THE GUARDIAN: Appeals court tells Texas it cannot ban books for mentioning ‘butt and fart’

Appeals court tells Texas it cannot ban books for mentioning ‘butt and fart’
Conservative-dominated court restores books denounced by officials as ‘pornographic filth’ to school libraries

Read in The Guardian:

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

2 thoughts on “THE GUARDIAN: Appeals court tells Texas it cannot ban books for mentioning ‘butt and fart’

  1. Hi Scottie; Thank you for posting this. I’ve had many the argument with the well-meaning, talking about how they agree that certain books have no business in the hands of little minds. My argument that little minds seem to be the one’s deciding what others can read doesn’t get near the reaction I generally hope. But still, if the government can limit information, can limit free speech, then what is next? It isn’t hard to imagine a government limiting the knowledge of their wrong doing. Is isn’t hard to imagine a government censoring information to create a certain “reality”. I’m glad the courts – typically an educated group – struck down the dumbification of America.



    ps: dumbification is a word, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Randy. You can tell these “moral” police are full of shit when they say they ban books for young people due to sex, rape, or violence but refuse to ban or remove the bible which is full of sex, rape, and violence. What they want is to deny the people they don’t like representation and equality in schools and society. But have no fear a recording of Sam Alito said that Christians shouldn’t have to compromise what they believe to get along with the rest of society. Alito thinks Christians should have priority and the nation needs to be forced to turn back to god, make it a godly nation, return people to god. Yes the should be impartial SCOTUS justice said that. Hugs. Scottie


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