Ron DeSantis continues to threaten to send undocumented immigrants to Delaware

Ron DeSantis continues to threaten to send undocumented immigrants to Delaware

The Governor shied away from questions about 2024 in this segment.

Gov. Ron DeSantis continued Monday to float ideas about where he might send undocumented immigrants if the federal government sent them to Florida.

The Governor made his threats on the “Ingraham Angle,” again asserting the state’s position that they should be sent to other places.

DeSantis is putting his money where his mouth is: his proposed budget includes an $8 million allocation for relocating the undocumented.

“Our view is that if they’re going to be dumping, we want to be able to facilitate transfer to places like Delaware. And so we have $8 million in my new budget to be able to do that,” DeSantis said.

This line about Delaware, the home state of President Joe Bidenhas been used before.


“If you sent (them) to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard, that border would be secured the next day,” DeSantis said last week in Jacksonville when unveiling a series of proposals designed to address undocumented immigrants being transferred to Florida.

During the interview, DeSantis sounded as if the flights were still going on, even though he had said weeks back that the migrant flights had ceased.

“Well, actually the Biden administration puts people on planes and flies them into Florida in the wee hours of the morning,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis denounced contractors who may have been part of the flights last spring and summer, saying that Biden’s border policies were “effectively a human smuggling operation.”

Among the proposals DeSantis is advancing is a prohibition of state business with those contractors, as well as potential restitution for money made shipping these people.


DeSantis avoided taking some of Ingraham’s bait.

He sidestepped a question framing his policy push as motivated by 2024 concerns, and also redirected a question about a Washington Post op-ed accusing him of “paving his path to the White House on the backs of vulnerable immigrant children.”

6 thoughts on “Ron DeSantis continues to threaten to send undocumented immigrants to Delaware

  1. DeSantis’s family came to America in 1904 from Italy. Four generations and they no longer remember their beginnings here. Bigotry in one area of thought seems to permeate the whole being.

    “As for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature” (Luke 8:14).

    They ‘hear’ and they remember the ideas of Christ and distort it until it becomes a well-honed weapon to be used against their fellows. Slaves, women, immigrants, LGBTQ+, and all people seeking and expecting equality in America have had to first overcome the ‘Law of God’ which stands between them and the laws of the Constitution. The purpose of setting our laws down in a reasoned code is to remove as much ambiguity as possible. The laws of god seem to be intentionally vague, variable, open to all interpretations, depending on who is thumping the bible.

    The world would be a much better place if Christianity with all its chaotic pseudo-intellect had died on the vine.

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    1. Hello Cagjr. Deathsantis is creating a solution looking for a problem in the quest to excite his base. He is extremely ambitious; he wants to be president in the worst way and would be the worst. He is smart enough to know that there are not masses of undocumented immigrants piling up in Florida. He is also smart enough to know that Florida depends on migrant workers many of who are undocumented. For a state that they keep telling us has to save money DeathSantis throws a lot of it around for his pet projects. Hugs


      1. The problem is, Scottie, is you know this. I know this. Many others who follow politics know this.

        BUT … the average voter hasn’t a clue. And therein lies the massive problem the Democrats face.

        Liked by 1 person

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