Trump-appointed judge dismisses challenge to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law a second time

It is clear she supports the law.  In the article, a man chaperoning kids felt he couldn’t mention his husband or their family as others were doing.  That is the point of the law, to make the LGBTQIA disappear from society.  Not mentioned, not heard about, don’t exist.  Make it a weird fringe thing, instead of a large segment of the population.  I don’t know how we get around the legal road blocks that the maga right has installed.  Think of it, this judge says students, parents of students, and their legal representatives don’t have standing, yet the religious liberty legal groups can create a fictional business that doesn’t even exist and the court rules yes Christians have a pass to discriminate.  What next, Christians suing to not serve black people?  What about Jewish people.  Yet if someone tried not to serve Christians their heads would explode and that would be illegal.   Please note the related story of a trump appointed judge saying that gay kids shouldn’t be protected from bullying.  “It is simply a fact of life that many middle school students will face the criticism and harsh judgment of their peers,” wrote the judge.  Well that was changing just as acceptance of people of color stopped a lot of the tolerated bullying of black children, so the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ kids with anti-bullying programs was working also.  Those programs were stopping the bullying and gay kids felt accepted and included at school.  That is what the republicans were desperate to stop.  That what these laws are doing.   Hugs


U.S. District Judge Wendy Berger ruled that most of the plaintiffs lacked standing and accused them of “legal posturing.”

By John Russell Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Judge with gavel

Photo: Shutterstock

A Trump-appointed judge has dismissed a challenge to Florida’s infamous “Don’t Say Gay” law for the second time.  


Trump judge upholds Don’t Say Gay law because bullying is “a fact of life”

“It is simply a fact of life that many middle school students will face the criticism and harsh judgment of their peers,” wrote the judge.

2 thoughts on “Trump-appointed judge dismisses challenge to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law a second time

  1. Shame on her. The point is that the law already exists, so prosecution under the law exists. If a person is accused and charges are brought, the person must defend themselves. Maybe they’ll prevail because the accusation is as unreasonable as Judge Berger seems to think the concern about such an accusation is, but maybe the defendant will lose, and have to pay a penalty. Then will Judge Berger step up? (She won’t have standing to do so as a judge, of course, since she dismissed this case.)

    I still want to know what happens to people who violate this law by bullying or teaching bullying involving the personal circumstances that are censored under the law. I’m certain somebody somewhere in FL schools are flinging “gay” and other epithets about, and that should be prosecuted, too.

    (At risk of sounding like that Seinfeld ep, not that there’s anything wrong with gay as a term, when it’s not being used as an insult by bullies.)

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    1. Hello Ali. Like all the laws of this kind, it is designed to frighten schools into going to the extreme to avoid a parent from suing the school. The law lets anyone sue and the school district has to pay the costs win or lose. So already cash strapped school simply ban everything so no one sues them. Plus if the person wins there is an automatic pay out that kicks in. Like the Texas abortion bounty laws. Hugs

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