Liberal Redneck – How Bad is Trump’s Whole Brain Situation?

Lotta talk about Trump’s brain lately. So I’m gonna also talk about it.

6 thoughts on “Liberal Redneck – How Bad is Trump’s Whole Brain Situation?

    1. Hi Suze. I have not tried ground news yet. Is it a subscription service you have to pay for? If so I won’t be able to do it. Ah that is a great thing to be low on. I take a lot of joy in diversity and inclusion. I love hearing and learning about the different views and cultures, difference in foods, differences in celebrations. Hugs. Scottie

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  1. I don’t always click on videos, scottie, but after reading the inimitable suze hartline’s comment i knew i must. so glad to find out about ground news! and this trae crowder guy is hilarious.

    i was like, pmurT is an idiot, always has been, always will be, i already know about the sharks and batteries comment, etc. however, trae’s take on it was very funny and now i know to click on links with his face in them.

    thanks for posting, scottie. i know this is a labor or love for you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Susan. Yes I do love doing this, I have loved all my blogs. Have you read my why I do this page? I almost stopped blogging, but I realized I have the time and ability to give a voice to those who have no time or voice to be heard.

      Trea is an interesting person. He did grow up as he said a poor redneck trailer park kid in the south. He became famous poking fun at the way his family, friends, and people he knew, felt, and reacted to things like covid precautions and other maga stuff. He clearly showed how they made no sense. He has a YouTube channel as you see and I follow it. Most of his other shows I don’t bother with but I do like his Weekly Skews where he and Mark make fun of the weekly news.

      As to everything I post. Susan I thank you for following my blog, for commenting, sharing your thoughts, sharing your feelings. It is wonderful to be able to hear from people. But I do post a lot of stuff normally. And I really don’t expect anyone to have the time or interest to go through everything I post. You have to understand my situation is much different from others. My Pink Palace (that my wonderful husband built for me) is set up for my ease of use. I have a very large desk, and I have two large computer screens connected to two very good computers, I have my iPhone and iPad on stands right in front of me. So I have a constant stream of information into my mind which I need but which most people are overwhelmed by.

      So the point is Susan I understand when people don’t watch or read everything, a lot of things I post may not be interesting to them. I am just glad some stuff I post is interesting to you and that you leave your voice here when you want. Best wishes, hugs, Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

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