By my dogs that love gravy, I almost forgot it was Sunday so I needed to post these.


Shocking! Stormy Daniels produces picture of Trump waiting for her:






Some changes long past time due

As the title suggests I am making some changes to the way I deal with blogs I enjoy, comments, and email.  I have always signed on, quickly looked at the bell notifications, then got enough read / answered that if more poured in I wouldn’t miss too much.  Then I would do other things like email.  Often during this time or if I was not well I lost everything in the bell notification as it only allowed so many.  I was constantly missing comments, which in truth is more important to me than other things online.  Not sure why it has taken me to come to this change, except that if I am comfortable with something, I am the perfect frog in the pot of the hot water.  Now the water is hot enough I am forced to jump out of it.  

I love the blogs I follow, and I hate being rushed in reading them.   But comments on my blog have to come first.  I love them, I adore them, I am willing to put in the extra effort for them.  I do not want to miss any more of them.  So here is the change.  

What I did this afternoon works for me.  I had to do some other things and when I signed back on I was pissed that all my caught up stuff was no longer caught up, and I lost stuff.  What did I lose?  I don’t know, that is what bothers me.  So I went to the top of the bell and worked down finding every comment and replying.  Then when I got all them answered I went back to the top of the bell and got the new comments.  

Going forward when I get up and sign on, start all my systems, I will start at the bottom of the bell notifications looking for comments.  I will move up the list replying to comments.  Then I will check my email and answer that, something I have not really done since … well at least a decade ago.   Then I will go back to the bell notification and start reading all the grand blogs from the people I enjoy hearing their thoughts and leaving my own on.    During this I will go back to the top to check for comments.   If during this your blog drops off the bell notification list I am really sorry, I do love reading your blogs, but the list has gotten too long, my health is not well, and I just get too upset not keeping up.   To the point I keep hundreds of open tabs, I think the count right now I keep open is near 500.  I doubt I will ever get to them, answer them, or post them … some are news articles I wanted to post, but I save them with a hope.  I will be going through them catching the comment left two or three months ago, then delete the windows.  I just looked I am keeping tabs of blogs or comments from 3 months ago hoping to somehow get to them.  It is past time to stop pushing and punishing myself.  Ron is at his wits end on this.  I set my alarm and got up at 3 am to start today.   Yes I have to take breaks, and go lay down, I can only sit for five or ten minutes at a time, so I am up and down and laying down up at the desk, standing walking, sitting, going back to bed … I am exhausted and my health is failing, and Ron says one of the reasons is I feel driven by the stuff online.  I just am recovering from a stomach virus causing me to vomit all day yet when I could sit I was at the computer.  When my body drives me to bed I do it from my phone and tablet.  I read news and post it.  I put a keyboard on my old tablet to answer comments from there.  It is not the best but it works. 

So I am sorry if I miss your blogs.  I am sorry if you post something really grand I think needs to be shared.  I have to back off.  I have to set priorities.  I have gotten myself into a rut, pushing far past what my medications can hold until I am in tears trying to deal with stuff.  I fall asleep at my desk after telling Ron I am going to bed.  Then we argue about it.  

Anyway everyone gets the point, I am just flogging the dead horse and making my self out to be a martyr at this point.  That is not the case.  Sorry if I give that impression, but reading over this I feel I have.  None of what I do is anyone else’s fault.  I do it because I enjoy it and love it. These computers are my ability to move outside the walls of my home, to connect with a larger world.  I am addicted to it.  But like any addiction it is hurting me, so I need to curb it.  For example right now I just got up and walked around the kitchen because my right hip, the first hip I had replaced back in 2004 is burning, hurting, killing me so badly I am having to finish this sitting sideways.  What people don’t know is that how I do a lot of my online posts and comments.  I do a few minutes, get up and move, do more, go lay down, take more medications, get back to the computer.  Ron says my exercise regiment is how much I have to keep moving to help the pain in my hips and back.  

