Let’s talk about coup by PowerPoint…..

3 thoughts on “Let’s talk about coup by PowerPoint…..

  1. “Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.”
    James Madison


    It is important for the GOP/church/capitalists/fascists, etc., to keep society and government in a state of crisis. They think we will all be so distracted that we fail to see what is going on.

    It seems to be having that effect on the Justice Department and Democrats in Congress.

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    1. Hello Cagjr. Great article. I had forgotten some of those and was glad to be reminded. I even forgot what Barr did asking for unconstitutional powers. I am very worried what happened to Turkey was going to happen here. Turkey was a democracy; it is not anymore. A dictator strong man wannabe ran for office and won. He then used every level of government and every circumstance to entrench himself in office and increase his power until he captured all branches of government and became a dictator. It has started here. We have an entire minority party trying hard to do it. The country is on a tipping point. It has been happening in Poland and Hungary and Fox News host Carlson loves the strongman in Hungary and the C-PAC will hold a meeting there. Heck it is basically what Putin did in Russia. We really cannot take this lightly. Hugs

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