“Isn’t That Special?”

Short but oh so important post on Christianity that many Christians will never know or care about.  Important quote below.   Hugs Scottie

I will start with the second question. It is clear from the Bible that Judaism, the parent religion of Christianity, started out polytheistic or at least henotheistic. Yahweh was part of a panoply of gods. In fact, Yahweh was a Canaanite god, along with El, Ba’al, Asherah, and over 70 gods in total. The Hebrews whittled down all of those until there was only one. Interestingly, Asherah, Yahweh’s mother, was described as Yahweh’s “consort” at one point. She often went, in the Bible, with the sobriquet of “the Queen of Heaven.”

7 thoughts on ““Isn’t That Special?”

    1. Hi Ten Bears. I read once that originally the angels were thought to be other gods or less powerful gods. Eventually that did not fit the narrative of the New Christian leaders who wanted one maximal powerful god so the angels had to be demoted to his servants. Otherwise why the commandment “Thou shall have no other gods before me” makes no sense if there were no other acknowledged gods. My question is why the new followers of that rabbi felt the need to make their god the most powerful, biggest bad ass on the block. Sort of makes him trying to fight evil yet not wiping it out silly. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to dup you. I read that, and remember a Non Seq, but not about the opening of hurricane season. Wiley must have rerun it. Ah, well.

        Hey, here are a couple of others you’ll like, totally off this topic, but worthy of a look:

        https://www.openculture.com/2024/06/how-a-bach-canon-works.html ; actually also a listen on this one.


        Liked by 1 person

        1. HI Ali. Sorry the first one I did not understand at all. The second I agree most people including my self could eat better. Sadly because of my childhood I have a tremendous fear of not getting enough to eat or not liking something new so again going hungry. Which means that until the last decade I refused pretty much to try anything I had never eaten and knew I liked before. So my diet was limited to well a meat / potato / few veggies meals or pasta / pizza. Ron has worked hard to get me to try new stuff and I like it, but I don’t like most vegetables. I have about three I will eat, and lettuce with mushrooms, carrot peels, and croutons. But I do love Non Seq on any subject. Hugs. Scottie

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Aw, on the first one, nothing to get, just something to enjoy. Someone figured out doing it, is all, and I thought you guys might enjoy it.

            I sent the second one because you’ve been telling about yours and Ron’s meals, and it sounded just like how you eat already, and turns out, it’s helping the planet. I thought it might make a post, even, or else Ten Bears could take it. No worries!


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