How Can We Combat Preachers Like Greg Locke and “Christian” Hate?

6 thoughts on “How Can We Combat Preachers Like Greg Locke and “Christian” Hate?

      1. no worries scottie. this video was referring to something pmurT said in a church the other day. the word was bullshit which is discovered by further researching the situation.

        scottie. those stupid people were so delighted by his “naughty” word, they CHANTED it over and over. in a church.

        hey, i use those kinds of words and don’t have a problem with them in many places, but in a church? nah.

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        1. Hi Susan. Yes I finally got it. And I agree with you, these people demand everyone respect their churches, their feelings, their god, then they defile and defame the things they want us to respect. But of course they don’t want to respect others stuff so … They are not worthy of respect in my mind. Hugs. Scottie

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