NBC NEWS: Texas abortion ban linked to stark rise in infant and newborn deaths

Texas abortion ban linked to stark rise in infant and newborn deaths
“This might foreshadow what is happening in other states,” said Johns Hopkins public health researcher Alison Gemmill. “Texas is basically a year ahead.”

Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/AU52VGCqIRg2qv-5aeGi4Mg

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

5 thoughts on “NBC NEWS: Texas abortion ban linked to stark rise in infant and newborn deaths

  1. Can’t say I really liked the death rate Scottie, but we have no choice. I might however, change my name to something I saw on Pinterest — “Nobody”, so when I click on like it will say “Nobody likes this”. This makes me wonder about a much publicized item here where a baby that was reported missing was found dead in an adjoining county. As far as I know though there are no bans on anything at all in Kentucky. Some days it even seems like murder is okay with some people.

    On a different note though, this is the first time I’ve tried to type with splints on my right thumb and little finger and I seem to be doing better that I have in years. Maybe I should put splints on the left hand as well. Arthritis has taken over the right hand and naturally I’m right handed, so things are awkward until I learn a few new tricks, like writing left handed. Yeeks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Angie. I understand on the like button. Some people think it means you like the post and others, like me use it to mean I like the person went to the effort to post something on that subject. The second way is how I look at the button. I think when people click it that means they like that I address the issue.

      I am sorry to hear of your hand injury. How did you hurt your hand? Please be careful dear we love and need you.

      A baby reported missing and found in another county? I am not sure I understand, but any born baby who is found dead is a tragedy to me. If a woman doesn’t want a pregnancy or bring one to term I understand and feel it is their choice. But after a baby is born it is murder, right?

      The republicans keep saying that the left, Biden, any anti-forced birth person wants to abort babies up to three days after they are born … think on it. What these people are saying is that because the left is for women to have control over their own bodies, they want to murder already born babies. Something there is already a law against. Again, please take care of your self. Thank you. Hugs. Scottie


    1. Hi Barry. Republicans are not reasonable. In their view their god now takes over controlling these wayward women having sex and if they don’t have healthy babies it proves they are evil or bad somehow. They are religious fanatics. Best wishes. Scottie

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