The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain | Karissa Sanbonmatsu

Again a biologist destroys the idea that gender is binary, male / female.   Really just as science moved on from the ideas of 2,500 years ago of biblical writers that couldn’t understand the solar system or have an idea of germ theory, it has moved on from the 1950s stereotypical two genders model of male / female only model popular in the 1950s, where men were automatically at the top of the chart.   Science from a scientist destroys tradition.  Female / male brains develop differently in the womb.   Well it was never this way before or hey tradition was this all my life so it should still be.  It is not just feelings, it is based in science facts.  Hugs 

How exactly does gender work? It’s not just about our chromosomes, says biologist Karissa Sanbonmatsu. In a visionary talk, she shares new discoveries from epigenetics, the emerging study of how DNA activity can permanently change based on social factors like trauma or diet. Learn how life experiences shape the way genes are expressed — and what that means for our understanding of gender.

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