NOPE: Trump Claims 25,000 Attended Bronx Rally

At first I thought it was his fragile ego preventing him from admitting how low his crowd but then someone pointed out that one of the taking points of why tRump had to have won the 2020 election was he had much bigger crowds than Biden.   Yes these people think crowd sizes at rallies means you win the most votes.  They are setting the stage to do violence and try to take over the government when tRump loses the 2024 election.   Hugs.  Scottie  



Mediaite reports:

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly boasted about the crowd size attending Thursday’s political rally in the Bronx, as his custom. However, a local New York evening news report from ABC7’s Jim Dolan revealed a different story about how many people attended and who actually made up the crowd. B-roll of the event shown to viewers during Dolan’s report painted a remarkably different picture than what Trump boasted about regarding crowd size.

Read the full article.


So, my feeling is that what this is about, besides soothing Trump’s ego, is to build the narrative that there is significant support for Trump in the area. Then, when he loses the election, it fuels the “stolen” story. “How could he have only gotten 3000 votes in the Bronx? 25000 showed up for his rally!!”

This kind of nonsense seems petty, but it’s not. Push back at it.

More generally, it reinforces the idea that evidence can’t be used to support a proposal. The only thing that matters is the politics/theology/status of the person making the point.

Not forgetting that Red States are ONLY allowed to watch/read Right Wing *news* and NOT proper news .

Here’s what just 20,000 people looks like:


This is a handy site:…
It allows you to visualize different crowd sizes.
The larger crowds are at venues with known attendance capacities.

At least they’re consistent. They can’t govern and they can’t count.

The problem is not that they can’t count. The problem is that they can’t tell the truth, which is more than enough of a reason not to vote for them.

Mango Mussolini loves to boast about size, but we all know it’s bullshit.


No more than 2,500 people, from that aerial shot – and I am being generous.

Yep, that’s fairly accurate. And, I’ve noticed that Trump does seem to exaggerate his crowd sizes by a factor of 10 fairly consistently.


2 thoughts on “NOPE: Trump Claims 25,000 Attended Bronx Rally

  1. pmurT (the only way I will write that man’s name) is rather obsessed with the size of things. i found the detail interesting that this photo was taken at 11am and the rally started at 6pm (if that’s true)

    I also guffawed when I read the park service estimated an attendance of 156,000. People people people.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Susan. Yes I also am stunned at the large number of people in authority like law enforcement or park service, who are OK with lying for tRump and his cult. Every rally now he makes so ridiculous claim of number of people present, most of the time way over what the even venue can accommodate, and his cult doesn’t seem to care at the stupidity of it. Hugs. Scottie

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