Judge Strikes Down FL Ban On Trans Youth Healthcare

I am watching a video by Ethel of Essence of Thought debunking the Cass report and showing how the fear of trans people assaulting women were actively created to cause as much hate and anger at trans women as possible despite there being no evidence it is real or happening.  The people who fought to get the message in the media admitted in writing that they had no evidence such violence or attacks had happened or were happening, but they thought it was a wonder why to stop the acceptance of trans people.  That is their goal, make trans people the villain’s before they can be accepted like gay people are.  Again they admitted this in writing, they felt they needed to move against trans people / kids because they lost the fight against gay people because they started to late they thought.   Hugs.  Scottie


The New York Times reports:

Key parts of a Florida law that bans gender transition care for minors and imposes hurdles on adults seeking transition care are unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday. Judge Robert L. Hinkle of Federal District Court in Tallahassee sided with advocacy groups and three families who had said that the law stripped them of parents’ rights to make medical decisions for their transgender children.

In a 105-page order, Judge Hinkle said that “gender identity is real” and that a “widely accepted standard of care” includes puberty blockers and hormone treatments that Florida unlawfully banned. “The state of Florida can regulate as needed but cannot flatly deny transgender individuals safe and effective medical treatment — treatment with medications routinely provided to others with the state’s full approval so long as the purpose is not to support the patient’s transgender identity,” Judge Hinkle wrote.

Read the full article.

Judge Robert Hinkle, a Clinton appointee, first appeared here in 2014 when he ruled that Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.


A small victory for our trans community, but we need to get to a place where trans rights aren’t up to the whims of legislatures, the courts, and the whims of despotic southern governors.


Rights should not be ZIP code dependent.

Not all south. NH is about to pass a shitload of anti-trans legislation, trying to get people to get to MA or elsewhere if they can.

And Eastern Washington would gladly join in the tomfoolery if they could get away with it. We always joke that the Cascade Curtain keeps out the riff raff.

You will soon have the haters screech about the Judge condoning “gender confusion”.

Hey, you so-called experts. Trans folks are not “confused”. They know exactly who they are and what they need to do. If you truly care you’d STFU and get out of the way.

I know. Bashing Trans people is good for building up your brand within the Republican party and the Christian Right.

It’s amazing how some cis people can claim to know more about trans people and gender identity than trans people themselves. I mean, the sheer arrogance of it!

Hell, with what we go through, we transgender people often know ourselves better than most cisgender people will ever know themselves.

The only thing the screechers care about is imposing their hate on everyone else. It is not and never has been about doing what is in a child’s best interest.

Thanks, again, Judge Hinkle!


This is a good thing, until SQOTUS says otherwise


Preaching to the choirpreachers here, but this is a far better way to do restrooms:


Or, a bit more seriously:


A few years ago I mentioned having used multi-person all-gender restrooms (designated that way for an LGBTQ+ community choir concert, and a pride festival, and a science-fiction convention), and I turned out fine. Someone asked, “Did it turn you straight? (Or gay, whichever you weren’t before?)” Nope!

Politicians should stay out of making clinical decisions! Period!

I agree, and they should pass a law prohibiting themselves from legislating medical affairs (e.g. bodily autonomy, abortion, dying in dignity, etc.).

They will just fnd another way to stop it. Threaten licenses of medical pros, business licenses, etc. I don’t trust them a bit.

They already put in place the removal of medical licenses.




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