Republican fact checked TO HIS FACE after claiming Listerine could treat COVID

3 thoughts on “Republican fact checked TO HIS FACE after claiming Listerine could treat COVID

  1. I didn’t watch Brian’s entire response, but loved his comparison to the key to the house and “other ways” to get in.

    The idiocy seems to be getting worser and worser!! 🤪

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    1. Hello Nan. Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is so right wing maga and also a paid Putin asset that anything he says is suspect. Worse he keeps coming out with more radical stuff to keep from admitting that vaccines work and masks should be worn by those who most likely to spread the virus. You are correct, in another video I posted it stunned me that doctors were complaining of having to fight patients demanding ivermectin and the other maga fake treatments, while refusing to take real medically proven treatments. But the more this goes on it hits the unvaxxed and right wing you have to wonder why the leaders are not trying to keep their voters alive. A friend of mine texted me this morning that a former co-worker of his, the guy’s wife, and two of his sons were in the local hospital ICU on respirators with Covid. Yes they are all anti-vaxxers, maga cult members. I asked if the family had learned anything from it and was told no, the rest of the family were refusing to admit vaccines would help and refusing to get them. Oh well. Hugs

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