were correct, and it is something I have repeatedly said my self over my own health. I just took it wrong at that moment. My world was crashing in on me, I was worried about Ron having another heart attack or stroke, James was on a push that he was right and things needed to be done as he wanted, but what he wanted to to trash the house and move out. I told he we couldn’t afford what that would take and he was so clueless he said he would co-sign for us. I couldn’t explain to him at current home prices we couldn’t afford the mortgage and insurance. That is no excuse. I snapped at you and I shouldn’t have. I sincerely apologize and am embarrassed I reacted that way. Hugs


          1. No apology necessary! Quite frankly, I’m amazed you guys are handling it as well as you are! Just take things as they come. Do what you CAN — and be thankful you at least have a place to lay your head at night.

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            1. Nan I want to let you know that Ron is already trying to figure out how to get me set back up somewhere, most likely in the new family room where I was going to be eventually. But it is costing us $500 a week to run the generator. So we have to find a storage facility to put a lot of the stuff in the family room so he can start running wires and building me a new office, while keeping the damaged roof covered so we can not have more interior water damage, and we have competing interests as James thinks we should move one direction and Ron is insisting we move in the other, and I normally stay in my office for these conversations but now I am in the middle of the kitchen and …. Brain melt down in 3,2,1 …reset higher brain functions with as little gray matter as is left. Hugs


              1. Naturally you know your layout far better than anyone, but just from your remarks, I’m puzzled why you need to “take over” the family room. Isn’t it possible –at least for the time being– to just minimally set up your computer stuff rather than do the “whole works”?

                You say that the family room was the eventual plan, but that was all BEFORE the disaster. All sorts of things were probably considered “way-back-when” that simply aren’t as convenient to do now. And certainly, costs are now a much bigger concern!

                Obviously, it’s not for me to tell you how or what to do. I’m just offering an outsider’s POV.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Hello Nan. The family room is the new room Ron just finished building under the carport. I don’t remember the exact size but it is like 32 or 37 long by 13 or 14 wide. As you say the intent was for me to move into the back end of that so James could have the room my office was in. The problem was so much stuff before the hurricane got shoved into that space that to do any work required a day of moving things from one side to the other and back and forth. Ron had already poked the dedicated power line I need for my system through the wall there. But as he said he can’t finish that work until he can again get to the wall. So the idea is to get a storage space (James idea is to throw out a lifetime of memorabilia out in the trash, like Ron’s 5 sets of dishes he has kept over the years. I vetoed that). Now that we lost the front room / my office, we have had to put even more stuff in there. So again the solution is a storage area, then Ron finishes the electric, then a table and cutting my old desk as part of it is ruined, and I am back with most of my system. A limited system is what I will have with what was saved. The incidentals went through the storm in the open room. All James managed to save was the two monitors and the two computers. Even my speaker systems were ruined. One of my sub woofers fell apart in my hands when I tried to pick it up. My mic and sound board system is all gone. For all we know the 55 inch 4 K fully smart TV is gone, the two X-boxes may be ruined, the printer started but the scanner system is shot so it needs be replace, the charger and controls for the X-boxes could be ruined and I can not even find the remote to the TV. So my set up will be limited. But Nan I can not work this way, with a phone and old iPad. Not only is it seriously hard for me to see the stuff on the screens, I lose half the stuff I write, I can not really post anything except emails. I can’t put categories or anything. I feel so frustrated and tired. I have had to try to find some of my news sites because while they saved on the chrome on the computers they did not transfer to the chrome on the pad. James said he is OK staying in the small room for now, he understands. Hugs

                  Liked by 1 person

            2. Hello Nan. Ron loves the new bed. I also am grateful for the bed because as badly tore up as my back is right now I can get a few hours of sleep. Before Ron was sleeping few hours, up for most of the night, and getting a few more hours of sleep. I would go to bed early and wake up a lot during the night and pain would force me out of bed by 4 or 5 AM. Now Ron goes to bed and sleeps through the night and is getting up earlier and I can get more sleep before my back spasms drive me from the bed. Hugs

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            3. Hello Nan. We have an electric double flat skillet we never used. Ron got it out, hooked it to a line from the generator and cooked bacon for the family. it worked great. I hooked the toaster into another line from the generator to make muffins / toast. I then used the electric skillet to cook everyone eggs. James said they were the most perfect eggs he ever had. The secret to eggs is to watch them. Most people get distracted and the eggs turn fast. So we are coping. I am just worried about the cost of running the generator as it seems the power company is not in a hurry to fix the pole. Another worker showed up an hour ago, Ron went to talk to them and they said all they were doing was making a list of places still with out power. Gee thanks, now get those trucks back out here and fix the electric, damn it. Hugs

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    1. Thank you Annie. I hurt my self so badly that I kept falling down, Ron has assigned me to chair duty. He has me sidelines, I am do rest my body. But in truth it is more than physical right now, mentally and emotionally I can’t deal, I struggle to think, emotionally I look at the damage, Annie I can’t believe of accept what happened to my life. It is all changed. My way of life is gone. I was to have am MRI because my doctor said they think there is more damage to my spine. No way I can afford it now. All we have must go to fixing what we can of the house. I have to figure out FEMA and it is a struggle to think. Hugs


    1. Hello Ten Bears. I bet you grew a beard. After I got out of the military I grew my beard. I like it full unlike it was in my picture. That was a mess, but I like my beard f bushy like Santa’s. Well over the last year I have notice on YouTube every wannnabe is trying to grow a beard and most can only grow scruff. Even Ted Fuckface Cruz is trying to grow a beard. I shaved mine off. I was going to keep the mustache but was told I had a 1980s porn star look so that had to go. So for a while when I can I shave. Best wishes. Hugs


    1. Hello Ali. We had a water line break under the house today. Thankfully the plumber guy was willing to crawl through the mud and water to cap it off. Seems there are two water lines under there we never knew about and it seems they were the main water lines from a prior unit here on our lot. The important thing is we have the electric from the generator and we have water. There was a facebook message from the park they don’t want us to flush the toilets but as they did not come around and tell us just put it on facebook I am not taking it to seriously. It is not good my friend. We lost a third of our home, all of my office is gone. My desk is destroyed. If James had not stayed here when we left I would have lost all of my electronics … the computers, the laptops, my 34 inch monitors, my 55 inch 4k TV, my two Xboxes and all the assorted stuff. We Lost big. No idea how to go forward. But we are alive to build again. Hugs

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        1. Hello Ali. That is grand of you. At this point there really is nothing anyone can do for us that is not here with us or the government that doesn’t seem willing to do much. Nothing is being done by the park management. The thing is they are not even informing us of stuff. The Red Cross is now feed meals at our rec hall three times a day. I never thought I would see a day I went for a hot meal provided by the Red Cross. What I would ask is a bit of lee way about comments and even spell checking what I write and post. I am struggling with the WordPress app and it gives me a two line box to type in and every time I try to go back more than two days it reverts to the top of the comments. I am so frustrated. I know not to complain for my former system now long gone but I just need a little grace for trying to do all this on a bad cell phone connection and a 9 inch screen with cataracts and bad eye sight. Thanks. Hugs

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