Why I Read Thom Hartmann (And Maybe You Should Too)

The power of the public needs to wake up and fight back.  Yes the wealthy and businesses have made it ever harder to find any time to even read news much less take action.   But unless we do the past will be our future.  The wealthy bought the republican party and even some in the democratic party to support the oligarchy and return to the gilded age of robber barons and a government too small and powerless to stop them.  Back then the US was basically run by wealthy corporations and business interests.  The people, the public not only did not have a real voice, they simply did not matter.  They were only livestock to make the companies more money and when they couldn’t do that anymore, they suffered and died.   A life span for the worker was 47, the life span for the wealthy was into the late 70s.  Is that what we want for the US?  Please people rise up, vote for Biden, the wealthy are desperate and funding all the challenges to him.  RFK, Jill Stein, Cornell West none of them can win.  Period.  The math doesn’t work, the system doesn’t allow it.  There are only two candidates that can get the needed 270 electoral votes to win, to be president.  These others are simply spoilers paid to tank Biden and help tRump.  Don’t let them do it.  Hugs.  Scottie

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