PA Governor To Trump: “Stop Shit-Talking America”


“All they hear from Donald Trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. And I think Donald Trump’s got to quit whining, go to quit trying to divide us. I mean, consider this, Jen.

“We’re producing more energy than anyone before in this nation. We have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people went to work this morning in America than any other time in our nation’s history.

“So, I got a message to Donald Trump and all of his negativity and whining: stop shit-talking America! This is the greatest country on Earth and it’s time that we all start acting like it. The good people of Pennsylvania understand that this is a great country, understand that we got a whole lot going for us.

“And not it’s time for us to continue this path of progress that Joe Biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time, not listen to the whining of the former president, and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us.” – Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.


While I agree with Shapiro’s thinking in general, he lost me at “greatest country on Earth.” The U.S. is a great nation, and deserves allegiance. But it’s not the greatest on Earth. We’ve got problems. We’ve always had problems. There are other countries who’ve done better during their histories than the U.S. Maybe it’s time to acknowledge that we are a nation of immigrants and try to implement the best of our diverse backgrounds.

WHERE THE FUCK is the Presidents cabinet shouting these talking points? Where are the house minority leader and Senate leader at shouting this info??

Get this man to DC and get him to train those people in messaging.

Hey, DNC. THIS is the message you need to put out nationwide but especially in the swing states.

Time to put on your steel toe boots and start kicking back!

Denigrating America won’t lose him any votes among his MAGAt base. They’re a bunch of morons who believe the Deep State is spraying chemtrails over their homes in order to sterilize their teenage daughters. Or something.

Maybe it’ll affect a few independents and moderate Republicans.


We need to quit trying to win over the Trump cult members. If Dems can convince more of the middle third of voters to do the right thing. To get them energized, especially in those six important states. How we need their help just maybe we can save this country.

Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post has done a piece entitled “Is Trump Okay?” “Okay” in the sense of “mentally-well.”

Trump’s recent campaign rally speeches have gone beyond standard Trump rhetorical garbage; they’ve been largely incoherent. He rambles on with one non sequitur after another. His recent rally tirade concerning battery-powered boats and sharks and stuff, just one example.

He may very well be losing it.

Serious, literal, “losing it.”

Could be why Hannity is already prepping his audience for Dump chickening out of the debates.

Exactly. I had the same thought when I read the Hannity post here on the blog.

We can assume Trump’s handlers (or at least the people who attempt to handle him) know that he’s not capable of remaining coherent away from a teleprompter.

The handlers must be shitting bricks with respect to the prospect of Trump on live TV without a teleprompter.

Trump may indeed want more debates, if they are on his terms at least, but I wouldn’t take his calls for more debates at face value. He also insisted he wanted to testify at his trial. Who knows?

He did sit out all of the Republican primary debates because he assumed, rightly, there was no benefit for him to debate. He may think debating Biden will be good for him (and it could be, depending on Biden’s performance) and therefore he wants to do it, but I don’t take his insistence that he wants more debates any more at face value than his insistence that he’d love to testify.

“May well be”? Trump has been, literally, “losing it” for years. His brain is, right out loud and in public, turning to mush. The stress of his criminal trials is speeding up the process, I think. Eugene Robinson is being far too kind. Trump is, right this minute, unfit for any office of any sort.

I hope his brain is a total loss before November. We, the People, can’t let him back into the White House. VOTE BLUE!


If he keeps telling his rally-goers, over and over, that story about electric motorboats and sharks and how he’d rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark, then telling his faithful that he doesn’t care about them, just their votes, it may not be such a hard sell by November. Even they have to see how far gone he is, eventually (I hope).


I was surprised a bit that Trump said he just wants the votes of people he doesn’t care about…on the other hand, this is how I and many other people viewed Trump years ago. He promises everything and doesn’t deliver, plus he hates his base.

Some of the rally goers in Nevada who went to see TFG left early because they were bored hearing the same things he said in 2020 and 2016. Michael Cohen said TFG never changes anything he says or does because he is an unhinged creature of habit.

When has TFG ever say what he wants to do for the country and Americans in the future except meandering on and on how this country is a complete failure? He even said that he did not care about his fan-base except he wants their vote.

He always complains he is the victim when in fact he keeps doing crimes. He did this to himself except he never takes any responsibility and blames others for his misfortune.

I hope more and more of his fans are finally seeing who he truly is, and they are very much disillusioned with him. May be they will wake up from his nonsensical ramblings and vote for Biden.

About 44% of Independents will vote for Biden, and I am sure millions of women are mad as hell because what the GOP and him keeps doing to women’s healthcare after Roe v. Wade was appealed by the Supreme Court. Let’s hope Judge Merchan will put him in jail for a long time on July 11th, 2024.



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