Some changes long past time due

As the title suggests I am making some changes to the way I deal with blogs I enjoy, comments, and email.  I have always signed on, quickly looked at the bell notifications, then got enough read / answered that if more poured in I wouldn’t miss too much.  Then I would do other things like email.  Often during this time or if I was not well I lost everything in the bell notification as it only allowed so many.  I was constantly missing comments, which in truth is more important to me than other things online.  Not sure why it has taken me to come to this change, except that if I am comfortable with something, I am the perfect frog in the pot of the hot water.  Now the water is hot enough I am forced to jump out of it.  

I love the blogs I follow, and I hate being rushed in reading them.   But comments on my blog have to come first.  I love them, I adore them, I am willing to put in the extra effort for them.  I do not want to miss any more of them.  So here is the change.  

What I did this afternoon works for me.  I had to do some other things and when I signed back on I was pissed that all my caught up stuff was no longer caught up, and I lost stuff.  What did I lose?  I don’t know, that is what bothers me.  So I went to the top of the bell and worked down finding every comment and replying.  Then when I got all them answered I went back to the top of the bell and got the new comments.  

Going forward when I get up and sign on, start all my systems, I will start at the bottom of the bell notifications looking for comments.  I will move up the list replying to comments.  Then I will check my email and answer that, something I have not really done since … well at least a decade ago.   Then I will go back to the bell notification and start reading all the grand blogs from the people I enjoy hearing their thoughts and leaving my own on.    During this I will go back to the top to check for comments.   If during this your blog drops off the bell notification list I am really sorry, I do love reading your blogs, but the list has gotten too long, my health is not well, and I just get too upset not keeping up.   To the point I keep hundreds of open tabs, I think the count right now I keep open is near 500.  I doubt I will ever get to them, answer them, or post them … some are news articles I wanted to post, but I save them with a hope.  I will be going through them catching the comment left two or three months ago, then delete the windows.  I just looked I am keeping tabs of blogs or comments from 3 months ago hoping to somehow get to them.  It is past time to stop pushing and punishing myself.  Ron is at his wits end on this.  I set my alarm and got up at 3 am to start today.   Yes I have to take breaks, and go lay down, I can only sit for five or ten minutes at a time, so I am up and down and laying down up at the desk, standing walking, sitting, going back to bed … I am exhausted and my health is failing, and Ron says one of the reasons is I feel driven by the stuff online.  I just am recovering from a stomach virus causing me to vomit all day yet when I could sit I was at the computer.  When my body drives me to bed I do it from my phone and tablet.  I read news and post it.  I put a keyboard on my old tablet to answer comments from there.  It is not the best but it works. 

So I am sorry if I miss your blogs.  I am sorry if you post something really grand I think needs to be shared.  I have to back off.  I have to set priorities.  I have gotten myself into a rut, pushing far past what my medications can hold until I am in tears trying to deal with stuff.  I fall asleep at my desk after telling Ron I am going to bed.  Then we argue about it.  

Anyway everyone gets the point, I am just flogging the dead horse and making my self out to be a martyr at this point.  That is not the case.  Sorry if I give that impression, but reading over this I feel I have.  None of what I do is anyone else’s fault.  I do it because I enjoy it and love it. These computers are my ability to move outside the walls of my home, to connect with a larger world.  I am addicted to it.  But like any addiction it is hurting me, so I need to curb it.  For example right now I just got up and walked around the kitchen because my right hip, the first hip I had replaced back in 2004 is burning, hurting, killing me so badly I am having to finish this sitting sideways.  What people don’t know is that how I do a lot of my online posts and comments.  I do a few minutes, get up and move, do more, go lay down, take more medications, get back to the computer.  Ron says my exercise regiment is how much I have to keep moving to help the pain in my hips and back.  

So let us all hope this gives me the chance to answer any comments without missing them.  Please keep them coming, I love hearing other peoples thoughts and ideas.  Plus as Ron says there is a bit of argumentive streak in me from the time I spent soaked in the bile and vitreol of the adotptive family.   Hugs.  Loves to all.  Best wishes to those who understandably don’t want to be hugged I was there once myself.  Scottie

EXPLAINED: Why TERF-In-Chief JK Rowling Is Celebrating Trans-Care Review Findings | Erin Reed | TMR

This interview points out some of the flaws in the Cass Report, and how Cass herself was a known anti-trans person who had worked with DeathSantis and his administration.  Talk about asking the fox about the hen house security.   The people who wanted a badly done report on trans care / trans kids choose a known anti-trans person to do it.  Erin Reed is a trans person who is very well versed in trans issues.  The video is not long, about 14.19 minutes long but very informative if you know someone who is an anti-trans hater who often says well look at the UK and those places they are stopping care, or someone who likes to refer to the Cass report.  Hugs.  Scottie

Journalist Erin Reed, author of the Erin In The Morning newsletter on SubStack, discusses the recent gender identity review by the National Health Services (NHS) in the United Kingdom.

Erin Reed and Emma then jump right into the background for the UK’s recent Cass Report on transgender care, stepping back to briefly cover the rise of transphobic activism in the UK at the end of the 2010s, and the major policy impacts it had despite fringe following, including the NHS-sponsored ‘independent’ and ‘unbiased’ review by Hillary Cass. After giving some background on the evidently not-so-unbiased Cass herself, Reed parses through the clear failure of the report itself to live up to these supposed standards, actively excluding both trans voices and experts on trans care from the report, relying on outdated and fraudulent statistics (compiled by notorious homophobes nonetheless), and repeatedly requiring absurdly high standards for trans care – standards not met by the vast majority of both adult and pediatric care – while rarely substantiating any of the claims about the supposed dangers.

