Church Does Mass Checkout Of Library’s LGBTQ Books

There is no hate as strong as some Christian’s “love”!  I love you so much I must hurt you badly, deny you exist, deny you have worth, I love you so much I must format hate against you.  With loving friends like that who needs enemies.  Hugs.  Scottie


NPR reports:

A Wichita pastor recently encouraged members of his church to mark Pride Month by checking out mass amounts of gay- and transgender-themed books from their local library. “One way you can love your neighbors and your community is to gather together some of the men in your church and go empty the local library of all their LGBTQ+ books,” pastor Kyle Lammott [screenshot] wrote in a recent post on Instagram. “Start with the kids’ books and work your way up.”

The post featured a photo of more than 100 books checked out of the Andover Public Library. The titles include dozens of young adult novels with LGBTQ characters or themes, books about the Black Lives Matter movement and an autobiography of tennis star Billie Jean King. Lammott, lead pastor of Exodus Church in east Wichita, declined an interview and did not say whether he plans to return the materials.

Read the full article.

From the church’s about page:

We believe that men and woman are created in the image and likeness of God, but through Adam’s sin mankind is also fallen. We have inherited a sinful nature and have become alienated from God. Man is thus separated from God and, left to himself, incapable to remedy his fallen condition.

We believe that God, being rich in mercy, did not leave His people in their fallen condition, but through the blood of Christ purchased for Himself a people. Redeeming them from their sinful state and conforming them into the image of Christ.

Lammott has made his Instagram account private since the NPR’s report was published.



The cruelty is the point.

As a young gayling I ‘forgot’ to check out a copy of ‘The Front Runner’ from my local library. I sneaked it out in a stack of textbooks. I devoured it in two days and then rode my bicycle back to the library on a Sunday to put it in the book drop, so terrified was I that someone might see me. But that book opened worlds for me.

I’m an old curmudgeon now, these bible-thumping hypocrites have no power over me, but it breaks my heart to think how what they’re doing affects young queer people.

I remember the experience of reading that book as a teenager too.

Also from the NPR article: Taylor and other area librarians said the protest strategy likely would backfire because checkouts are an indication of demand for certain materials. Libraries track demand as they replenish their collections.


6 thoughts on “Church Does Mass Checkout Of Library’s LGBTQ Books

    1. Hi MDavis. Yes you noticed that also did you. Well you know the women folk must not be out in public, but staying in the home keeping it tidy while raising the brood so they are ready and waiting to please the men when they get home. Damn 18th century bullshit these people still think should be the rules today. Hugs. Scottie

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  1. They worship a book. A book in which the father part does incredibly cruel and unjust things including having his son part tortured and nailed to a cross on trumped up charges. The spirit part still functions in their church but I bet they have little idea that having stripped her femininity they have hidden her intent. Why would they fear books?

    12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

    Also on their about page. They don’t even read their own book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ryinger77. You mentioned they don’t really read their own book which I agree with. That is why I told Randy that these book bans from schools and libraries are not about protecting kids from sex, rape, and violence because they refuse to remove or ban their bible which has all of that in large amounts. Their goal is to deny people they don’t like, ideas they don’t like, and the LGBTQ+ from representation in schools and society. They want to deny these people from understanding these ideas and seeing themselves in a positive light. Hugs. Scottie

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