Straight people often more sexually fluid than they think, study suggests

A study has found that straight people’s perceptions of their own sexualities can become more fluid when they are exposed to different theories of sexuality.

The study, published in Scientific Reports, was initially conducted on 180 university students, all of whom identified as straight.


Researchers showed participants an article which found that most people experience attraction to both men and women at some level. Evidence was included from multiple studies, including one which measured genital blood flow and pupil dilation among people watching erotic videos of men and women.

A separate control group of participants was presented with a different article on climate change

Among the group presented with evidence that sexuality is a spectrum and can change over time, fewer participants reported themselves as entirely heterosexual.

They also reported being less sure of their heterosexuality and more likely to engage in same-sex encounters in future.

This trend was less noticeable among participants who identified as politically conservative.

Following their findings, the group of researchers conducted a second experiment. This involved a larger pool of participants, with 460 people from varied walks of life. This latter experiment involved showing participants either the article about sexuality being a continuum, a control article, or an article which reported on sexuality as ‘fluid’, with the capacity to change over a lifetime.


After reading their respective information sheets, under 10 per cent of controls claimed to be non-exclusively straight. Of the group who read about sexuality being a continuum, 36 per cent answered as such, as well as 20.7 per cent of those in the fluid sexuality group. 

Just over 41 per cent of those who read about the continuous nature of sexuality also reported being uncertain about their heterosexuality, along with 34.8 per cent of participants who read about the fluid nature of sexuality, and 19.6 per cent of controls.


Unlike its predecessor, the second experiment didn’t find that political alignment had any bearing on participants’ answers at the end of the experiment. However, although those who had read on sexuality as a continuum reported being more open to same0sex experiences in future, the same was not true of those who read on sexuality’s fluidity.

“Did we change people’s sexual orientation via our interventions? Surely not,” said lead study author Dr James Morandini in a statement.

“I think our study may have changed how people interpreted their underlying sexual feelings. This means two people with identical sexual orientations could describe their sexual orientation quite differently, depending on whether they have been exposed to fluid or continuous ways of understanding sexuality.”

I am not only interested in studies on sexuality and gender, but in videos that explain these subjects in easy to understand language.   Their value for young people is well understood.  So many kids have the “Am I normal” “should I have these feelings” questions and need information not only about feelings but physical stuff also.   Here is the really interesting part, young adults need the information also.    I have known guys who had no clue well into their 20’s.   

I have always been open about being gay, even to a more limited extent when in the military.   This was in the 1980’s.  I did a lot of dating.    There were a lot of honest questions, and I will tell you the above study is true, people are far more fluid than they understand.   And they had questions.    When we moved here we were the first openly out gay couple.   There were gay people here of course but we were the ones that were clear we were gay and together.  No need for rumor, we did not hide it.  This was 2004.   Turned out people were curious and would start out hesitantly asking questions that I would answer until they got to the real question they wanted to ask.   I never took offence, why would I, and the conversations often start with “Uhm, I have no one else to ask …”  or “You are the only gay people I know …”   Which I knew was not true but remember this was a 50 year old and older park filled with a lot or retired folk or close too it, so I was the youngest here because my disability made it so those rules did not apply.   There were all these adults who were either curious or had just learned their grandkids were …  that way …  A lot of debunking myths and explaining all of which I did not mind.   The internet has cut a lot of that down I admit, but there is still some questions.   Scottie

5 thoughts on “Straight people often more sexually fluid than they think, study suggests

  1. Scottie, my comments IN NO WAY reflect against you or your sexuality. However, I do disagree with some points in the article.

    One thing that was discussed was the genital blood flow and pupil dilation of people watching erotic videos of men and women. IMO, this is far different than a person acting on a same-sex encounter. A person might “get excited” over such a scene but only because sexual arousal is easy to come by when you’re within a certain age group.

    Further, I tend to think that individuals who might question their heterosexuality are more common among men than women … most likely because men are already very “sexually-oriented” due to their physical makeup. This isn’t to say that it doesn’t happen among women, but IMO, at a far less percentage.

    As for the number of young people who question “Am I normal?” — sexual matters become front and center at a certain age. IMO, all this hullabaloo about “gender” is a big part of the problem that’s currently going on. Some may say it’s because it’s now all out “in the open” and that’s probably true — but not for the reasons that supporters want to think.

    I DO NOT want to start a major discussion on the topic. I’m just stating my opinions. Others (yourself included) are entirely free to disagree. That’s what “opinions” are all about. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Nan. I don’t mind disagreement / others having their opinions so you and others who do disagree with anything I post or say should feel free to voice theirs. And knowing you don’t want a drawn out discussion which I am OK with as I am playing the new Halo game and getting my butt kicked because I choose too high a difficulty setting, I will just point out one thing.

      The article was about how fluid sexual / gender really are. The article was about people who think of themselves as one thing, a set spot that instead turns out to be more a sliding scale. The concept is not new, Kinsey wrote of it. People who may think of themselves as 100% straight will be OK with same sex activities in some settings. I knew a lot of straight guys in the military that would have sex with other guys. They did not see themselves as gay and would deny being gay. But boy were they fun in my youth. I will spare you the details. But the point was they were not heterosexual, but actually bi when it suited them. Same with gender roles. Some people who may be the most masculine in one situation can be the most feminine in another. Again, a sliding spectrum. That is what the article was saying, at least what I got out of it. Scottie

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