Let’s talk about Gen Z and the GOP….

Hi all.  Remember that I said that as they age some people couldn’t accept the changes in society, so long for a prior time when they felt more comfortable with the way things were.   I got some push back on that.   Well Beau explains that phenomena far better than I did.  He says that the republicans base their policies on the core age group of the party’s memories growing up of TV shows from 10 to 15 years before.   He also shows how the attempt to return to a fictitious past won’t work, and that the rights attempt to deny the rights / existence of the LGBTQIA simply is doomed even as they try ever harder.  Please watch the video, I watched it three times.   Got more out of it each time.   Hugs.  Scottie

One thought on “Let’s talk about Gen Z and the GOP….

  1. I watched a very brief portion of this and I personally think he’s making some very biased statements. Yes, there are older people who have not progressed with the times, but to characterize the entire generation is based on HIS opinion. The demographics is far too big to make this distinction.

    This is ONE of the reasons I don’t care for this guy. He makes statements in these videos that are not necessarily backed by facts … but he makes it sound like they are … and people swallow it whole.

    I know you will defend him, Scottie, but please … don’t bother.. It’s not going to change my opinion of him.


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