Miami Herald: DeSantis To Restore Trump’s Right To Vote While “Slow-Walking” FL Law For Other Felons


From the Miami Herald editorial board:

The national political soap opera continues as former President Donald Trump prepares for his July 11 sentencing in the hush money criminal case. As expected, Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to play the top supporting role by vowing to restore Trump’s voting rights as a felon so he can cast a ballot in Florida’s November elections. DeSantis plans to get the Florida Clemency Board to restore Trump’s right to vote in the Sunshine State, irrespective of any court rulings in other states.

In 2018, Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment to restore voting rights for felons (not those convicted of violent crimes or sex offenses), but since DeSantis took office, he has been slow-walking any progress. DeSantis should apply the same rules he plans to use to help felonious Trump to all the people who qualify under the constitutional amendment that voters approved six long years ago. That would be equal justice.

Read the full editorial.


To quote someone (I’ve forgotten who exactly): when you’re famous, they let you do it.

So, only felons that vote Republican can get their voting rights?

OK, sounds like a good plan.

DeSaster openly operating the GQP playbook.

African-Americans and the poor convicted of a felony? They’re forced to “wait their turn,” per usual.

TFG, OTOH? No need to wait. Voting tights restored immediately!

Our so-called “justice” system is institutionally racist and classist.

No, it’s not. DeSaster is giving Trump special treatment so he can vote.

No way will he do the same for Black, poor, or LGBTQ+ people.



6 thoughts on “Miami Herald: DeSantis To Restore Trump’s Right To Vote While “Slow-Walking” FL Law For Other Felons

    1. Hi Susan. I knew Donald tRump long before he ran for president. He was the most moronic despicable person then. And he was the same egotistical asshole who never could admit being wrong and employees were not allowed to disagree with him or correct him in any way. He was a tyrant and asshole jerk. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 2 people

  1. (I know it’s a typo, and I make typos, too. But the comment above about tfg’s “voting tights” being restored-I lol’d! I bet tfg’d try to market voting tights, too! Wouldn’t it be a kick to see him in voting tights, though? As opposed to any other sighting of him, anyway…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali. You have a great eye for detail and I love it. My mind fills in the words and misses the typos, so I have a horrible time with proofreading. I have a wonderful extension I like, but WordPress made it unusable on a lot of their pages / blocks. Oh the horror of tRump in tights, they would need a forklift to put them on him. Then the sight of him … disgusting to see all time, but to the idea of in tights. Deadly. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I used to make a living drafting and producing pleadings for lawyers and for judges, along with producing court transcripts. I can proof, so obviously I don’t proof so much since I’m retired, as I make mistakes, too. I can, when reading to be reading and not proofing, read what people mean without bothering about any typos that may exist, and I’m not the writing police. I hope I don’t come off that way! 😀 Anyway, though, just where the line was in the text, and the statement, and the typo made me laugh. I’m still giggling about it today. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who’s complained about the discomfort of pantyhose, so the thought of tfg in tights makes me smile. A terrible, evil, satisfied smile. 😉

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