Shades of Kent State …

I saw this post above, and felt it needed posting because of several other things I read and posted.  But how to do it and give credit to where and the people due.  A constant people with the way I post news stories. I would just do for this what I did for the Ten Bears post that referred me to it … but it is on a different platform with no ability for me to do it.  Please this is what the republicans want again.  The Speaker of the House has demanded that the national guard has been called out against students protesting for Palestinian aid.  The Chief of police that was in charge of the force arresting the students said he saw no evidence of abuse against other students, he saw no anti-Semitism, no threats or violence at all against other students.  He even said when his officers arrested and took the students away, they were cooperative and offered no violent resistance.  Think about that.  Hugs.  Scottie

“My motto as I live and learn is: dig and be dug in return.” — Langston Hughes

06 March 2022

Coverup: Four dead in Ohio


Last year, John Derf Backderf posted this on Facebook, but since everyone hates Facebook, and it is honestly a pain in the tail, I thought I’d put it here for a nice, easily-accessible link if anyone wants to link it elsewhere.

Since it’s the time of year when the events of KENT STATE unfolded, I thought I’d share some items with you.

This event didn’t end with the massacre. The days, weeks and months that followed were a depressing lesson in cover-ups, political sleaze and media manipulation. In its own way, it’s as shocking a story as the story leading up to the massacre.

The cover-up by the National Guard began within minutes, even before the blood was cleaned off the Prentice Hall parking lot.

The 22 shooters reloaded their clips, to make it appear they hadn’t fired their weapons. Guns were ditched, or switched. The armory checkout records for G Troop, the soldiers who did most of the slaughter, vanished. There was no way to ascertain who fired what weapon, or what soldier shot what student.

Almost all the shooters lied on their incident reports and insisted they had not fired. Later, most lied to the FBI, a felony for which they were not prosecuted. Within hours, all the shooters adopted the same defense.

“We thought we were about to be overrun. We felt our lives were in danger. We had no choice.”

They weren’t about to be overrun. Few of the 50 remaining protestors were anywhere near them when they fired. Most were the length of a football field away. The Guardsmen were in no danger at all. And they definitely had a choice.

The FBI also noted that it was obvious the shooters had quickly consulted attorneys and reached a group decision on what their defense was. Fifty-one years later, the surviving shooters still stick to that defense.

From Columbus, Gen. Del Corso, the reckless and reactionary leader of the National Guard, insisted a student sniper, firing from a rooftop, had caused the Guardsmen to fire in self defense. Del Corso and Gov. Rhodes were convinced the students were armed. They weren’t. It would be 3 months before the FBI stated unequivocally, “There was no sniper.”

Immediately after the massacre, Guard officers ordered 100 soldiers, some seen here, to fan out over the area and collect evidence, completely contaminating the shooting scene beyond hope. Shell casings were collected, some of which disappeared.

The soldiers were also ordered to round up all the projectiles that were thrown at them, mostly large driveway gravel from student parking lots. Instead, the soldiers went all over campus, especially to the construction area where the new library was being built, and out into surrounding city neighborhoods, and collected a fearsome array of “evidence” : bricks, concrete blocks, lumber, pieces of steel rebar, garden boulders that the school shotputter couldn’t have heaved, etc. Gen. Canterbury insisted a fire hydrant had been thrown at him! An average hydrant weighs 300 lbs.! In the photo here, soldiers are marking as evidence a bit of pine branch. Some “weapon”!

This was all displayed on long tables in a campus building and shown to the skeptical press. The FBI later threw out most of this “evidence.”

Capt. Snyder of the 145th Infantry, however, produced a pistol, which he says he found on the body of Jeff Miller. Along with a blackjack, just for good measure. He hadn’t. The untraceable gun belonged to Snyder, a county deputy by day. So did the blackjack.

It would be FOUR YEARS before Snyder admitted he planted the gun on a dead boy.

In a comment below his original post, with an accompanying photo, he says:
The “shocking” display of weaponry pulled from dorm rooms by county deputies, under orders from Prosecutor Ron Kane.

Baseball bats, hunting knives, fish knives, a decorative samurai sword, a couple decorative flintlock pistols, a starter’s gun, a few BB guns, art supplies mistaken for weapons, etc.

Reporters were less than impressed.

Plus the usual amount of drugs you’d expect to find, mostly pot. Some pills, which turned out to be legit prescriptions, and syringes, singled out by Kane as proof of heroin use, but which turned out to belong to diabetics.

Unfortunately for him, Kane had neglected to secure search warrants for this search. A judge quickly threw out charges.

Except one, because there was ONE crime. A deputy had stolen cash he found in the rooms. A humiliated Kane slunk away.

Their names were Allison Krause (19), Jeffrey Miller (20), Sandra Scheuer (20), and William Schroeder (19). Scheuer and Schroeder were not protesting at all, they were just observing from a few hundred feet away during a break between classes. Miller and Kraus and their friends were running away from the Guard when they were shot. Nine others were reported to be injured.


