The Science of Biological Sex

The medical science is in, the debate is over.  Yes it is hard for some people to understand or change.  All their lives they really thought biology of sex, who was male or female came down to if your part was an outtie or an innie.  If it dangled outside the body or if you could put something in it.  That is not how biologists classify male and female anymore.  The notion that sex is not strictly binary is not even scientifically controversial. Among experts it is a given, an unavoidable conclusion derived from actually understanding the biology of sex.  It is more accurate to describe biological sex in humans as bimodal, but not strictly binary.  In order for sex to be binary there would need to be two non-overlapping and unambiguous ends to that continuum, but there clearly isn’t. There is every conceivable type of overlap in the middle – hence bimodal, but not binary.

There are two paraghraps that address the question of gametes and of sexual organs, again proving that they are not binary.  Also the article address differences in sexual organs and how they are not the rare differences they once were thought to be.  They are in fact much more common.   This article is very informative and easy to read.  It is a bit longer than some want to read but if you want to know the truth about sex, trans gender, and biology you will read it.  If not you will repeat and stick to the same failed incorrect talking points.   Hugs

Steven Novella on July 13, 2022

For example, in a recent article by James Lyons-Weiler (“Biology is the biology is the biology“) he begins:

Most of us are born male or female. This is not our “assigned gender”: it’s our biological sex. An individuals’s sex is determined in animals (and plants) via the chromosomes one is born with.

For most of us, we ARE male, or we ARE female. Unfortunately, early scientific articles conflated “gender” and “sex”, and much of society conflate them this as well. Depending on context, someone might need to know your sex (karyotype).

Biological sex is not binary

It is absolutely true that humans display sexual dimorphism, with a typical male and typical female set of traits. There is no third sex, or pole, or sexual archetype. This can be distinguished, for example, from body type which is understood as trimodal – ectomorphic, endomorphic, and mesomorphic – forming a triangle with individuals falling somewhere between the three poles. Biological sex has only two poles, with one axis of variation between them. (See the main image for a good visual representation of binary vs bimodal.)

It is also true that most people tend to cluster around one of the two poles of biological sex. At first glance, looking superficially at the human population, it may seem binary. This is because binary and bimodal can look very similar if you don’t dig down into the details – so let’s do that.

First we need to consider all the traits relevant to sex that vary along this bimodal distribution. The language and concepts for these traits have been evolving too, but here is a current generally accepted scheme for organizing these traits:

  • Genetic sex
  • Morphological sex, which includes reproductive organs, external genitalia, gametes and secondary morphological sexual characteristics (sometimes these and genetic sex are referred to collectively as biological sex, but this is problematic for reasons I will go over)
  • Sexual orientation (sexual attraction)
  • Gender identity (how one understands and feels about their own gender)
  • Gender expression (how one expresses their gender to the world)

We surveyed the medical literature from 1955 to the present for studies of the frequency of deviation from the ideal male or female. We conclude that this frequency may be as high as 2% of live births. The frequency of individuals receiving “corrective” genital surgery, however, probably runs between 1 and 2 per 1,000 live births (0.1-0.2%).

If what I have discussed up to this point were all there were to sex, I honestly don’t think the topic would be that controversial. All biological traits vary in a complex and messy way, and sexual characteristics are no exception (why would they be?). Most of the controversy surrounds sexual dimorphism and the brain. Again, here we see that there are statistical differences only, with greater variation within the sexes than between them.

This is where communicating these ideas gets tricky, because some experts might express this reality by saying that there are more than two sexes. I think this may be counterproductive conceptually. I prefer the “bimodal but not binary” approach. But understand the real point – a strictly binary definition of biological sex cannot possibly capture all of the actual variation, which includes many possible states of sexual orientation. You can also see, on the other side, that claiming there are only two sexes because “gametes” is hopelessly reductionist and poorly informed.

And now gender

Denying difference out of existence

Some people, however, may accept the specific arguments but reject the conclusion with what I consider to be dubious logic. One approach is to say – what is the practical difference between bimodal and binary? Why should sexuality in any way be defined by the 2% (to use a representative round figure) rather than the 98%? But this misses the actual issue, which is how we think about the 2% – are they part of biological diversity or can we define them out of existence?

A 2018 study found:

Overall it’s too early to form a confident conclusion, but the data is trending in the exact same direction as similar research into sexual orientation – the brains of trans individuals appear to be different than their cis counterparts.


  • Steven NovellaFounder and currently Executive Editor of Science-Based Medicine Steven Novella, MD is an academic clinical neurologist at the Yale University School of Medicine. He is also the host and producer of the popular weekly science podcast, The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, and the author of the NeuroLogicaBlog, a daily blog that covers news and issues in neuroscience, but also general science, scientific skepticism, philosophy of science, critical thinking, and the intersection of science with the media and society. Dr. Novella also has produced two courses with The Great Courses, and published a book on critical thinking – also called The Skeptics Guide to the Universe.View all posts 

8 thoughts on “The Science of Biological Sex

    1. Hello Ali and Roger. Sadly too many people find their joy in policing others. If they can not do something per their beliefs, then no one is allowed to. They do not believe in equality or that others have rights as they have. If they don’t like it instead of ignoring it they insist it be removed so no one can have it, see it, or be who they are. They don’t want to see people not like them in movies, on TV, or even in books they wouldn’t ever read. So until these people agree to just mind their own business and accept that not everyone wants to be part of their religion, we won’t all get along. The real problem is these people are now supported by gang thugs willing to use violence to intimidate people and scare them in to do as ordered. That is not a free society. Hugs

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This was most interesting in reading the scope and depth of the issues to hand. Although I do confess to getting lost in some of the details which I am not very familiar with.

