CNN: CNN witnessed first-hand results of Israel’s bulldozing of graveyards in Gaza

CNN witnessed first-hand results of Israel’s bulldozing of graveyards in Gaza
CNN correspondent Jeremy Diamond shows the damage left to cemeteries in Gaza after Israeli forces bulldozed and uprooted graves.

Read in CNN:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

4 thoughts on “CNN: CNN witnessed first-hand results of Israel’s bulldozing of graveyards in Gaza

    1. Hi Nan. It is the deliberate attempt to humiliate, degrade, harass the Palestinian people. Plus it is an attempt to prevent Gaza Palestinians from reclaiming the land on historical grounds. Notice the one cemetery they took great pains to leave intact and not desecrated was the one dedicated to Jewish and Christian world war vets. This was the goal and plan from the start, to use the October attack to remove the Palestinians and claim the land forever Jewish Israel. Bibi admitted it in a speech a couple of days ago, Israel must be from sea to ocean, the same phrase they claimed was offensive when they said Palestinians said it. This is open genocide as the world watches and the country doing it is defended, protected, supplied by the US. Yet it is not getting seen enough in the US. Look how many even watch the video or read the post. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Re: your last sentence … I think people are often so saturated with today’s “news” that they get to the point where they have to decide whether to read/watch this or that news event. Also, some folks are so totally one-sided in their thinking on this issue that they won’t even consider any alternatives.

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        1. Hi Nan. I agree, I think you are correct in on both things. The situation today in the US is that most of the voting public has to spend almost all their time and energy working / trying to survive, to make enough money to eat, have shelter, and a few luxuries. Add in childcare needs for ones with children and every second of the day becomes important. So when can they consume news? Even I find my self pushed hard to keep going on news when I would rather watch a movie, TV show, or play a video game. Ron has little tolerance for news and politics, but does watch the Meidas Touch YouTube channel, so he is somewhat informed and I fill him in on a lot of stuff.

          As to the other group, the one-sided people, the tribal people who vote based on the party one belongs to, how to reasoning with them. Until something hits them personally, they won’t change their minds. Until they have trans / gay kids they love, they won’t accept it. Until their wife or daughter is unable to get reproductive care or an abortion, they won’t budge. I don’t know. I have tried as you well know to deal with some. But now I wonder if reaching out to talk to these type people are even worth it. It takes a lot of effort and energy I simply don’t have anymore. Hugs. Scottie

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