There Was NO CEASEFIRE on 6th October: Israel’s Lie Taken Apart

Please get past the intro of facts, and listen to the abuse of the Palestinians, especially the thousands of children over the years.  For those who have argued with me in the past (I doubt you read my blogs now) listen to how they treat the child in pretrial prison and how the trial is conducted.  Children, yes children are terrified, hurt by being beaten, raped, sexually abused, have been shot, arrested at night in their homes and kept with blind folds and in the dark, they are not given lawyers until the day of court by which time they have been forced to sign fake confessions or plea bargain do to pain or fear.   Damn it I was an abused kid, I know the paralyzing fear of hearing the heavy footsteps coming toward you, the mind numbing cascade of desperation of not knowing what they were going to do to me next or would they walk past me.   They are tried by the military and have no civil rights!  My dogs that love gravy if another country did that to ten of our kids we would go to war with them …  OH wait that was what Hamas tried to do with no chance of wining.  Listen to this and understand that Israel and their military have been provoking these attacks and lying to the world about it.  Please listen to the abuse of these children, these people who have no way to prevent their treatment.  Hugs.  Scottie

You will have heard this claim said over and over and over again. Here’s why it’s monstrously false.

3 thoughts on “There Was NO CEASEFIRE on 6th October: Israel’s Lie Taken Apart

  1. Get your information from YouTube and you get what you deserve. I listened to the first few seconds of this malignant video, and almost immediately heard the words “Israel’s genocidal rampage.” That should have been enough to let you know whose side you are on here. Instead, you have chosen to align yourself with an openly genocidal death cult. You will never erase that moral stain from your soul.


    1. Get a grip and a life Green Eagle. Listen to and read actual news and learn history instead of ranting like a scolded child. By the very definition of the word what Israel has done is a Genocide. I will tell you whose side I am on, an unarmed people who have been kept in an open air prison and mistreated for 40 or 50 years. I am on the side of over 40,000 killed civilians, over 11,000 are children. Yes I stand for the Palestinians because they are being slaughtered by religiously motivated people that want them dead and covet their land. Learn your history before you lecture others. By the way, souls are a mythic comfort device for those that can’t handle the reality of dying. There is no empirical proof of anything like a soul.
      Hugs. Scottie


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