Daily cartoon / meme roundup. To increase profits as people get poorer and poorer businesses must charge for things that use to be part of the price for the item.


Scottie’s world today

I will handle the problems


Pilot upgrade

You might want to do some research next time…

Broom Hilda Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

Prickly City Comic Strip for January 03, 2022



Right Wingers: we are fascists.

Also Right Wingers: we blame our crimes on our critics and political rivals.

Also Right Wingers: why are innocent people not punished for our crimes?


I’d say it’s time to subpoena Ivanka.

say putin propaganda

Permanently suspended marge


You can hold onto that for now Florida. Let’s get Beto elected first. You can donate to his campaign here: https://usaunify.org

If we nominate trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it
-Lindsay Graham

“A flowchart for the ages

Non Sequitur Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

And some people called Pokémon Go stupid.


Go to detention

Greek myth hourse man

Real Life Adventures Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

Working It Out Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

Family Tree Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

As someone who struggles to be active in the smallest degree I agree with this.   I feel best when I can do things even through the pain.   I have shots in a few weeks in my spine because right now I can not stand long enough to fry eggs at the stove.  

ViewsEurope Comic Strip for January 03, 2022


Misleading right wing media cartoons / memes

Michael Ramirez Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

The filibuster is not in the Constitution. But each house is allowed to make their own procedural rules. The Senate rules, unlike the House, trying to be a more “deliberative” body (and with fewer members in the early days) allowed unlimited debate on the floor and unlimited “yields” (handoffs to allies). During such speechifying, no other business could be conducted.

It took a 2/3 vote to stop a debate.

The filibuster arose when Southern conservative senators wanted to block bills, especially in the area of civil rights. Not having the votes, they simply stood and spoke under the rules allowing “unlimited debate” and kept on speaking, handing off (yielding) to accomplices as needed for breaks, and thus preventing any other business from going forward.

Finally, they made a compromise in the Senate rules: they would lower the cloture vote from 2/3 to 3/5 (60 votes in a 100-member senate) and not require senators to actually speak; just invoke filibuster by motion, and allow other business to still proceed on a “two track” basis.

Taking out the hard work of hours and hours of speaking made it easier to invoke and, once Obama became president and McConnell embarked on an unprecedented racist obstruction of the first African-American president, he made a 60-vote supermajority the de facto standard for passing any legislation, with more filibusters during the Obama years than the entire history of all prior administrations COMBINED and then, when he regained the majority, essentially did away with the filibuster for all confirmations and for budget bills (budget reconciliation).

McConnell’s unprecedented ABUSE of filibuster, coupled with the built-in (Constitutional) disproportionate allocation of senate representation, transformed it from a tool for the minority to have a voice in developing legislation, to utter tyranny of the majority, in which senators representing 16% of the population could overrule an overwhelming majority. 

There are ways in which conservative Democrats could reduce the power of the filibuster to obstruct and still go on record as having saved the filibuster, and some of the Democrats who have opposed outright elimination of the filibuster (such as Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona) have indicated that they might be amenable to reforms such as:

a) amend the process; return to the requirement that they actually stand and hold the floor instead of just invoking by motion. When we had this in the past, filibuster was rarely used.

b) redefine filibuster; redefine what is eligible for inclusion in the budget reconciliation process which is exempt from filibuster

c) make voting rights and election security exempt from filibuster

d) limit the number of times filibuster can be invoked

e) require the speaker to remain on topic (no more reading phone books)

f) reverse the burden of invoking filibuster: right now they just make a motion to invoke filibuster and it takes a 60% vote to stop them. Reverse it. Instead of one person invoking filibuster and 60% having to agree to end it, require them to get 40% of the senate to vote to invoke filibuster — make them get the votes. Make them go on record as voting to obstruct something huge majorities of everyday people want (election reform, campaign finance reform, checks to individuals, a livable minimum wage, gun safety reform) and have to defend that in their next election.

None of these proposed reforms are mutually exclusive! You can do any or all or any combination. And there are likely other ways to reform and restructure filibuster without having to go on record as having actually eliminated it.

For those concerned about the “tyranny of the majority,” what we currently have is a “tyranny of the MINORITY.” We can protect minority interests and allow them to be heard without allowing senators who represent 16% of the population to tyrannize the rest of us.


Henry Payne Comic Strip for January 01, 2022

Yesterday I posted Dr. Fauci’s qualifications to make public health suggestions, and to understand the data / science behind those recommendations.   Let me make clear that the right wing media doesn’t have those qualifications at all.   The people who claim they did their own research are only reading some one else’s summery and the opinions of people not qualified to understand or make those public health opinions.   Scottie

Scott Stantis Comic Strip for December 28, 2021

What is the Build Back Better bill?   What is it?  It is the government doing things that benefit the public.   That is it.  Investing in the country in a way to benefit the people.   The wealthy can not have that in any way.   They feel the lower incomes are undeserving, the poor shouldn’t have anything or enjoy life.   The wealthy feel the government must only do what they want, what they decide is good for businesses, which is a dependent  people struggling to survive who will work for any low wage in any bad conditions.  This is the truth hidden by claims of inflation and debt.   Those things have been disproved.   So the truth is the wealthy do not want the government to do things making life better for the public.   Scottie

Gary Varvel for Jan 03, 2022

Yet Putin is the one asking for more talks. Putin has not made his invasion when it would have been better for him to do so. Reports are Putin has pulled some troops back from the border. Putin’s goal is defense while the western powers, with the US as part, is becoming more inclusive. Seems to me Biden’s checkers is beating Putin’s chess quite well. Scottie

Bob Gorrell for Dec 28, 2021

The lack of tests and their increase in price is driven by demand. The businesses that are worried about a sick work force that wont vaccinate are demanding workers be tested. Need tests to do that. So be happy the economy is opening up and booming under Biden. Be upset with the lack of a vaccine mandate that would help businesses to operate safety. Scottie


And now some for fun

Eek! Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

Close to Home Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

The Middletons Comic Strip for January 03, 2022

4 thoughts on “Daily cartoon / meme roundup. To increase profits as people get poorer and poorer businesses must charge for things that use to be part of the price for the item.

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