* * * * *


Biden gave his State of the Union address, which I didn’t watch, but apparently the Republicans managed to put on a display that made me think, “You know, it’s not just breaking government they’re up to, it’s being willing to make even themselves look like a bunch of trashy rowdies to make sure no one respects government at all.” On the Dem side, though, Rashida Tlaib gave the progressive response and creepy spiv Josh Gottheimer gave the Quisling response, and Charlie Pierce says she was the only one who told the truth, when she said, “No one fought harder for President Biden’s agenda than progressives. We rallied with our supporters, held town halls in our communities, engaged new people, and we even played hardball in Congress. But two forces stood in the way: A Republican Party that serves only the rich and powerful, and just enough corporate-backed Democratic obstructionists to help them succeed.” Says Pierce, “It is incontrovertible that they supported the president’s agenda and the Problem Solvers made only problems for it. And none of this had anything to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop.” Scott Lemieux deals with the reaction to Tlaib in “Josh Gottheimer trying to find the guy who did thisAxios is once again giving a platform to Democratic centrists to whine about colleagues who actually support Biden’s agenda: ‘Centrist House Democrats are unloading on Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) for her plan to give a response to President Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. ‘It’s like keying your own car and slashing your own tires,’ Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) told Axios.’ There is, in fact, a small group of Democrats who are repeatedly keying the car and slashing the tires of the Biden administration, and Gottheimer is their ringleader: […] It’s just amazing that the Problem Creation Caucus is still trying to blame others when they’ve gotten their way. Their top priority was passed. They refuse to pass the top progressive priority, including its most popular elements. They have no further ideas but tax cuts for the affluent and no positive message at all. To the extent that the midterms go worse than expected, it hangs on them, and trying to blame the Squad is just pathetic. 

Biden’s Big Chance to Lower Drug PricesA decision on whether to open a costly cancer drug to generic competition will be made shortly. It doesn’t require congressional approval. […] Xtandi was invented due to grants from the U.S. Army and the NIH; all three of its patents disclose those funders. In the case of publicly developed drugs, under the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 the government has so-called ‘march-in rights’ to effectively extinguish such patents if the drug is not being distributed on ‘reasonable terms.’ After that, generic companies could market their versions and create competition on price. Activists, public-health experts, and patients have urged the government to use march-in rights on Xtandi, which is owned by a Japanese pharmaceutical conglomerate named Astellas. (Through an acquisition, Pfizer owns half of the U.S. market for the drug, where it and Astellas share costs and profits.) The advocates’ argument is that charging U.S. patients significantly more than patients in other high-income countries for the same drug is in fact unreasonable. On January 10, the NIH said it would complete an initial review on how to proceed within a month. A decision is expected imminently.” Will he do it? The politics here are all about money. Some of the very people who are in the decision loop are patent-holders getting big royalties. “However, Love believes that ultimately, HHS and the president will decide the fate of the petition. The hope of activists is that using march-in once will discourage other drug companies that used federal grants (which is the overwhelming majority of them) from pricing their products high.

Judge orders new trial for US woman sentenced to six years for trying to register to votePamela Moses released from prison after Guardian revealed new evidence in case that was not produced at trial. A Memphis judge has ordered a new trial for Pamela Moses, a woman who was sentenced to six years in prison for trying to register to vote. The case attracted national attention following a Guardian report, because of the severity of the sentence. Moses said she had no idea she was ineligible. Moses has been in prison since December, when her bond was revoked. On Thursday, the Guardian revealed new evidence in the case that was not produced at trial. Moses was released from custody on Friday, according to Claiborne Ferguson, her attorney.

I’m trying to avoid the whole Trump/January 6th story, but there’s some stuff at TPM that makes me feel even more disgusted with Obama for nominating Garland.

Documents Reveal Identities Of Three EPA Officials Who Downplayed Chemical HazardsAll three officials have played a significant role in pressuring scientists to dismiss the risks posed by products the EPA is assessing, according to whistleblowers. […] The first complaint, filed in June, explained that all four whistleblowers experienced having chemical hazards they identified — including developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, mutagenicity, and/or carcinogenicity — removed from assessments. According to a complaint they submitted to the EPA inspector general in early August, the whistleblowers met with opposition from all three named officials in their effort to accurately account for exposure to certain chemicals. On one occasion, according to the complaint, Stedeford revised a report, changing a finding of neurotoxicity after speaking to a representative of the company that made the chemical. Another of their complaints, submitted to the inspector general in late August, described Camacho as deleting hazards from an assessment without the permission of the scientist who worked on it to make the chemical seem less hazardous. And in a complaint filed with the inspector general in November, the whistleblowers documented the case of a chemical used in paint, caulk, ink, and other products that posed health risks, including the risk of cancer. In the latter case, a risk assessor noted the hazards in the assessment, but Henry changed the document to say that the ‘EPA did not identify risk’ for the chemical.

Andrew Bacevich at The Boston Globe, “US can’t absolve itself of responsibility for Putin’s Ukraine invasionThe conflict renders a judgment on post-Cold War US policy. That policy has now culminated in a massive diplomatic failure. […] By casually meddling in Ukrainian politics in recent years, the United States has effectively incited Russia to undertake its reckless invasion. Putin richly deserves the opprobrium currently being heaped on him. But US policy has been both careless and irresponsible.

Saudi-Russia Collusion Is Driving Up Gas Prices — and Worsening Ukraine CrisisA spat between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Biden is pushing gas prices ever higher. It started under Obama. As Russia ordered troops into Ukraine on Monday, gas prices soared to their highest levels in over seven years. While the media focuses on the conflict in Ukraine, a major cause of the gas price spike has gone overlooked: Moscow’s partnership with Saudi Arabia has grown dramatically in recent years, granting the two largest oil producers in the world the unprecedented ability to collude in oil export decisions. The desert kingdom’s relationship with the U.S. has chilled in the meantime, as demonstrated earlier this month, when President Joe Biden pleaded with the Saudis to increase oil production — a move that would not only have helped to alleviate rising inflation and gas prices, but also reduced Russia’s extravagant profits amid its aggression against Ukraine. The Saudi king declined. The Saudi and Russian relationship has blossomed under Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose first formal meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin took place in the summer of 2015. MBS pursued the meeting after then-President Barack Obama declined to meet with him, The Intercept has learned from two sources with knowledge of the matter who were granted anonymity to describe sensitive discussions.

