CNN: Israeli troops advance into Gaza as hospital is given “impossible” evacuation order

Israeli troops advance into Gaza as hospital is given “impossible” evacuation order
Israeli troops have advanced more than two miles into Gaza in their expanding ground operation, a CNN analysis found, as aid groups warn of a decline in civil order amid a spiraling humanitarian crisis and hospitals grapple with how to care for patients through ongoing airstrikes and directives to evacuate.

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

2 thoughts on “CNN: Israeli troops advance into Gaza as hospital is given “impossible” evacuation order

    1. Hi Barry. They are religiously driven. They have wanted to do this for a very long time, they drove the conditions that made Hamas strike out at them. They believe their god gave them this land and to not take it, to not possess it is against their god’s wishes. There are no people so dangerous to the good of society than those on a mission of their god. The current red states of the US are proof of that, where the fundamentalist Christians are trying to take over and install moral police and a Christian Taliban. Just like those Muslim theocracies they claim to hate. And Israeli has the backing of those same fundamentalists who have for years funneled billions of dollars to that country along with the most sophisticated US military weapons. Look at the drive by religious republicans to funnel even more money to Israel on this pretext they need to defend themselves. They seem to be doing a great job of leveling Gaza block by block from the air reducing entire areas to rubble, so clearly they don’t need more military support! It is just a pretext to make the Israeli lobby in the US, one of the strongest lobbying groups happy. Along with trying to fulfill what these religious bigots think is the end times that will bring their most beloved Jesus back, when the Jews all return to Israel and control all the land. Only then can their god come to them. So like jilted lovers, they will do anything to get that beloved back. Including genocide! Barry I can not express how upset I am that my government is endorsing this horrible attacks on civilians of all ages. Never again seems to have meant only never to Jews again, everyone else can be wiped out. Best wishes. Scottie


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