By my dogs that love gravy, I almost forgot it was Sunday so I needed to post these.


Shocking! Stormy Daniels produces picture of Trump waiting for her:






Penises Are Funny Things | Shot By You | Channel 4 Documentaries

*** Serious trigger warning for those who are fundamentally against nudity or seeing male sex organs displayed causally in a non-erect state.  There is nudity of both female and males, and as the title suggests this is about the penis.  So no complaints if you watch and are shocked by it.  However I do look forward to the comments on this. ****

To be clear I like penises!  Hey I am a gay man, I have most of my life been pretty open about that.  I like to see them.  In my youth was the time when the huge modesty push was happening in the US, which I think is part of the big anti-trans bathroom issues.  People have been indoctrinated that any sight of the nude body of another person is so horrible you are permanently damaged immediately and forever.   There was a time when kids showered after PE in open showers.  Now it is separate changing and showering stalls.  Why, because we teach boys so little about their bodies they have horrible anxiety about their size and look of their own penis.  They are also too scared of the subject to ask an adult be it teacher or parent.  We adults cause this.   When I was in a church boarding school the boys’ dorm had large open shower rooms.  If you went to the YMCA it was the same.  Nude swimming for males was the norm until the 1970s, and I would have loved it.  Even if girls were present, which I have also posted happened to teen boys a lot and was normal in college.  I have posted this when called out about it.   I loved the nude beaches in Germany as a young guy in the Army.   I have no trouble showing my body nude including my penis even at 61 years old, my problem getting nude these days is my rather protruding belly and out of shape body.  Yes I know … all human bodies are grand works of art.  But some are drawn much better than others.  😁🤣🤷‍♂️

I think a lot of the current regressive notions of sex and the human body are driven by the strident religious groups working hard to force their regressive social morals on everyone.  I have posted about a woman in Utah who was changing in her closed garage and her son burst into the room and seen mommy with no top covering, so got a good view of mommy’s breasts.  She was crucified by the legal establishment and labeled a sexual deviant.  

To be clear I am talking casual nudity.  Not sex in public.  Yes that is a turn on for some, but seriously most of the people having public sex are not worth wasting time watching.  Plus with so much free stuff on the interwebs, who needs to see it in public places where you might have to explain to your spouse what they are doing.  That was a joke.  But in places were even the sight of a nude body online is illegal now, it may have to return to for pay circus tent revival affairs, the return to the days of peep shows.   Flashers are people who need help, and the thing to do is look and then laugh.  I have heard it ruins their entire day. 

I am talking people doing every day stuff nude, or clothing optional.  I love that in some places you can bike ride or walk about nude.  Why not.  And yes I look and watch.  Why not?  The reason we have such sex hang ups is that we have turned one part of the body into a much bigger thing that in reality it is.  That was not a joke.  We as a society have made that body part a huge mystery never to be talked about.  Boys are told never to touch it for pleasure … that is screwed up.  They are made afraid of something wonderful for most of them.  

Anyway enough intro, you have an idea of what is coming.  Enjoy this thought look into the way society has been taught to view the penis.   Hugs.  Scottie

Why are penises so weird? And why are we so obsessed with how they look? Filmmaker Conor Reilly sets out to explore our complex relationship with willies – by planning to get naked himself. Can he overcome his greatest fear and strip off in front of his nearest and dearest (and a few strangers) in the name of documentary filmmaking?

Some clips from Parody Project

Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas was appointed under very suspicious circumstances and now that mistaken appointment has come home to roost. He is likely the most corrupt and compromised Supreme Court judge in US history. He needs step down. Lyrics by David Cohen – A Parody about Judge Clarence Thomas based on the song Tom Dooley, as made famous by The Kingston Trio. Performance by Don Caron. Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
According to MAGA the indictments are fake, the judges are paid off, the grand juries are comprised of anti-Trump Democrats or actors, the justice department is being weaponized, it’s a witch hunt blah blah blah. What else can we call them but puppets? Parody of I’m Your Puppet by Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham. Parody Lyrics by Greg Trafidlo, performance and video by Don Caron Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
It’s been in the news a lot lately – the blatant corruption of certain justices on the Supreme Court and the obvious fact that no one seems to have the power to force them to comply with the rules of ethics. So why not sing about it instead? Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
A Parody of I Thank You. The original song was written by David Porter and Isaac Hayes and originally recorded by Sam & Dave and later by ZZ Top. Parody written and performed by Don Caron | Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender
Parody of Stand by Your Man with vocals by Deborah Bowman – Written by John Emory of The Freedom Toast – Video by Parody Project Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender

DONALD, JUDGE WILL FINE YOU – A Parody | John Emory & Don Caron

A Parody of Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl). Lyrics by John Emory; Performance and Video Production by Don Caron. “His lawyers say: Donald, judge will fine you If you don’t keep your mouth shut If you plan to say something nasty, better not”

Executive Producers Don Caron and Jerry Pender

Some light-hearted humor

Oh yes these were grand.  Thank you Ten Bears for the video.  I have the full speech open in one of my many open tabs, but these and the other things he said about tRump are bound to get under that super thin skin of his.  I love it.  More please President Biden, more please.  Next term please do something about the hijacked SCOTUS.  Hugs.  Scottie

Not too much to this one, I was overwhelmed this week and did not open sites like I normally do.



















Can they translate that into Russian so all interested parties can understand?







Instant old age

I was in my email today, something I don’t normally do.  I stumbled into a folder I created back when I first opened my beloved Scottiestoybox blog.  In it was a meme I think has relevance today.   Remember the blog was started in 2007, I was feeling much younger, better, and I had not had my mental breakdown due to my childhood abuse yet.   That was the year I first openly told Ron I was abused … he was silent for a few seconds and quietly replied, I know I could tell by your responses when I wake you, by your nightmares when you cry out “Please don’t hurt me, no no no”.  We did not talk much about it for years, maybe if I had I wouldn’t have broken down so much, so hard, so completely.   Anyway injoy the image, Hugs.  Scottie

IMMUNITY – A Parody | David Cohen & Don Caron

A parody of Honesty by Billy Joel. Parody; Lyrics by David Cohen; Performance and Video Editing by Don Caron “When I wanted usefulness it wasn’t hard to find I gave three frauds a lifetime gig Then when I needed lawlessness they slowed the clock on crime It’s why I stacked the court so it was rigged