Taibbi, “Putin the Apostate […] For anyone expecting me to be outraged about this — I am, after all, almost daily denounced as a Putin-lover and apologist, so surely I must want the Great Leader to stay in power forever — I have to disappoint. If Vladimir Putin were captured tomorrow and fired into space, I wouldn’t bat an eye. I would like to point out that we already tried regime change in Russia. I remember, because I was there. And, thanks to a lot of lurid history that’s being scrubbed now with furious intensity, it ended with Vladimir Putin in power. Not as an accident, or as the face of a populist revolt against Western influence — that came later — but precisely because we made a long series of intentional decisions to help put him there.

‘A Game-Changer’: Defying Big Pharma, WHO Expands Vaccine Tech Sharing” ‘The pharmaceutical system is being remade from the ground up by lower- and middle-income countries,’ said one public health campaigner. The World Health Organization on Wednesday announced it is expanding its mRNA technology transfer efforts to five additional countries as it works to bolster coronavirus vaccine manufacturing in the Global South, an initiative that seeks to overcome persistent obstruction from the pharmaceutical industry and rich nations.

The Factory Town Poll […] If Democrats can’t start to do better in these counties, the Blue Wall will soon be history, and old swing states like Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio, will become as deep a shade of red as West Virginia, another Factory-Town dominated state that used to be part of the Democratic coalition. […] It is true (and no surprise) that Factory Town voters are not very happy with the Democratic Party. Democrats have a serious challenge in rebuilding a positive connection with these voters; they trail the Republicans in ratings on who handles many of the issues better; and it won’t change overnight. But the basis of that negativity is less about woke language and identity politics than it is about a feeling that, in the midst of hard times for their communities, they have been abandoned and ignored by Democrats. Democrats’ biggest problems with these voters are that they are seen as weak, ineffective, and lacking an economic plan that will make people’s lives better. […] Another big clue that it is economics that is central to winning these voters back is that the issues that voters mention as their top concern: the rising cost of living, jobs, and the economy, the rising cost of health care are their top concerns, all mentioned by more than 20% of voters. Considerably lower are the classic Republican culture war wedge issues: immigration, crime, and moral values, none mentioned by more than 13% of the voters.

A story for our times when the company that carries digital versions of some newspapers decides to announce it’s making them free to people in Ukraine and five days later the sites are victims of a cyber attack.

Washington Post/ABC poll asks a question from an alternate universeWould you rather see the next Congress controlled by the (Republicans, to act as a check on Biden), or controlled by the (Democrats, to support Biden’s agenda)?

Charity Can’t Fix What Neoliberalism Has BrokenA British bus company recently reversed its plans to cut a bus route, but only after a wealthy local offered to fund it himself. A decent society can’t rely on wealthy do-gooders to save public services.

Matt Stoller: “Forget the macho hawkish bleating, here’s how the West directly helped Russia invading Ukraine. First, we refused to invest in renewable energy FOR DECADES. Second, we turned the USSR into an oligarchy. Third, we made a world safe for those oligarchs. Fourth, we expanded NATO. The end of the Cold War was like the end of World War II, only instead of savvy New Deal strategists who thought ‘let’s help the vanquished rebuild’ we had Larry Summers and Andrei Shleifer who thought ‘now’s a good moment to rob and steal.’

RIP: “Autherine Lucy Foster dies at 92Autherine Lucy Foster, the first Black student to attend the University of Alabama in 1956, has died at 92 years old. The news comes less than a week after the University dedicated the College of Education building in her honor. At the dedication ceremony on Feb. 25, the state of Alabama granted her the title of master teacher, which will never be awarded again.

The Impoverishing Myth of White Privilege […] When these poor whites arrived in the Americas, their masters continued these ruthless traditions. Whenever they got the chance, these white slaves, and their non-white counterparts, would runaway. The vast size of the Americas, combined with the extreme ethnic and linguistic diversity, made it impossible to tell who was a runaway slave, and who was not. Prosperous communities of former slaves of all ethnic and religious backgrounds emerged across the New World. This was a great thing for runaway slaves, not so great for the ‘landowners’ hoping to benefit from forced labor. After yet another rebellion where a coalition of ethnic groups fought to toss off the chains of colonial oppression, the ruling elite invented race to stabilize the system. Skin color of course existed before this, but there were no ideas of united races. An individual was Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Akan, Mohawk, Yoruba, etc. In this new system, those of African descent were placed at the very bottom of society to pacify white slaves who made up the majority of the forced laborers. White slaves continued living in horrid conditions, but now had someone to look down upon.

A Field Guide To The ‘Weapons’ Of Hostile Architecture In NYCEarlier this month, Ya-Ting Liu was walking through Fulton Street Station when she noticed something different. The domed transportation hub in Lower Manhattan, which opened in 2014, has been praised by architecture and public space enthusiasts for its airy and light-filled design surrounded by glass and an oculus skylight. Liu, who commutes to work in Manhattan, particularly liked the low ledges by the tall windows which look out onto the streetscape. She would often come there to sit when she was in between meetings or looking for a place to take a call. But on that day, she saw that a row of steel stanchions had been installed to rope off the area. A former student of urban planning, Liu knew exactly what was going on: it was an example of ‘hostile’ architecture or design that is meant to discourage lingering and other types of public behaviors.” That would be infuriating all by itself, of course, but it’s also ugly and gives the place a look of being under construction or something. (It’s not just happening in NY, of course. Years ago I corresponded with my MP about this when the seating at a local station took an uncomfortable upward turn that made it as tiring to sit as to stand. The claim was that it was meant to discourage people sleeping on the public benches, but since you only had to cross the track to the Jubilee Line platform to find benches that were flat and spacious, this didn’t seem to make much sense – especially since my train had a lot longer wait between.)

