Bewitched and why

Ron and I are both under the weather.  Yesterday we both had sinus problems, breathing issues, along with stomach problems.  Plus chills.   This morning I woke up at 3 am with my stomach in distress and that soon turned into … well let’s say something not discussed in polite society.  

Wednesday I went to a doctor’s appointment and Thursday Ron went to a bunch of stores.  Also I had to go to the pharmacy.  So of course any time I with my system goes out into the “unwashed masses” I get sick.  We are debating who gave this to whom.

Last night I went to bed at my normal time of around 5 pm, But I was surprised when Ron soon joined me.  He normally comes to bed at around 10 pm or an hour later.   But he explained he was not feeling well.  

Neither of us felt well and did not have supper.  Well today I got up as I wrote at 3 because by 3:30 am I was sitting on the toilet, something that happened for the next few hours.  Ron got up, did the same, and then went back to bed.  

Only now at around 4 pm are we starting to feel well enough to eat.  Ron had made bake and shake n bake pork chops last night that neither of us felt up to eating.  We had them tonight with some leftover potatoes and brown gravy.  

I am feeling a lot better, but still feel worn out.  Ron bounced back again much faster than I did, but that is normal when we both get sick.  I am seriously tiring out.   

I offered to help Ron clean up, he said he has it covered.  I want desperately finish as many bell notifications as possible before going to bed, even though I am very tired.  

Which leads me to the name of this post.   Because I was watching lots of videos and news stories and got tired, so started watching a Bewitched clip that came up on my YouTube feed.   Ron and I laughed at the clip and talked about the house.   That clip lead to full episodes, none I had ever seen before.   I spent the last few hours watching Bewitched and admiring the house and the great actors / actresses.   

Hugs.  Scottie

Homosexuality in the Islamic World | Al Muqaddimah

In this video, we’re gonna talk about homosexuality in the Islamic World. While today, the Islamic World and homosexuality don’t seem to go together, in the past, there was a rich tradition of homosexuality being expressed through stories and poetry. While it was never completely allowed, it did become an open secret. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.

Hate email is back.

Hi everyone.   Thanks to Ali I checked my email, something I don’t do often.   Now before I tell you what came in this morning, I must ask that we all refrain from threats of violence or harassment.   That is their way, not ours.  We use humor, mockery, the ability to reason, along with their own stupidity against them.  That is not to say if you are personally threatened in real life you shouldn’t defend your self.   I agree with Ten Bears on that.  Then you fight back hard, fight dirty, saving yourself is the goal.  That said this is what I got this morning in an email.   As I don’t check it, I don’t know how many have been coming in.  It is not a great way to connect with me.  Personally I laughed at the pure ignorance of the writer. Hugs, Scottie

Hate email.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations


At the link, there is an interactive chart of how many people in each country have taken the vaccines.   In India it is over 1.3 billion, the US has 270.23 million.  And governments still want people to get the vaccine and boosters.   If they were that bad and deadly, why would a government still want people to take it.  

70.6% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
13.57 billion doses have been administered globally, and 11,909 are now administered each day.
32.7% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose.


THE GUARDIAN: Israel alone? Allies’ fears grow over conduct – and legality – of war in Gaza

Israel alone? Allies’ fears grow over conduct – and legality – of war in Gaza
When the US allowed a ceasefire resolution to pass at the UN, the warning was clear – and concern is rising elsewhere

Read in The Guardian:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

Oklahoma: EPIC Theft of Public Dollars by For-Profit Online Charter School

Thank you to politicians are poody heads at for the link.   

Charter schools have long been a scam, a way to get either Christian theocracy into the classroom or for right wing profiteers to get tax dollars.   Remember these schools take dollars from public schools while being exempt from all the same rules.  Including test score rules.    Like church schools, they get to pick and choice which students they take, leaving the most difficult and disadvantaged to the public schools that lost money to the choosy charter schools.  Now it is coming out that most charter schools have horrible results.  In fact, one I read about was a tennis charter school that just had the students play tennis and never did school work.   Yup, those students will get into advanced education easily.   Hugs.   Scottie

We Need to Talk About Nex Benedict Again