Some clips from Rev. Ed Trevors

I was going to put this one lower in the list until I listened closely to the end.  In fact I repeated the last half twice to make sure I understood what he was saying.  He is the first, maybe only Christ bible pusher who has said openly and publically that conversion to Christianity, that believing in being a good person and treating others the way Jesus talked about lets you have a spot in his fold, his heaven.  He specifically doesn’t mention atheists, but he has before.  Hugs.  Scottie


In the following video Rev Trevors makes clear he not only dislikes the prosperity gospel preachers, he dislikes the message they send for not being biblical.  He totally shoots down the new push all these getting rich by preaching people are touting, Christian Nationalism and the idea that the US was founded as a Christian nation.  He also at the end says something many not watch long enough to hear.  He says that not only do these preacher claim things they can’t prove he also can’t prove his god exists.  He says he teachers about faith, not proof.  He says when someone claims that he worships an invisible daddy in the sky, he can’t prove god exists.  He is OK with that.  I really respect this man.   Hugs.  Scottie

In the one below this time he explains something very important a lot of people miss.  Things that when the writers of the bible wrote about giants or Nephilim they meant fierce hard to beat warriors, not real bigger than humans giants.  He explains that the writers used phrases and ideas from their own time.  He is sort of admitting that the bible not to be taken literally and was written by humans for the people of that time.  Hugs.   Scottie

I did not think to write a blurb about the rest of the videos, I posted these before it dawned on me people might not watch them without understanding what they might be about.  If you are wondering, fast-forward towards the end of each video to see if the video strikes a nerve and I would post it.  Just remember I am an atheist and I enjoy listening to this guy.   Hugs.  Scottie


Midday Palate Cleanser … Elephants are better people

Hi.  Grand post, great videos, I love them.  Ten Bears and I have already talked about this here.  But MPS posted far more than I did on it.  How anyone can watch the elephants and not see thinking, loving, communicating, caring, grand beings in what we humans call a herd.  Oh how I wonder how they refer to most of us.  On one side note.  When I posted this, I referred to the man who moved under one of the larger elephants.  This is why it is important to read comments on sites, this person seen something I missed.  I marveled that the man who is a fragile creature was so comfortable being that surrounded by these huge beings.  The comment put a new view of what was happening.   Again it is so loving.  Hugs.  Scottie

w3ski4me says:


MDavis says:

She walked up and waved “here I am!” and he ducked right under her chin.

They’ve done this before. Pretty cool.

It’s Time for More Human/Animal Bonding

Thank you, Annie, for posting this.   Anyone who think other animals don’t have feelings, needs, and intelligence have never watched or been with animals.  Each to their species and their way, but I watched a video recently where they showed bees can count and recognize shapes including solving complex tasks required to get the food.   Hugs.  Scottie 

My wonderful brother Randy sent me a gift

For those that don’t know starting in 2013 my childhood abuse started to crash over me.  I struggled daily to work and keep it together but I had started to again self harm.  I would take a very sharp blade and draw it across my forearms and watch the blood flow.  Yes the feelings when I did that released good endorphins.  When Ron found out, he took to hiding knives, especially all his X Acto tools he had for the crafts he had.  But he forgot about my long time pocket knife, a jack knife I had had for a very long time.  I kept it to a razor edge.  

But in March 2014 I fell into total breakdown.  I wanted the memories to stop, I was reliving them constantly with full emotions and body feels including smells along with tastes.  I was close to choosing to end my life.  I was doing my best to hide it from Ron, but by this time I was refusing to leave my bedroom other than for my pain doctor visits, which Ron who was working 12 hour night shifts would take me to.  

This is where Randy stepped up, became my brother and maybe saved my life.  Randy had entered my life earlier and was a grand online commenter to my first blog and we formed a great friendship.  Randy is a really great writer, and anyone that has read his posts here knows he can write very well.  Far better than I can.  He started to send me his stories and I enjoyed them.   Then he sent a story about a man in a food court saving an abused child.   It triggered me into a bad episode because of the break down I was dealing with.  

I was very upset and wrote back to Randy about how his story was great and so real to life it had triggered me badly, and I was really struggling.  Randy right away reached out to me online apologizing and eventually as we kept talking he asked for my phone number.   This was before my total melt down when I started hurting my self.  Randy and I talked on the phone … which was rare for me.  One of the worst beatings I got as a kid was reaching up to the ringing wall phone and going to hand it to the adults there.   I was never to use the phone.  It was beaten into me.  Never touch the phone.  I now realized they were worried I would report my abuse.  

Randy and I got to be close friends.   Then when I started hurting my self, deeply cutting my arms, refusing to leave my bedroom, and wanted to die, Randy who was working 12 hour night shift in a hard job would have his phone on so if I felt myself slipping I could call him.   Hour after hour he talked to me, denying himself sleep as he kept me grounded.  I could call him anytime … and I did as I was about to use the knife on my skin I would put it down to pick up the phone.  I talked to him about everything I never told anyone.  I poured myself out to him and he was there.  He was the brother I really desperately need but never had growing up.  He became my brother in every way that ever matters.  