So let us all hope this gives me the chance to answer any comments without missing them.  Please keep them coming, I love hearing other peoples thoughts and ideas.  Plus as Ron says there is a bit of argumentive streak in me from the time I spent soaked in the bile and vitreol of the adotptive family.   Hugs.  Loves to all.  Best wishes to those who understandably don’t want to be hugged I was there once myself.  Scottie

The Barber Who Shaves His Clients’ ⚽⚽ | Secret Services | Channel 4

In fitting in with today’s theme of the human body is great, good, and need only be covered when cold, I offer a video on manscaping.  Many people will ask what is that.  It is the removal of body hair from men.  Some men don’t like the look or feel of body hair.  Plus some people have such a large pubic bush you can’t find their penis.  I don’t like a lot of body hair because the man who adopted me and his kids were abusing me, he had lots and they were growing body hair.   Since I started on testosterone I started seriously growing body hair everywhere.  I look like a walking fur mat, like Chewbacca.  I hate it.  Ron shaves what I can not reach. 

You ask where did I first learn of cutting your armpit and public hair.  When I was doing work a special forces reservist training weeks.  I got an award for it.  I was sitting there listening to these big rugged hairy southern and midwestern men talking about removing their body hair.  I timidly asked why.  They explained that one thing they are taught is to not smoke, bath with scented soaps, wear deodorant or basically do anything to cause an odor when on missions.  That included cutting body hair especially armpit, butt hair, and the pubic hair because they hold and create odor.  I started doing it and have all my life.  If you have stinky pits, try removing the hair.  One thing, if you are not use to being defurred, then don’t take it all the way off, leave a very thin layer as when you shave it tight it can itch growing back.  That said I can now keep my pits and crotch totally clear with no grow back itch, I guess my body grew use to it.  I imagine women who shave all the time have the same thing.  Great video, they blur the man parts out sadly.  But the guy still had a nice body.  Hugs.  Scottie, 

Sometimes you need a tidy up down below too… Rodney is a barber by day, but by night he’s a manscaper – and he’s tidied up the hair down below of over 200 clients to date. This is Secret Services – a series exploring alternative ways in which young people are making money.

Penises Are Funny Things | Shot By You | Channel 4 Documentaries

*** Serious trigger warning for those who are fundamentally against nudity or seeing male sex organs displayed causally in a non-erect state.  There is nudity of both female and males, and as the title suggests this is about the penis.  So no complaints if you watch and are shocked by it.  However I do look forward to the comments on this. ****

To be clear I like penises!  Hey I am a gay man, I have most of my life been pretty open about that.  I like to see them.  In my youth was the time when the huge modesty push was happening in the US, which I think is part of the big anti-trans bathroom issues.  People have been indoctrinated that any sight of the nude body of another person is so horrible you are permanently damaged immediately and forever.   There was a time when kids showered after PE in open showers.  Now it is separate changing and showering stalls.  Why, because we teach boys so little about their bodies they have horrible anxiety about their size and look of their own penis.  They are also too scared of the subject to ask an adult be it teacher or parent.  We adults cause this.   When I was in a church boarding school the boys’ dorm had large open shower rooms.  If you went to the YMCA it was the same.  Nude swimming for males was the norm until the 1970s, and I would have loved it.  Even if girls were present, which I have also posted happened to teen boys a lot and was normal in college.  I have posted this when called out about it.   I loved the nude beaches in Germany as a young guy in the Army.   I have no trouble showing my body nude including my penis even at 61 years old, my problem getting nude these days is my rather protruding belly and out of shape body.  Yes I know … all human bodies are grand works of art.  But some are drawn much better than others.  😁🤣🤷‍♂️

I think a lot of the current regressive notions of sex and the human body are driven by the strident religious groups working hard to force their regressive social morals on everyone.  I have posted about a woman in Utah who was changing in her closed garage and her son burst into the room and seen mommy with no top covering, so got a good view of mommy’s breasts.  She was crucified by the legal establishment and labeled a sexual deviant.  

To be clear I am talking casual nudity.  Not sex in public.  Yes that is a turn on for some, but seriously most of the people having public sex are not worth wasting time watching.  Plus with so much free stuff on the interwebs, who needs to see it in public places where you might have to explain to your spouse what they are doing.  That was a joke.  But in places were even the sight of a nude body online is illegal now, it may have to return to for pay circus tent revival affairs, the return to the days of peep shows.   Flashers are people who need help, and the thing to do is look and then laugh.  I have heard it ruins their entire day. 

I am talking people doing every day stuff nude, or clothing optional.  I love that in some places you can bike ride or walk about nude.  Why not.  And yes I look and watch.  Why not?  The reason we have such sex hang ups is that we have turned one part of the body into a much bigger thing that in reality it is.  That was not a joke.  We as a society have made that body part a huge mystery never to be talked about.  Boys are told never to touch it for pleasure … that is screwed up.  They are made afraid of something wonderful for most of them.  

