Daily cartoon / meme roundup: The lower income people and those on fixed incomes are in real distress in the US. We need the government to understand our desperation and help the lower incomes instead of doing increasingly more for the wealthy to generate more profit for the upper class


Scottie’s world today

conversation in my headYesterday gave me a wedgie


For the lower incomes and those on a fixed income the inflation problem has gotten quite severe.   The wealthy members of congress decline to pass bills that Biden proposed that would have helped lower the effects of inflation and helped out the lower incomes.   But some people, those well off see poor people as useless and not deserving of anything.   They really hate poor people because they are poor.   Found out one state was jailing poor people just for being poor until recently.   I will post that later.  

Joel Pett Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

Yeah, what looks DOWN RIGHT stUPid to me is the unending spew of complaints from right wing cartoonists that this is all somehow Biden’s fault. Hello? Pandemic here…   We also need to remember that all the ranting about inflation has more to do with Republigoons attacking ANYTHING the Biden Administration does (or can’t do) in furtherance of the Republican project to regain power and stay there permanently. They have no plans to govern, just take power and fleece the country until it collapses. Inflation in short, is too much money chasing too few goods (and that doesn’t mean YOU have too much money, but that in aggregate there are still plenty of people who want and are able to buy things vs. the supply of things). Note that I’m not saying that inflation is not real or is good — only that it is worldwide and will take some time to slow its rate. Those who vote for Republicans thinking they’ll manage inflation are in for some bad, and probably permanent surprises.  Scottie


The free market is rigged.

Unskilled is code for ‘most expoited’ labor.


Capitalism is a death cult for the ultra-rich.


We clearly can’t survive in a capitalist model.



And nobody will say or do anything.

We welcome this #Revolution ASAP. The top 1% own the monopoly board 1000 times over, it’s time for a reset. We can’t find housing, healthcare, affordable ed, good jobs, & retirement https://ift.tt/3tY4dtS

Why should Biden apologize?  First it was his opinion, second he was not being profane, and Doocy is always trying to trip Biden up while making him look bad.  This question was designed to be a sound bite on Fox, and very one knows that Fox is the media arm of the Republicans.   Scottie

Stuart Carlson Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

Steve Benson Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

ViewsBusiness Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

With what is happening world wide I think we are all doing what this cartoon shows Biden doing.   How ever I think it is super talented of Biden to do the above and create away forward making the path for the rest to follow.  Scottie

the difference between nationalism and partriotism


Vote Blue in 2022.

Jeff Danziger Comic Strip for January 25, 2022


Soy Boy Trump, leader of the cucks.





What we know, so far….

The one thing you can count on: it’s always going to get worse with Trump.


The GOP are authoritarians.

They have no law and order. It’s punishment for you, lawlessness for me.


Clay Jones Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Brian McFadden Comic Strip for January 25, 2022



White fragility.


Manchin is a bad faith actor. Truly despicable.

Candorville Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

made his marriage legal he denies to others

the water is the same

works on money rulings

about to rule on healthcare

i am medic

vaccinations are not the holocaust

a mask and a shot not armed fighting

And will be until the anti-mask / anti-vaxxers start practicing medical sound precautions.   Until the hospitals are not flooded with seriously sick Covid virus patients and the death toll comes down we are stuck trying to mitigate the problem, not solving it.  Scottie

Moderately Confused Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

True number of Covid deaths in the US likely undercounted, experts say


The true number of deaths from the Covid pandemic in the US are likely being undercounted, due to the long-lasting and little-understood effects of Covid infection and other deadly complications that surged during the past two years.

“We are seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business,” J Scott Davison, CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, told journalists on 30 December.

“Death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said, among working-age people between 18 and 64. Deaths among older Americans have also increased, with one in 100 Americans over the age of 65 dying.

Republicans try to hide the facts. Covid, climate, criticisms of racism.


Policies that kill kids are the true mark of a bad faith pro-lifer.

Policies that adversely target teachers and K-12 education are the true mark of a bad faith pro-lifer.

‘How can we make people’s lives worse?’ is the true mark of a bad faith pro-lifer.

Right as hospitalizations are peaking too
Right as hospitalizations are peaking too

And yet you’re still here…
And yet you’re still here…

They will never run out of answers for this

Jen Sorensen Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

a lot of value for shareholders

Of course…Republicans work and are owned by Putin. It’s no surprise they want to support the expansion of the Russia into NATO Ukrainian Sovereignty
Of course…Republicans work and are owned by Putin. It’s no surprise they want to support the expansion of the Russia into NATO Ukrainian Sovereignty

Robert Ariail Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

John Deering Comic Strip for January 25, 2022


Misleading right wing media cartoons / memes

The right wing loves to portray the vaccine mandates as some sort of blocking the economy or stopping people from working.   It is not.  It is the people refusing to get the vaccine due to their political leanings and deliberate misinformation denying science that are blocking the advancement of the economy and getting back to some kind of normal.   Get the damn shots, and act like grownups.  Scottie

I recently had to send some documents less than 20 miles away.  I was advised and did sent it registered so it was required to be signed for and traceable.   A week went by and the tracking said it was in transit.   Then another week, and the same thing.   So on the start of the third week as Ron was going to deal with the postal office on this we received the documents back that we had sent.  Plus the signed for slip.   But the tracking system on USPS web site still said it was in transit.   What has Dejoy done to our constitutionally mandated service for the people?    Scottie

I have explained before how austerity is the wrong approach to solving inflation.   The solution is target payments to the lower incomes, something the wealthy detests with a passion.   But it works, we seen that with the child tax credit that lifted 50 % of US children out of poverty until the Republicans with Manchin / Sinema killed it.  As Joe Manchin said he thinks poor people are just lazy bums.   So does Jeff Bezos who told his top people to use and abuse workers until they were too broken to work and then replace them with what he thought was an inexhaustible supply of new workers.   He would be correct about the supply if the wealthy had their way of keeping people poor, desperate, hungry, and with out any government assistance or help.  Scottie