I tell all this because I have been under the weather and Ron just lost his brother.  So Randy sent me a gift.  He is a grand brother.   He sent me an insulated cup.   Here are the pictures.   Randy is one of a kind.  He does have a grand sense of humor.   I love him.  


Careful… The Bible Is Not God

I strongly recommend everyone wondering about why there are different ideas of the Christian god.  This is why I love some Christians and pity / detest others.   The Christians looking for god, the deity, are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.   The ones looking at the bible as god itself are some of the most horrible people I have met.  Hugs.  Scottie

The Christian/Transgender Intersection

The Rev has a wonderful way to think of being trans.  In order to be the person god wanted me to become, I must let go of what I was.  Or he rephrased, to be who god created me to be, I must leave / change who I was.  What a compassionate Christian man, a good person.   Hugs.  Scottie

Wichita East students walk out to protest anti-trans legislation

Thanks to Ali for the link.   

This is what terrifies the fundamentalists and right wing.   The acceptance and normalizing of kids / people who are not straight and not cis.  Schools have long taught kids to get along with each other and to not bully those who are different.  But republicans in red states want to change that teaching of acceptance and tolerance so they pass don’t say gay bills and anti-woke bills which simply mean get all representation of LGBTQ+ kids out of schools, libraries, and keep kids off social media.  It means stopping positive representations of LGBTQ+ people and stopping anti-bullying programs.  It means making LGBTQ+ kids targets of hate, anger, and labeling them as not normal.  It is othering them so they can be mistreated.   This is what it was like in the regressive past these older legislatures and fundamentalist religious leaders desperately want back.  These people want a straight cis Christian world only, no one else will be allowed.   Since these laws passed attacks on LGBTQ+ kids in schools and people in general have risen quickly.  It is a green light to thug gang rule.  Luckily the old kids won’t accept the intolerance and hate, but sadly it is working on the younger new students in schools.  They are being taught to hate and not accept the ones who feel different.   We have to stop these laws and reverse them.  Please help get the word out.  Please keep speaking up in support.  The haters and religious people on the other side are driven, they won’t stop, they will fight hard.  We have to also fight back as hard, and be louder than they are.   Hugs.  Scottie  Is the link to the video.

Wichita East high schoolers used their first amendment rights and walked out of class Tuesday to stand up for transgender youth rights. 


Dozens of Wichita East students made their voices heard at a walkout in protest of a piece of anti-trans legislation that bans minors from receiving gender affirming care. That piece of legislation is Senate Bill 233, and has already received approval from the Kansas House and Senate. 


“This will cause suffering that cannot be overstated. This will cause suffering,” said sophomore Juan Carlos Garcia. 


Garcia spoke up at the protest, to tell his peers about the importance of gender affirming care. 


“I have hope that those I love and those that need it will get their treatment. I hope that they will feel comfortable and I know if this bill is passed then they won’t be able to,” said Garcia.


Miles Wilson organized the protest, and he shared his experience as a person in the transgender community. 








“I thought I would not make it past 14, but I am 17 now,” said Miles Wilson, junior at East. 


The students discussed how validating gender affirming care was, and in a world without gender affirming care, many believe that would lead to an increase of youth trans suicide. 


“I hope that people learn that the students of East High are not going to stand for discrimination and oppression and we support the trans community and the cis kids here stand in solidarity  with the trans community and the trans community here will not sit back and let people oppress us,” said Wilson. 


The bill that started the protest is currently sitting on Governor Kelly’s desk awaiting approval or veto. 


After chanting, holding signs, and having a great discussion, the students said the walk out was a success. 


“We deserve to feel safe in our bodies, we deserve autonomy. We deserve happiness, we deserve to grow up,” said Wilson.

And Ron made a grand supper and I am falling out.

I love all our viewers and I really love sharing the news / things I know.  But as I often say with the strong medications I take and food working against my diabetes, I tire out in the late afternoon.  It is now 5:30 pm where I am.  And after the wonderful meal Ron made, I am crashing. So after posting this I am off to bed.  Where I have been assured by my 34 year long spouse he will be joining me soon … He made it sound like a promise was implied.  I like that … after I rest a bit and wake up. 

I helped a couple of hours before he got ready to cook, I took out the condiments of many things that one of us puts on their burgers, chicken burgers this time.  I got out pickles of two types.  Both sliced and full baby ones.  I got the lettuce out, I got the condiments out, which for us was mayo, mustard, two kinds of pickles both sliced and whole, ranch dressing, salt and pepper, lettuce, and maybe a few things can not think of such as which cheese either of us likes.  We don’t use the same condiments, but we both hate them refrigerated super cold.  The chicken burgers were wonderful!!!

As there were no potatoes or other ingredients, all I had to do was wait for the food bell.   Ron cooked the chicken patties in our grand deep fryer.  Here is a picture of the two sandwiches I had.  Yes it was a lot, but it was the most I had had all day.  So I did not over eat.   Hugs.  Scottie

Scotties chicken burger.

Homosexuality in the Islamic World | Al Muqaddimah

In this video, we’re gonna talk about homosexuality in the Islamic World. While today, the Islamic World and homosexuality don’t seem to go together, in the past, there was a rich tradition of homosexuality being expressed through stories and poetry. While it was never completely allowed, it did become an open secret. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.