Some important The Majority Report clips

Owen Jones then joins, as he and Emma reflect on the last seven months of constant scenes of devastation and genocide coming out of Gaza, and the mainstream media’s heart-wrenching insistence on downplaying the horror, denying the deaths, and running cover for Israel’s project of ethnic cleansing under the guise of victimhood.
Jones and Emma explore how the severe repression and propaganda from mainstream Western political institutions is seeing an en-masse public awakening to the genocide of Gaza, and the Western elites’ violent commitment to controlling the discourse, with supposed “liberal democracies” from the US to the EU and UK defaming anti-zionist Jews and anti-semites and uplifting actual racists and Jew-haters as legitimate actors.

Some videos from Naughty Nana DUZ

Lara Trump, as co-chair of the RNC is the equivalent of putting the fox in charge of the hen house!
🛑 SURPRISE at the END 🛑
*Apologies* if I offended anyone. Sometimes, my stroke brain isn’t in step with my mouth 🙃
*Sensitive* KRISTI NOEM She has a new book out, and this video is about one passage about a sweet young dog named Cricket!!

Ladapo: Mask Wearers Just Like To Hide Their Faces

Read the full article.

Ladapo first earned national infamy for a 2020 press conference outside the Supreme Court with insane nutbag Dr. Demon Semen, who says that women get STDs by having sex with demons in their dreams, that drag “opens portals” to demons, and that Biden and Pelosi “downloaded their brains to the internet” and are now “demonic clones.” Lapapo has been accused a falsifying a study on COVID vaccine side effects and of lying about his history of treating patients at UCLA. He last appeared here in January 2024 when he called on the public to refuse all COVID vaccines.

When asked to wear masks to help the country deal with a worldwide pandemic, the maga hate groups claimed they wouldn’t do it because they can’t breathe wearing masks.  The went to school board meets and ranted and screamed at the board about it.  Yet now those same Proud Boys, Three Percenter’s, Oath Keepers, and the Nazi protesters marching in the streets who call themselves Patriot Front all wear face masks to avoid being identified and lose their jobs.  If they think they represent so much of the country as they claim, why not be open about what complete morons and jerks they are.  This is another reason DeathSantis and racist governors in some red states are outlawing any Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality programs so white people can be open racist bigots to fellow workers without getting reprimanded or facing consequences for their actions.   Hugs.   Scottie


None of this surprises me anymore. It’s like we are living in the preface to a dystopian science fiction novel.

wait. you mean this isn’t The Stand in slow motion?


With Randall Flagg on trial in lower Manhattan

“Some people are still afraid and think that masks are going to help them, which is total nonsense.”


be nice. all those people pictured wearing mask are dead now from breathing their own exhales. /s


“Part of the reason seems to be that some people like to hide their faces,” Ladapo said on the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.

Kinda’ like the Proud Boys.


“It’s much worse.”–It-s-much-worse

I want to thank Ten Bears for the link at  Hugs.  Scottie

 at 6:21:25a EDT


Rarely have I thought that a single quote would justify a diary — but after reading Yale historian, Timothy Snyder’s X thread that was posted yesterday — a clear-eyed delineation of the right-wing justices’ placement of dynamite at the door of Democracy, revealing how even the key objection to their inexplicable consideration of “immunity” is blunting what it really means, I felt it was important to place it here.

The link to the thread is here. The unbroken quote is below (the bolding within, mine):


Right-wing justices postulate Trump’s “immunity.” The objection is that this makes him a king. Not so. It’s much worse

A king can be subject to law. Even George III was subject to law. The American Revolution was justified by the notion that he had overstepped the law. 

This discussion of immunity is something else.

The justices are not discussing any constitutional system at all, including a constitutional monarchy. 

Justices are instead flirting with the idea that a single person can be outside any constitutional system, outside the rule of law as such. What justices seem to find charismatic is dictatorship, specifically fascist dictatorship. It is making an exception for a person that attracts them. 

That is the basis of Nazi legal theory (Carl Schmitt)The law and the constitution are just there so we can find the person, the Leader, the Führer, who breaks them, who makes an exception.
Snyder then noted that he wasn’t making any specific claims that the justices “read Schmitt” — but that their “affinity for fascist law” is “troubling”.
The point here, being: “immunity” isn’t simply making a president (and in this case, an ex-President and all future presidents) a “king” — it’s placing them beyond even that which kings are subject to.
Fascism coming to America would no longer be a mere specter — a barricade or position from which we fight to protect our Democracy from the threat of those who would seek fascism here; it will have arrived. We would, from that point on, exist behind enemy lines.  And existing there, we may find ourselves, as a people now all-but powerless against tyranny, longing even for the days of kings — who were, beneath their crowns, at least subject to the rule of law.