ROLLING STONE: Manchin’s Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew

Manchin’s Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew
The senator from West Virginia is bought and paid for by Big Coal. With his help the dying industry is pulling one final heist — and the entire planet may pay the price

Read in Rolling Stone:

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Sent from my iPad,Hugs and Best wishes,

5 thoughts on “ROLLING STONE: Manchin’s Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew

    1. Hello Nan. Several thing stuck out to me. One the article describes the state as a 50 / 50 split. While the polling showed the people lean left, I had always heard the state was deep red. I think we have been badly misinformed about WV. However it is an entrenched old boys club as deep as any in the “old south”. Nan I have often said that Manchin had no intention of going along with the BBB and I was correct. I stated Manchin was building a heck of a war chest first from getting the infrastucture bill passed that had a large amount of corporate give away benefits for the wealthy and barely any new government spending. It gave corporations a large amount of public infrastructure in roads and bridges they can now place forever tolls on. Public built structures given to corporations / the wealthy to make more profit on the backs of the lower income people. Manchin got a huge pile of money for that. But I think the Biden people missed the boat, carrots wont work on Manchin, but sticks do. He has a lot of viability that can be covered on the state level but not from federal forces. But Biden wont do sticks even to save the party or his bills. But I think Manchin wants to be governor again. I don’t think he wants to be a Senator again, even though it gave him power, as a Governor he can be king of the state. At his age and ego I think he is planning that. He has burned way to many bridges with fellow Democrats and openly doesn’t care. Even the most egotistical could see that is a losing stragity for staying in the Senate and getting anything you want. Right now the House Democrats have said they will never trust his word again and in politics your words is your currency. He really burned bridges. He made a lot of money but at the cost of his future ability in my opinion. So I think Manchin will run for Governor and be come king of a small dying state while he reaps the gold to hoard as his kingdom looks to the federal government to bail out the dying state to save his people. And the federal government will bail out the state when the time comes, they will have to in order to save the union and Manchin knows that. For him the game is win win while everyone else pays the costs. Scottie


      1. You are waaaay more versed on this stuff than me, Scottie. And I think you know that!

        In any case, this is what stood out to me in your comment: He made a lot of money. And it’s become more than obvious that in politics, that’s the name of the game.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hello Nan. Isn’t it a shame that what was once thought of as a noble profession to serve the public has become? It may have always been that way I guess, but the dreamer in me bought into the idea that those who went to Washington did so to help the people they represented. I come from a small state where you could contact your local Senator or Representative and meet with them. I understand it is not that way much anymore. The number of Reps per person has gotten far too large for the public to have any say, the House needs to be expanded again like in the past. But the rude awaking in that these people are interested only in gaining more wealth for themselves no matter how much it hurts the people / public.

          OT my sugar is uncontrolled today in the upper 300’s. My last reading was 344. It could be my spine injections and the stress I am under trying to get the paperwork done. I will send you an email on that if you are interested. I was surprised I got the roundup done, went to bed right after. Scottie


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