Rivers is a shill for the far right and his stuff is posted in that media.   However this is asinine even as it is well believed on the right.   The right really thinks Fox, OAN, Newsmax are all telling the honest truth and all other news media is lying and in the take of the Democrats.    That is complete reversal of course, but you can not shake them of that.  Show then studies or even videos of the lies and they simply deny it as fake and made up.   Their belief is worth more to them than reality.   It really is just like a religion in that respects.   Because the main stream media debunks the lies and misinformation of the right wing media arm of the Republicans they have to demonize them by projecting what they are doing themselves on to the left.  As they always do.   Scottie

Mike Lester Comic Strip for January 24, 2022

How do you figure this is all on Biden.   How is Biden responsible for Putin’s moves on Ukraine? Short of threatening war with Russia, What are Biden’s options?   What is he supposed to do about Manchin and Sinema? Or the Supreme court, for that matter?   Covid was here before Biden. He is following the best medical advice he can get, but the right wing is rooting for the virus to win.

The entire world is struggling with inflation. It’s an international problem with no easy solutions but to wait it out.   Lester, like the rest of the rest of the conservative projectionists who continue feeding their non-critical thinking followers trite sound bites that their brains can latch on to, is ignoring what Biden has been able to accomplish in his first year in office—passing a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package; passing a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill; getting Americans from less than 1% vaccinated to more than 63% vaccinated; getting the unemployment rate down to under 3.9% with jobless claims at their lowest levels since the 1960s (it was at 4.7% when his predecessor started his term and saw it go high as 14.8%); getting a record setting and diverse group of 40 federal judges confirmed (a number that even McConnell can be proud of); seeing the S&P 500 (the metric the last guy used to measure success) hit new record highs 70 times and finishing up 29%; and finally committing to ending the pointless war in Afghanistan that took the lives of many  servicemen.   Scottie

Bob Gorrell for Jan 25, 2022

What is being removed from schools is not CRT but the real history of the US and any mention of how the US continues to be a very racist country. To deny the deeply racist history of the US and how that racism not only continues in many forms but also affects the situation of the descendants of slaves is racist. Because it denies reality to white wash history erasing the harsh reality with misinformation designed to ease the guilt of those that benefited from the past. No one is teaching that white kids are evil because they are white or that they are born oppressors due to skin tone. What is being taught is that these things happened and it is a truth we must face if we wish to keep such inequalities from continuing to happen today. Changing the word slaves in text books to immigrants as was done in Texas shows more current guilt and a wish for the present system of oppression to continue. CRT is a dog whistle that some white people are using to try to keep history from being taught to children so the current system can be allowed to continue. That is a disservice to the country, to our children, and to the future. Scottie


And now some for fun

Mike du Jour Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Non Sequitur Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Speed Bump Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Free Range Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Eek! Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Reality Check Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

The Flying McCoys Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Lola Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

Mannequin on the Moon Comic Strip for January 25, 2022

3 thoughts on “Daily cartoon / meme roundup: The lower income people and those on fixed incomes are in real distress in the US. We need the government to understand our desperation and help the lower incomes instead of doing increasingly more for the wealthy to generate more profit for the upper class

  1. Hi Scottie;
    I just found my way to comment on your round up: I put your blog on two tabs:

    Ok, did the math. Conflicting accounts, but … Bezos at 177 billion – 99.999% leaves him with 1.77 million dollars. If you make $50,000/yr and don’t spend a dime, it will take you 35.4 years to accumulate that amount. But, since you are going to be losing at least federal income taxes of $6,700ish, works out to just shy of 41 years. But, no – don’t tax the rich.

    In regards to Doocy being called a “stupid son of a bitch”, I don’t think he should have apologized to doocy. I think he should have apologized to his mother, then commiserated with her for having such an idiot for a child.

    I recall Gingrich cheering on the censure of Bill Clinton because he “degraded the office of the president” by getting a blow job and not declaring it nationwide. But, the attempted self coup of the United States by the supposed to be outgoing president investigation is “mean and nasty” and deserving of jail time for those daring to seek how this all happened? – in fact threatening it upon a, get this, change of leadership after a voting year. Wow.

    In regards to Missippi saying that no Critical Race Theory can be taught in any academic setting…. I believe that if you can’t demonstrate a clear understanding of a theory you can’t ban it. But, if we remove the ability to govern while ignorant, we lose 99% of the government. Not sure that is the best result or not.

    If the families of employees of a radio station are not allowed to take part in the games and prizes of the radio station, then the families of Supreme Court Justices are not allowed to take bribes by the litigants of a court case soon to be judged by said Justices. If Clarence Thomas wants to be allowed to accept bribes, he needs to join congress like all the others who willingly accept … donations.

    Ok, That should do it for a bit.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Randy. You stun me brother. There are days I am so glad to call you my brother because you are so fucken smart and knowledgeable I am in awe of you. I wonder how educated I would have turned out if I had grown up with you. As for the specifics of your comment, let me go through it.

      Ok the wealthy, I am not sure they would taste good so I am not in favor of eating them. I do suggest we get the funds that we can prove they extorted from the lower income wage earners and then use those funds to help the people.

      On Doocy I agreed. look flat out if you watch the video that was on Biden when he did that, he was being an old man grandpa and nothing else when he said that. Unlike the other prior president, he was not directing his anger at anyone, he did not make it personal, he was just commenting it was a pretty stupid idea. Really what did the fox news host really want to prove?


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