Republicans Do NOT Care About Supporting Families

3 thoughts on “Republicans Do NOT Care About Supporting Families

  1. Hi Scottie;
    I’m not sure where that falls in the list, but I’ll just stack it on the continuing reason why I’m not a republican. This guy probably looks at Ebenezer Scrooge and thinks ‘…lightweight’.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Randy. Ron Johnson is a case study in the idea it is OK for me to do but not you. He is a corrupt politician who has no qualms about doing things he judges other people as wrong for doing. He thinks he is entitled and above the unimportant lower-class commoners he rules over. I hate people like him. Government handouts to him is good and normal, but the government helping the dirty poor public is wrong and unthinkable. He thinks his staff should wait on him because he is important but single mothers need to do everything with no help because they are not as privileged as he. Ggggrrrrrr


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