I’m all for recycling but I never expected roads to be surfaced by used diapers.

From 2013: “Study: Politicians think voters are way more conservative than they actually are: “A new working paper published this week by two political science graduate students may help explain why Americans’ faith in Congress has dipped to historic lows: Politicians tend to vastly overestimate just how conservative their constituents really are.

Why People Born 1955-1964 Aren’t Baby BoomersOde to Generation Jones: punks, yuppies, but never hippies.”

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Full Concert – 11/03/91 – Golden Gate Park


Wichita East students walk out to protest anti-trans legislation

Thanks to Ali for the link.   

This is what terrifies the fundamentalists and right wing.   The acceptance and normalizing of kids / people who are not straight and not cis.  Schools have long taught kids to get along with each other and to not bully those who are different.  But republicans in red states want to change that teaching of acceptance and tolerance so they pass don’t say gay bills and anti-woke bills which simply mean get all representation of LGBTQ+ kids out of schools, libraries, and keep kids off social media.  It means stopping positive representations of LGBTQ+ people and stopping anti-bullying programs.  It means making LGBTQ+ kids targets of hate, anger, and labeling them as not normal.  It is othering them so they can be mistreated.   This is what it was like in the regressive past these older legislatures and fundamentalist religious leaders desperately want back.  These people want a straight cis Christian world only, no one else will be allowed.   Since these laws passed attacks on LGBTQ+ kids in schools and people in general have risen quickly.  It is a green light to thug gang rule.  Luckily the old kids won’t accept the intolerance and hate, but sadly it is working on the younger new students in schools.  They are being taught to hate and not accept the ones who feel different.   We have to stop these laws and reverse them.  Please help get the word out.  Please keep speaking up in support.  The haters and religious people on the other side are driven, they won’t stop, they will fight hard.  We have to also fight back as hard, and be louder than they are.   Hugs.  Scottie  Is the link to the video.

Wichita East high schoolers used their first amendment rights and walked out of class Tuesday to stand up for transgender youth rights. 


Dozens of Wichita East students made their voices heard at a walkout in protest of a piece of anti-trans legislation that bans minors from receiving gender affirming care. That piece of legislation is Senate Bill 233, and has already received approval from the Kansas House and Senate. 


“This will cause suffering that cannot be overstated. This will cause suffering,” said sophomore Juan Carlos Garcia. 


Garcia spoke up at the protest, to tell his peers about the importance of gender affirming care. 


“I have hope that those I love and those that need it will get their treatment. I hope that they will feel comfortable and I know if this bill is passed then they won’t be able to,” said Garcia.


Miles Wilson organized the protest, and he shared his experience as a person in the transgender community. 








“I thought I would not make it past 14, but I am 17 now,” said Miles Wilson, junior at East. 


The students discussed how validating gender affirming care was, and in a world without gender affirming care, many believe that would lead to an increase of youth trans suicide. 


“I hope that people learn that the students of East High are not going to stand for discrimination and oppression and we support the trans community and the cis kids here stand in solidarity  with the trans community and the trans community here will not sit back and let people oppress us,” said Wilson. 


The bill that started the protest is currently sitting on Governor Kelly’s desk awaiting approval or veto. 


After chanting, holding signs, and having a great discussion, the students said the walk out was a success. 


“We deserve to feel safe in our bodies, we deserve autonomy. We deserve happiness, we deserve to grow up,” said Wilson.

Trans Kids Are Fighting for Their Rights in Texas

I want to thank Barry for sending me the link to this video.  Best wishes friend.  Scottie.

The video is about the politically driven fight to end trans care in Texas for minors and adults.  And how it is affecting four trans families and others.   In it you will hear false claims made about chopping off little boys penises which is not happening, but no mention of breast augmentation and nose jobs for teenage girls.  You will hear claims made that are misinformation, lies, and myths.  The goal is to create a straight cis fundamentalist Christian republican society ruled by men, and to do this they use the claims of saving the children to rile up the base and muddy the water to get more votes.  They don’t care who they hurt in the process, they wouldn’t even allow current minors on puberty blockers and hormones to be weaned off or to continue treatment.  This is not about the health of children as Texas did not accept summer food assistance for poor people, they did not do anything about school shootings and gun control, they did not increase child health care at all they only removed the medically accepted best practices for gender nonconforming kids.  Hugs.  Scottie

When Texas lawmakers introduce a record number of anti-trans bills, transgender kids and their families from across the state converge on the Capitol to fight back.

My spine shots (epidural steroid injection)

I take epidural steroid injections in between my steroid muscle injections.   It is a hard choice for me.   I have weird bones; in some places they grow too thick. in other places my bones are way too thin.   I try to limit the spine ones until I cannot stand the pain and must do it because they are so painful.  I have had to have three in the last 4 months.   This time was the most painful epidural I have ever had.  It was the first time I have ever cried out on the table.  I was struggling so hard not to move despite the pain.  Remember I take 2 kinds of morphine and muscle relaxers at the maximum dose allowed by the state of Florida, along with 800 milligrams of Ibuprofen.  I used to take stronger ones before state legislators felt they knew more than my doctors.  

