Republican: Rape Can Be A Blessing

4 thoughts on “Republican: Rape Can Be A Blessing

  1. Scottie, I was writing a comment on this but had to delete it because the topic is just too upsetting. My blood pressure goes up when I listen to these IDIOTS like the guy at the start of the video!!!

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    1. Hello Nan. I am both sorry it caused you distress and happy to know good people can still get enraged by these monsters. First there is no way this story is true and second who can anyone in their right mind justify rape, and then justify it four more times? God damn any god that sends a rapist to anyone. How great a blessing from god would this jerk feel it was if five guys raped him. Would he be singing his praises to just thank god and get over it? I wanted people to know this is the anti-woman mindset of many that are in the lower levels of government. This is the religious people taking over at the local and state levels, now moving into the federal congress. Before the Republicans always gave an out with rape and incest because they understood a woman is a person and has rights, not just a vessel for their enjoyment and servant. Now with the religious taking over the party women have no worth other than what issue / offspring they provide for the male because that is how their 2000 year old holy book puts it. I want to work against these people with everything I got.

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