    Thus my view is somewhat a simplistic attempt to grasp at a very complex situation.
    It would seem from my perspective (ie trying to grasp that understanding), that what we have going in here is:
    1. A growing understanding in the complexities of gender / sexualities. I see this as comparable to the growth in understanding in Physics of the particle and sub-atomic particle constructs. Ie once upon a time we thought there was just The Atom, then electrons, protons and more were found. Research continues along the ‘All Is Not What It Seems’ paths.

    With the advance of the knowledge as demonstrated in this post and attempted to summarise in my ‘1’ folk are beginning to become more aware that what they did not understand about themselves is becoming clearer. Thus there is a change in social perceptions which allows a greater element of expression. Something we as grandparents are witnessing at first hand. The challenge for us, being to understand in the same spirit as getting to grips with the varieties of sub-atomic particles ie….learning what is coming to light.
    Aside from the matters of violent prejudices and ignorance which are kicking back, one matter which concerns me is the element of in-fighting amongst groups involved in what we could broadly call the Sexual Enlightenment. This reminds me of the fratricidal war (I have to use the male word here for traditions sake) within the Socialist movement as to what defines socialism.
    In the UK, at least, a bitter dispute has broken out between sections of feminism and transgender who have made the move from male to female identity; it is very complicated and many layered and difficult to give a title to without me getting into serious trouble.
    There also appears to be a level of concern raised by folk who consider themselves as Asexual who feel pressured by some to ‘come off of the fence’. This in-fighting can only serve to help those who are phobic to anything other than the male/female dynamic (with males being naturally ‘superior’- harsh bark of bitter sarcastic laugh by the writer).

    In short I am with Ali here.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Roger. Very well said. I wish I had a way with words that you do. I am with Ali also, it would be grand if we could all get along, but that requires some people to mind their own business and let others be who they are.

      I think the biggest obstacle to moving forward in social understanding of new discoveries is tradition. It has been a traditional fact for most people that you can tell if a baby is male or female by visual inspection of genitalia. To most people, it seemed so simple and completely true. I have viewers here that I think are smart rational people that can not get over the fact that if it dangles it is male is no longer the standard anymore. That there is more to sex / gender than sex organs. But that is again due to ingrained traditions.

      I think it was the same in accepting black people as equal to whites and opening former segregated spaces. It flew in the face of traditions. The feminist movement to give women equality to men in all aspects including jobs, wages, civil rights, independence, and body autonomy. Again it went against traditional gender stereotypes accepted by society for centuries. Same with sexual orientations. Same with the current debates in cosmetology with the new space telescopes discoveries. Like the example you mention, it challenges the traditional understandings.

      So if we understand the problem, both the one I mention and the one you do, how do we solve them? In the past it was time and a constant sometimes blood fight with many people hurt, suffering the backlash against their rights. How to handle the extreme backlash and demand to return to the social traditions and medical understandings of 73 years ago? A return to the 1950s may make some fundamentalist Christian nationals very happy, at the cost to the majority of the people in the country. What are your thoughts please? Hugs

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you Scottie for that kind compliment, though I must say the post by folk such as you, Jill and Keith (which he titles ‘musingsofanoldfart’) have encouraged me to raise my standards which used to be rather basic left-wing (well one part of the left-wing: we in-fight a lot) invective.

        A great deal of my reading is steeped in histories mostly military and political with science added. It would seem every advance is met with a reaction to push things back. We can see that the 1925 Scopes trial over the right to teach evolution still resonates today. And the Civil Right Acts may have been signed off by LBJ (‘there goes the South’, he is purported to have said) but still has a long way to go and is also under threat by stealth.
        In short the fight for Liberty and Tolerance is a constant.

        I must admit Scottie I am probably not the best to advise Americans because my own solutions tend to be European based, on the Left (and the American Right do not have the faintest idea what that entails) and still overshadowed by a WWII mindset (I was born in 1945).
        Trying to be moderate about matters it would seem the best first step would be to mobilise the folk of moderate views and those who think it has nothing to do with them.
        This would entail pointing out to them that the way the Nation is moving into the grasp of a rightest fundamentalist is not something they will be able to opt out of. They personally may think they can, but this movement will affect and hurt folk close to them if unchecked. Friends, children, relatives, colleagues. And it will come knocking at their doors, noticing they have not attended church; it will be smiling friendly insistent faces first.
        If that does not work they should be made aware that the chance increases of communal violence could arise. They only need consider what the UK was part of during the Northern Ireland Strife of the last third of the 20th Century.
        I would hope that this mobilisation would lead to a strong Democrat victory in 2024 and a consequential split in the Republican Party, giving a chance for moderate Republicans to feel confident enough to make a come back.
        At the risk of sounding alarmist, actually its that folk-echo of WWII people do need to be shaken up a bit more and realise that MAGA and the like will come to them if not checked. There will be no chance to opt out.

        Take care you guys.
        Win back the USA

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Roger. Hard words easy to understand and yet hard to digest. Just how much of the public still thinks what the republicans and the fundamentalist Christian Nationalist are trying to do doesn’t affect them. They still seem to think it is only those folk as you say, the very small fringe ones. They really seem to think the more mainstream minorities will be just fine. They themselves won’t be bothered at all as they are hetero normative and they think all their kids will be. How to get people to see the threat of fascism and a religious take over with Taliban like moral police is something I don’t know how to get across to the majority of the people. I feel like I am shouting in to a hurricane and no one can hear me. Hugs

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I believe there are number of True American like you Scottie….Jill for one.
            And organisation setting up a website, with folk who know how to attract attention of the web would be an idea for a group to investigate.
            It is time to put The Concern out there is a big way. Folk need to think beyond their cosy circle…..
            There is this poem more folk need to eb aware of:
            First They Came:

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