NBC NEWS: Israeli government sparks outcry with videos saying ‘there are no innocent civilians’ in Gaza

Israeli government sparks outcry with videos saying ‘there are no innocent civilians’ in Gaza
The video used a portion of an interview given by a freed Israeli hostage after she was rescued.

Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/AeHIgYdBBSsShwlTAmiYIRg

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

4 thoughts on “NBC NEWS: Israeli government sparks outcry with videos saying ‘there are no innocent civilians’ in Gaza

    1. Hi Susan. Yes they love that OT god who smites all who displease him and he gives all the land to the Jewish people, to Israel. Hey if I was going to make up a god I would have him give me a large chunk of the world also.

      On your blog this morning, you asked what five countries a person would like to travel to. I tried to reply but messed it up and did not go back. I am withdrawing from one medication and starting a different one and it is horrible on my system.

      But my answer is the US and Canada. The US before the red states fundamentalists polarize and destroy all the beauty of it. And Canada became it is also a large country next to us. I feel both countries are large enough to count as five. My spouse wants to do Europe, the classics, Paris, all the sites. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi Susan. I got to do some travel when I was young. Today age, health, and income make traveling not so likely. But seeing different places, different cultures, experiencing new ideas, it does tend to open the mind. Hugs. Scottie

          Liked by 1 person

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