Steve Bannon Threatens to Take Over Entire U.S. ‘Election Apparatus’

Former Trump official turned right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon took things a step further Monday morning, pledging to one day soon take over the entire “election apparatus” in the United States. “We are going to get it decertified,” Bannon said, referring to the 2020 presidential election, which the hotly contested MAGA character erroneously insists Trump won. “And hey, all they want to talk about all day long is Omicron and 6 January. And we love it,” he continued. “Cuz nobody cares. We care because we care about the legitimacy of our process. We are a constitutional republic. And guess what, we are going to take over the election apparatus.” Bannon further noted that “American citizens” will aid him in the proposed election system takeover. “I understand you don’t think that’s democracy because the globalists have done the misdirection plays and had everyone looking the other way,” he added, speaking to MSNBC producers he thinks breathlessly watch his daily War Room: Pandemic podcast.

4 thoughts on “Steve Bannon Threatens to Take Over Entire U.S. ‘Election Apparatus’

    1. Nan my fear is they are doing it. They have done it in the swing states. They have put their people in the election supervisors’ offices, replaced election boards with white tRump supporters, even made laws allowing the overturning of the results in Arizona. If the Democrats don’t get their heads out of the donors feed boxes they are going to soon be under a permanent Republican one party rule. Scottie

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