41 tabs

It is 7:30, so it is after the agreement I made to stop blogging and do fun stuff I enjoy.  Halo!  Or watch a movie.  Ron doesn’t care which, he just thinks nonstop from waking up around 4 am until I got to bed exhausted fighting the online news cycles is harmful to me.  I just checked.  I put 41 open tabs in the cue for tomorrow when I restart the computer.  That is along with two other windows, one not important but the other is from one of the abuse survivor sites I belong to and has a lot of open tabs that I simply can not find it in my self to read and deal with.   Those people wrote those to try to excise the same demons / feelings I have.   I want to honor them by reading them, as I hope people read mine.   But I can only handle so many, so much.  Kids who were abused as I was never had a voice, now that we have found one I think people should listen.  There are 19 open tabs of fellow child abuse survivors I have not been able to get my self to open yet.  I will carry their stories forward to tomorrow when hopefully I will be able to read a few of their stories, their cries.  Before shutting down on that and the new stories will join the cue for the next tomorrow.   As will the daily news of atrocities of man towards man and the hate towards my kind, the LGBTQIA.  Good night and hugs.  For those that feel hugs uncomfortable and I understand that, you have my very best wishes.    Scottie

A Return to Morality

Wonderful comic on the religious rights new golden child’s take over of the house.   Be afraid, be very afraid but more importantly fight back and stop this return to the 18th century.   Hugs

NBC NEWS: ‘Deny, deny, deny’: By rejecting claims, Medicare Advantage plans threaten rural hospitals and patients, CEOs say

‘Deny, deny, deny’: By rejecting claims, Medicare Advantage plans threaten rural hospitals and patients, CEOs say
Medicare Advantage plans “are taking over Medicare and they are taking advantage of elderly patients,” said the CEO of one Mississippi facility.

Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ATSKdGD73TOypNuzlgYlJig

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Bloodiest prison in the US’: children detained in Louisiana’s An gola prison allege abuses

‘Bloodiest prison in the US’: children detained in Louisiana’s Angola prison allege abuses
Juvenile prisoners were routinely punished by fellow inmates at the ‘Alcatraz of the south’, according to a new lawsuit

Read in The Guardian: https://apple.news/AHfuV1X0lRE6_vyohR75aQQ

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

FOX WEATHER: Halloween arctic blast to plummet temperatures to freezing in every state except Florida

Halloween arctic blast to plummet temperatures to freezing in every state except Florida
An outbreak of arctic air that will grow through the first half of Halloween week promises to send temperatures to their lowest levels since the spring across much of the U.S., with parts of every state except for Florida reaching the freezing point.

Read in FOX Weather: https://apple.news/AKmWtOIM4S8-HE6R0mUTdPQ

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

THE WASHINGTON POST: Trial to begin for ex-officer in case tied to Breonna Taylor’s killing

Trial to begin for ex-officer in case tied to Breonna Taylor’s killing
Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by Louisville, Ky., police during a raid on her apartment in March 2020

Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A2hIOpkXHTVycCobiO3n7yA

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

As Barry reminded me these articles are behind paywalls now.   I hate that.  But here are links to the story from other sources.  Thanks to Barry.  Hugs.  
