NPR: In this Oklahoma town, almost everyone knows someone who’s been sued by the hospital

Butch we don’t need universal heathcare or Medicare. For all in the US. We have the best system. In the world … if you are wealthy or not in the need of medical care. Other wise your screwed. We have good car insurance. When James got into an accident with our car the hospital insisted he take a cat scan. The scan cost 16 grand. The insurance paid like 1 or 2 thousand of that. James was on the hook for the rest. He was a young kid and he had no way to pay that. I had to wait three years with no left hip / leg bone because I couldn’t pay the co-pays for the needed hip replacement. I waited 9 months for a new primary care doctor a few years ago. I waited five months for an emergence heart doctor appointment last spring. So don’t give me long wait times for a Canadian style or UK style program. Hugs. Scottie

In this Oklahoma town, almost everyone knows someone who’s been sued by the hospital
U.S. hospitals face growing scrutiny over aggressive debt collection tactics. At one community hospital, few patients get financial aid when they can’t afford to pay. Many more are taken to court.

Read in NPR:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

3 thoughts on “NPR: In this Oklahoma town, almost everyone knows someone who’s been sued by the hospital

  1. McAllister is a totally republican town…I can not understand why so many voted against the medicaid expansion which would have paid these bills, but then complain (when they voted in the hospitals “right to sue”) and the hospital sues them.

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    1. Hi Suze. I wonder if they listen to the lies of right wing media and believe it, even though the smallest amount of online looking into it would show what the right wing media is saying is wrong. I think two things are in play with medicare and food assistance being turned down by republican governors / red states. First they don’t want to help the poor in any way that would make the poor less dependent on business, corporations, and church organizations. Businesses / corporations need workers desperate enough to take any job for any low wage in any bad working condition to receive the most profit. Second I think they do not want to give the Biden administration a win, they don’t want people to feel that Biden did something for them, that government could help them because they might vote to keep that government that helped them. The republicans want the people as unhappy as possible so they can run on it and claim only they can fix it, when the truth is they are the ones breaking it. Hugs. Scottie

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