NBC NEWS: IDF faces increased scrutiny as more details come out in wake of deadly hostage rescue

IDF faces increased scrutiny as more details come out in wake of deadly hostage rescue
Inside the Israeli military’s brazen daytime raid to rescue four hostages — which left more than 270 people dead, according to officials.

Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ARa_L_DAgShOXiHYaroLNaQ

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

5 thoughts on “NBC NEWS: IDF faces increased scrutiny as more details come out in wake of deadly hostage rescue

  1. oh look, more horrible news emanating from israel. i have a great idea! let’s invite the architect of the genocide to speak on the hallowed floor of the US Senate. that couldn’t possibly be a bad idea.

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    1. Hi Susan. Yes, remember back when the republicans invited Bibi to address congress to embarrass Obama. Remember how Bibi attacked the US president and the Iranian deal that Obama was part of that Israel always hated. Bibi lied with faked stolen documents, that claimed Iran had broken the deal and US intel determined the Israeli’s were using doctored information from a decade earlier. Bibi has always bragged about how he has insulted and given the middle finger to US presidents since Clinton. He bragged during an interview on how he uses the Israeli lobbying PAC to attack and undermine the US president. He is a nasty piece of work. He is often called the Jewish tRump. Hugs. Scottie

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