First I waited more than an hour and a half before the doctor actually came into the room.  They are horribly understaffed, and the state of Florida makes providing pain relief care as impossible as possible.  Everything from restricting medication to requiring frequent visits, which means more costs for the poor people needing the service.  I used to go every three months, get my medications prescriptions.  I now must go every two months and my medications are restricted causing me to be in even more pain.   Since the next pain medication level for me is Fentanyl and I talked to my doctor again today and told him I am very scared of it.  I need more pain relief, but he understood.   He thought there might be one kind of muscle relaxer that might help me more.   I am already on maybe the most powerful one that the state will let them give me at the max dosage.  I was on one that worked great and helped me a lot but again the state legislatures make it illegal for doctors to prescribe it in their attempt by republicans to look tough on drug crime. So he changed that medication after he gave me the shots.

Back to today’s procedure.   I got there and checked in.  I have been going there so long I am very friendly with the check in and check out people.  I talked at length with (name redacted … out of respect for others, I won’t use their names.) the check in woman.  Because I really genuinely care about people, I often get in to conversations and become very friendly with people I interact with.  I noticed she seemed tired and bothered, so asked her if she was OK, was she sleeping Ok.  She told me no.  She had another death in her friendship circle.   She has suffered that a lot over the last year with many deaths of close friends and family.  A friend of the hers had been walking at night, got hit by a car that did not stop to check what they hit and simply called the police to say they thought they hit something.   An ambulance crew found the man just in time, he had to be resuscitated and returned to life, but he is in critical care.  She, her husband, and some friends went out and found some of his stuff but by the locations of his things including parts of his bracelets he was hit hard and maybe dragged.   She couldn’t sleep because her mind wouldn’t disengage and let her sleep.   Boy do I know that.  So I let her talk and express her fears.  I expressed my deep well hopes and well wishes.  It doesn’t take being religious to care or empathize with others.  

After being in the waiting room for a while which I think was not too long, I read some news, posted a few news stories, read some of my books on my tablet I was called in.  

I was not given the normal check in where they do your weight and your medications, so I had to make sure that my restricted medications were reapproved.  As I talked with the woman doing this I complimented her on her purple colored hair.  It was clear she struggled to grow hair and she tried to make the hair she had stand out, so she was delighted to talk to me about the color.  I told her I thought it was great, that I loved the color, which was the truth. I enjoy people exploring being different.  It shows personality and style.  She was delighted and happy.    I waited in that room a bit over an hour.  

Now many might be upset with the time I waited, and it is not right to make patients do that.   But the truth is, it is not the doctors and providers making us wait.  It is the constant need for more profit by corporations.   It was not like this before my doctors were forced to sell to a large health company in California.  They are always pushed to do more, see more patients, and always short on staff.   While I understand that people who work cannot tolerate such waits, most of those in my condition don’t work so our time is our own, so we can give it when we need to.  The only problem I had was the sitting in their chairs was painful, so I had to stand, sit, readjust, and so forth to deal with it.  

Short side note.  One time I was there I waited more than an hour.  My normal provider I love and have followed to every office she moved to was covering for three providers.  She was running an hour behind because of this.   This is the same woman who is the only doctor who gives me a hug both when coming in and when leaving.  She knows the most I have ever told any doctor of my abuse, and I needed to because she noticed the self-abuse on my arms.  When she opened the door to my exam room, I heard a woman come out into the hallway and yell at her / everyone that she had been there almost an hour and shouted abusive language demanding to be seen.  My favored normal provider is elderly, she had already gone to semi retirement of only part-time, she stays simply because she is like me, she cares. She had returned to full time to cover for a fellow ARNP who had gone out on pregnancy leave.  She told the woman the situation yet when she came into my room she was visibly shaken and stressed.  I told her immediately to take a few minutes to decompress and relax, as I was not in a hurry.  She smiled, relaxed and we hugged.  That is what it means to see others as people, as humans like yourself, to accept and acknowledge their needs.

Back to this morning.  When the young man … so many people in professions are to me these days.   Young I mean.  I followed him.  I had to remind him I couldn’t walk fast as he raced into the room, but he came out and apologized and told me to take my time.  As it happened, I had a lot of time.  He got stuff ready; I took the stuff out of my pants pockets along with taking off my glasses, put my hair in a ponytail, and he told me I could get up on the table.  Damn if I knew it was going to be another thirty minutes I would have waited as the table is painful for me.  He went out twice to check on the doctor and said the person the doctor was seeing must have lots of questions.  I told him that was OK as I appreciate it when the doctors / providers take their time with me.  There is simply no way to do the 10 minute visits the corporations demand to increase profits and give decent care to those in need.  

Side note.  After this doctor sold his practice which was required because a large hospital system screwed them out of 8 months of billing hours, the new company required him to see non-spine shot patients between each shot patient, plus do all the medications needing physician sign offs that day.  He seriously almost runs from room to room.  Yet once in the room he gives his all to the patient.  It is what drew me to his practice in the first place, he is like me, we truly and really care about people.  

And in true fashion, that same doctor gave me the time and attention to address my needs.  But this is the first time I ever cried out when given the spine shot.  I have had a lot of these, I knew the drill.  Plus, I am used to pain.  First from childhood abuse and in later years with my body failing, which my first orthopedic surgeon blamed on the trauma done to my body / bones from that abuse.  I never told him of my abuse but by my scans he already knew.  I am paying every day for what was done to me so long ago.

So when the doctor put the numbing agent in, I was prepared for the pain, the sharp sting.   But what followed next was more than I was used to.  My injections seem to be in three parts but that maybe just how I feel them.   First is the sting of the needle to inject a numbing agent.  Then the second needle to drive the guide needle into the spot.  Those are painful on an increasing scale, the stinging needle I handle easily, the guide channel is really painful but I bear it without moving, I have had a lot of experience doing that in my life.  Then comes the largest syringe of medications.  I get to see them draw it up, it is a mixture of at least two different stuff.  