Anyway enough intro, you have an idea of what is coming.  Enjoy this thought look into the way society has been taught to view the penis.   Hugs.  Scottie

Why are penises so weird? And why are we so obsessed with how they look? Filmmaker Conor Reilly sets out to explore our complex relationship with willies – by planning to get naked himself. Can he overcome his greatest fear and strip off in front of his nearest and dearest (and a few strangers) in the name of documentary filmmaking?

Israel may have violated humanitarian rights laws in its military actions in Gaza, report says

Some clips from Rev. Ed Trevors

I was going to put this one lower in the list until I listened closely to the end.  In fact I repeated the last half twice to make sure I understood what he was saying.  He is the first, maybe only Christ bible pusher who has said openly and publically that conversion to Christianity, that believing in being a good person and treating others the way Jesus talked about lets you have a spot in his fold, his heaven.  He specifically doesn’t mention atheists, but he has before.  Hugs.  Scottie


In the following video Rev Trevors makes clear he not only dislikes the prosperity gospel preachers, he dislikes the message they send for not being biblical.  He totally shoots down the new push all these getting rich by preaching people are touting, Christian Nationalism and the idea that the US was founded as a Christian nation.  He also at the end says something many not watch long enough to hear.  He says that not only do these preacher claim things they can’t prove he also can’t prove his god exists.  He says he teachers about faith, not proof.  He says when someone claims that he worships an invisible daddy in the sky, he can’t prove god exists.  He is OK with that.  I really respect this man.   Hugs.  Scottie

In the one below this time he explains something very important a lot of people miss.  Things that when the writers of the bible wrote about giants or Nephilim they meant fierce hard to beat warriors, not real bigger than humans giants.  He explains that the writers used phrases and ideas from their own time.  He is sort of admitting that the bible not to be taken literally and was written by humans for the people of that time.  Hugs.   Scottie

I did not think to write a blurb about the rest of the videos, I posted these before it dawned on me people might not watch them without understanding what they might be about.  If you are wondering, fast-forward towards the end of each video to see if the video strikes a nerve and I would post it.  Just remember I am an atheist and I enjoy listening to this guy.   Hugs.  Scottie


Kind of rapey

Thank you to Ten Bears for the link. Hugs. Scottie

This is a short-written article that shows how tRump’s sexual assault of Stormy was not consensual.  She was abused and abused, just as most of tRump’s victims are. This was not just hush money for election in that it was husmaony to show how this was a payment to advoid showing that this was a rape. This was to prevent a much worse sexual abuse criminal charge.  She was a sexual abuse victim.  Hugs.  Scottie.    

On a scale of zero to ten, with zero being definitely consensual, and ten being definitely not consensual, this is like a six or a seven. Call me old-fashioned, but I consider kind of rapey to be disqualifying all by itself for a presidential candidate, although I realize of course that it’s practically certain Trump has gotten to ten many many times (a jury has already found as much in one case, and there are no doubt countless more), and also realize this is just one of literally dozens of reasons why Trump is utterly unfit to be president.

Some clips from Parody Project

Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas was appointed under very suspicious circumstances and now that mistaken appointment has come home to roost. He is likely the most corrupt and compromised Supreme Court judge in US history. He needs step down. Lyrics by David Cohen – A Parody about Judge Clarence Thomas based on the song Tom Dooley, as made famous by The Kingston Trio. Performance by Don Caron. Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
According to MAGA the indictments are fake, the judges are paid off, the grand juries are comprised of anti-Trump Democrats or actors, the justice department is being weaponized, it’s a witch hunt blah blah blah. What else can we call them but puppets? Parody of I’m Your Puppet by Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham. Parody Lyrics by Greg Trafidlo, performance and video by Don Caron Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
It’s been in the news a lot lately – the blatant corruption of certain justices on the Supreme Court and the obvious fact that no one seems to have the power to force them to comply with the rules of ethics. So why not sing about it instead? Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
A Parody of I Thank You. The original song was written by David Porter and Isaac Hayes and originally recorded by Sam & Dave and later by ZZ Top. Parody written and performed by Don Caron | Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
Parody of Stand by Your Man with vocals by Deborah Bowman – Written by John Emory of The Freedom Toast – Video by Parody Project Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender