Hawaii’s Tiny Houses Address the Housing Crisis in a Big Way

3 thoughts on “Hawaii’s Tiny Houses Address the Housing Crisis in a Big Way

  1. Great project! And since Hawaii is part of the U.S. (not a “foreign” country that operates differently), WHY can’t such a project become a reality in more states?

    Of course, we know there will always be a certain segment that will find fault and bring up all the negatives. Plus scream “Not in MY backyard!!” Not to mention the many who simply have no empathy for this segment of society.

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    1. Hello Nan. The idea is being used elsewhere. I remember one place was using small shelters on trailers that could be set in places needed and then moved. They were not permanent homes but temporary shelters. They were for any homeless person who needed to use them. I have read of someplace in Utah that was providing housing to the homeless plus services, but I think they were doing it more like a hotel or motel type thing. Still it is providing housing. I think that is much better than doing what most places do, driving the homeless away, jailing them, or giving them a ticket to another place.

      We have to remember that the money to do these things could easily come from taxing wealthy large corporations but those corporations fight it tooth and nail. In fact when San Francisco tried to put up a tax to do it several wealthy people / businesses including Jack Dorsey the owner of twitter trying to kill it. The city has won the lawsuits so they are moving ahead with it. The CEO of Starbucks also fought a tax to pay for homeless care but I cannot remember where, you may know more about it than I because it may have been in your area of the country. So you are correct, Not in my back yard and greed will stop helping in a way that makes sense. It stuns me how far back to the days when corporations and robber barons ran the country and the people were constantly desperate and struggling. We really need a new FDR. And a public that will vote in the politicians to vote for reforms. Scottie

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