This time when he put the guide in it was really painful, but I took it.  As I said I have known pain all my life.  He is the kind of doctor that seems to feel your pain and discomfort and talks you through it.   I told him I understood how important it was to remain still and not tense up. Like I said, I get these a lot.  He told me the nerves were really inflamed.    But when he went to put the medication in … The pain was horribly crashing over me and increasing.  For the first time I cried out, saying “flocks” as I desperately tried to stay still.  Every part of my body demanded I move and it took all the will power I had to stay there and let it happen instead of trying to run away.    The doctor was talking to me trying to explain why this time was so much worse than the others, but I was struggling to hear / understand him.  I again cried out “Oh good golly miss Molly” Seems the nerves in that spot were extremely frayed / inflamed.  It felt like he had inserted a golf ball into my spine.  When I said that the Doctor agreed with me and offered me comfort. 

As to the choice of words to cry out.  I am not normally a vulgar person, I had enough of that growing up.  While I don’t believe in bad words per say I know others do.  Even in great pain I tend to use the words I like to express it.   After all that is what curse words are, our expressions.  

Being the great caring doctor he is he did not rush out of the room to his next patient.   He talked to me, made sure I was OK, we returned to the conversation I had with him the last time he gave me shots.  We had been talking about my muscle issues and he even took the time to go back into my chart to find a new medication that might help me.  When I told him how painful the two muscles along the side of my spine would get and then told him they were not so painful today as normal, he kept asking me about it.  I described how they can get as raised as my fists and as hard.  What I did not realize is like the last time he gave me spine shots he mentioned how swollen they were, they were also swollen this morning.  I just get so use to the pain I don’t realize how mind numbing bad it is.   As I said he took the time to go through my chart and look at my medications and prescribed the only one left he thinks will help. 


I was in so much pain I could hardly drive home.  I had to have Ron help me into the house.  This morning, Tuesday, my leg muscles are so sore from me tensing on the table during the procedure that I can hardly walk.   I will take it easy today.  Ron just took the bandage off my back and he says that the needle mark / hole is really big.  Hugs.  Scottie

White-opia – The MAGA Secession Paradise!

For all the Trump fans who keep talking about seceding from the US – this is the way….

Some old ones I won’t get to do long posts on.

Mighty Christian of this first one.  Good old republican Christian concern and caring.  Hugs.  Scottie

Read the full article.
The bill’s author, state Sen. Jay Trumbull, previously appeared here for his successful bill allowing medical professionals to refuse to treat LGBTQ patients. Last year, he authored a bill allowing businesses to sue to block local LGBTQ rights ordinances and other regulations.
Of note, the lead attorney in the lawsuit is Roberta Kaplan, who is best known to most as E. Jean Carroll’s attorney. Kaplan was also Edith Windsor’s attorney in the landmark Supreme Court ruling on DOMA.
Read the full article. Per the report, Jackson continues to call himself a retired admiral even though he was demoted to captain.
This is quite a story and as you’d expect a portion of their ideology centers against LGBTQ people.

OK with this first batch I am trying to reduce the 74 posts window I have open.  I have to start shrinking these windows.  That means I can not go deep in depth on each thing I think is important to share.  So for a few days I am going to shotgun a bunch of older stuff out.  Do I expect everyone to read all of them?   NO!  What I hope is people see story titles that interest them, open them, and follow the story which is what I do.  So expect a few more of these as I clear out old tabs.  Hugs.  Scottie

DeSantis Gets Bill Requiring Permit To Sleep In Public

By my dogs that love gravy they are talking concentration / prison type encampments surrounded by guards with prison like rules.  Basically no freedoms that all adults enjoy.  Plus the Republican Party is seriously going all in that homelessness harms home values and harms tourism / the attractiveness of the state for businesses / people moving to the state.  Those conditions, funded by the counties, include clean restrooms, running water, security on premises and bans on drugs and alcohol. They must also be located in places that don’t impact the value of nearby properties.   The legislation accords with a stated desire of the Governor to have camps with restrictions on what occupants can do and “help” available, in efforts to include what he has called “judicial scrutiny.”    DeathSantis has long wanted to institutionalize that he terms undesirables.   Right now it starts with the homeless, but soon who else is going to be put in camps or other style forced confinement?  The poor?  Trans people?  The entire LGBTQIA?  What about those who don’t follow the correct and proper god?  Like all these culture war type laws it is deliberately written very vaguely so that it can be interpreted as strongly as the most extreme person would want to take it.  The same vagueness held true for how a homeless person would get a permit for outdoor camping.   Basically the law gives permission / compelling these localities to round up the homeless and put them somewhere.   Detain them, jail them, just hide them from the good more well off people of society.  One last thing.  This was written by a right wing think tank, it is legislation they want to use in every red state.  Just like the anti-trans laws / don’t say gay laws Florida will be the test place to see if it will pass, because Florida is run by a crazy maga governor.   If it passes here, they will try pushing it everywhere.  Democratic Sen. Jason Pizzo, who contended Tuesday that a “think tank” wrote the legislation.   Hugs.  Scottie


Florida Politics reports:

The Senate has passed a House bill creating a new financial obligation on localities by banning homeless people from sleeping in public, setting the stage for a Gov. Ron DeSantis priority becoming law.

The measure from Rep. Sam Garrison (HB 1365), passed by a 27-12 vote after being substituted for the Senate version, would ban counties and municipalities from permitting public sleeping or public camping on public property without explicit permission, compelling these localities to round up the homeless and put them somewhere.

