Mark Cuban launches affordable online pharmacy

3 thoughts on “Mark Cuban launches affordable online pharmacy

    1. I don’t know, Nan. This new year Ron’s first prescription cost him $520 dollars, because he told me $480 was our yearly deduction. Yet when my doctor sent in my first fast insulin prescription it cost me $300. I was scared until I found out it was 5 pens. The government under Medicare is to pay 80% of insulin, yet I hear all these horror stories of people with no insurance. Medicare did not pay for mine, my insurance did. But I had to buy the needles and the cheapest I could find was on Amazon. Same with the extra test strips I now need and the lancets. The doctor had given me two insulin pens and I am still on my first one. I started it on the 17th and so this is my second week. It is still half full. I should get two weeks out of them. But I have really restricted my diet. The only snack I will let myself have is carrots, I do not have any of the cookies or sweets, heck not even potato chips until I see how this plays out. It is not fun but neither is being poor or dead. Clearly something has changed in my body I have to get the doctors on. My liver enzymes went way up over the last 9 months suggesting organ failure, my kidney’s showed a big hit,, but my primary care doesn’t seem interested. I have ordered other medications ( as you know I take a lot ) and not had that big premium Ron got. So I do not know if it is something we can use. last year I think Ron said So I will have to see how it plays out. Scottie

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