The Governor, who has suggested institutionalization should be brought back, said mental health help for the unhoused is “important,” but that he didn’t want “Sodom and Gomorrah” style homeless camps.

Read the full article.

Well they are building and funding more for profit prisons. You need people in those prisons in order to make money. Problem solved.

Democrats: People are living on the street. We need to build affordable housing.

Republicans: People are living on the street. My wealthy donors don’t like seeing poor people in public. Homeless people need a permit to be homeless. If they can’t pay the fine, toss them into one of the many for-profit prisons owned by my wealthy donors.

Caitlyn Jenner’s suggestion was to bus them out to the desert and have them camp there, instead of near the beaches.
No food, no water, no sanitation, but hey, they’re homeless. I guess they’ll adapt somehow?

Republicans want to do this to trans people. She thinks she’ll be okay because she’s rich.

Ron says mental health help is “important,” but weirdly he has not seen fit to fund it.

““Sodom and Gomorrah” style homeless camps”

That sounds simultaneously fun and biblical, a rare combo.

I fully understand that sodomy comes from Sodom, and I understand what sodomy is. But what do we get from Gomorrah? Gomorrahmy? And what the hell is that.

Mr. DeSantis, from me, fuck you,
The only difference between Nazi Germany an Florida, is the weather.

I hope his last sound is a scream

Got to keep those private prisons full. At least the homeless will get food and a roof.

Only for mandatory labor. No labor, you get only a single bowl of oatmeal once a day. He can please his constituents by bringing back literal slavery.

So, living on the street becomes a crime that will lead to one losing their freedom. They will be shocked when the read the headlines about a mass casualty shooting incident when law enforcement went to enforce this law.

Think they will go after the rich white kids passed out drunk, sleeping in public, during spring break?

Of course not. However, the number of highway patrol officers assigned to the Spring Break week is increased, in order to keep the- ahem – darker elements away.

Or this: (from Mock Paper Scissors)


It should also be a crime for assholes pretending to be taller by wearing 5 inch lifts.
I can hardly wait for the day when Bootsy and his never ending cruelty comes to a very painful end.

“…compelling these localities to round up the homeless and put them somewhere.”

But, apparently, that “somewhere” must be on private property which would have to be compensated by the state local government. See, pro-business. /s

The law applies to all equally. Rich man and poor man alike must have a permit to sleep in public.

It’s a famous quote, satirizing the purported “equality”.


Some short videos about trans kids and the harrasment and troubles they face. Anti-trans laws / hater parents do not help

Due to not feeling well and the number of videos, even though they are short so are in foreign languages so I had to use the CC for those, so it took almost a week and a half to watch these and post them.  So I did not include because it caused me to trigger, like the ones where parents beat their gender nonconforming children, to make them be the gender they were assigned at birth.  That is like trying to beat the gay out of a kid, you can scare them into hiding it but you can’t make it go way or change it.  I simply wanted to give those that don’t understand trans kids or trans people a way to see what it is these people are dealing with.  Maybe it will change some people from being haters to being trans supporters.   It only take a few people to believe in a LGBTQIA persons worth to make a huge difference in their lives, maybe even save a life.  I hope people will take their time and watch the videos as I did, a few at a time over how ever long you wish.   If you watch only one, please watch the first one where a trans hater learns that the trans neighbor she like was trans, and well she learned and grew.   Hugs.  Scottie

Get Off My Turf! is a short film about a transgender woman who finds out that her neighbour is transphobic. The film delves into some of the modern depictions of transphobia and explores friendship, solidarity and conflict between two very different women.
SYNOPSIS: Clara is a girl who cannot show herself as she is. There is something that can control her, and forces her to live under a name and appearance that are not real. “I’m not him” will show the harsh reality to which transgender children like Clara are exposed, as well as the strength they have to move forward.
“A trans boy struggles with dysphoria and anxiety as he contemplates a night out with friends.”

So for my theater class, our final was to create a short film. I decided to do a film about a female to male transgender teen. I apologize for the binder, it’s really bad. I didn’t own a real binder. Ignore that please. I hope you enjoy it.
This short documentary about transgender ftm boys was created to bring more awareness to the transgender community. We don’t personally know any mtf transgender girls so please no controversy over the subject. We own all rights to this film except the music, the quote, and the statistic. This is the first film that we’ve produced and we plan on creating more shorts. We hope you enjoy it!! *** The music on this one got louder than the voices, so I turned the sound off and used the CC. Hugs. Scottie ***
A trans themed short film, created by an all trans cast production team. On remote northern Iceland two strangers connect and realize they have a lot more in common than previously assumed.
Young and Trans. Watch this powerful short film challenging the stigma of what it means to be trans today. Let’s come together for a brighter future.
We have been filming transgender boy Kai since he was 9 years old. In this film, Kai is 14 and reflects on coming out and taking hormone blockers. We also hear from Alex, 18 who is also trans and has started taking testosterone. Kai meets with Tayler, 19 and they both visit the Museum of Transology, where founder E-J Scott gives them a tour.

This is 5 years of a 10 year project, filming Kai, as part of a wave of trans youth, who have been given the best opportunity in life, never having to go through ‘the wrong puberty’.

My Genderation is an ongoing film project focusing on trans lives and trans experiences. All our content is created by trans people, about trans people, for a much wider audience. Currently run by Fox Fisher and Owl Fisher.
Come As You Are follows Theo, a transgender female in a conservative household. This film is dedicated to the God of love, regardless of who you are or where you come from
Featuring young trans actors in trans roles, ‘Listen’ honestly and frankly depicts some of the myriad struggles experienced daily by trans children and teenagers, giving a much needed voice to this often maligned section of the community.