
I would love to see someone call them that to their face along with the explanation, then watch their heads explode.    Hugs.  Scottie

15 thoughts on “Sodomites

  1. Just another case of them not having any idea what is actually said in the babbles that they clutch so tightly and never open to read what it says. It should come as no surprise that they have no understanding about what they claim they are following.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Muttpupdad. It is sad that most atheist and YouTubers know more about the bible than the believers do. Because real believers understand the book was written by the men of the time, in their own interests. They understand that not everything is literal. Most of the super religious only know what the preacher claims is told to him by god, and that those they hate are hated by their god. Hugs. Scottie


  2. This has happened. Once, during Gov. Brownback’s admin, after /Lawrence/ and /Obergefell/, someone posted in our local about how Sodom and Gomorrah were actually destroyed because they wouldn’t care for their hungry, widowed, etc., and not because of sexual behavior. They gave the cite, and quoted the verse.

    People actually wrote back demanding how dare that poster use the Holy Bible to say that homosexuals (pleaseplease pardon me for that; I hate using it, but it’s what was written) were not sinful. There were likely 8, maybe more posts to that effect. No one denied what the Bible said, they just were offended that someone used it to say that our governor and legislature were wrong to keep an old sodomy law on the books, and to not revise the marriage laws, in hopes that there would somehow be a change and things could just go back.

    They don’t read the thing themselves. Sometimes I think they don’t even believe in God. If they did, how could they be so mean to their fellow humans? (That’s a rhetorical, of course.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m confused. Why is using the word homosexual so offensive? Just because it’s been replaced by a litany of letters that represent a multitude of sexual preferences? Bottom line, it represents only ONE of those letters.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I can’t answer; I’m only aware that gay is preferred. That said, an epithet I cannot stand is “lady” or “ladies.” It’s belitting, and denotes a requirement for inconvenient wardrobe and behavior for only certain people who are women. I hate it, and prefer “woman” and “women.”

        I am one of few women I know who care one way or the other. I just try to be considerate of others based on learning things, and I’ve learned that people prefer gay over homosexual, much as Black people prefer Black over Negro. 🤷‍♀️

        Liked by 3 people

        1. I appreciate your response. And add that it’s really sad that we have to differentiate individuals by giving them “letters” and/or “multiples of letters” to identify them. And to take it one step further … it’s all based on puritan thinking.

          Bottom line — we are who we are. Why must we be “identified” and set apart because of sex differences or preferences?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Hi Nan. I agree with you that a lot of the issues we have in this country is due to the puritan and current religious thinking that other countries long ago got rid of.

            I disagree with you on labels and letters. People love to be in groups of our own choosing. We create circles of friends, we create clubs to join, we create social groups at higher education facilities like frats / sororities to join. Hell the maga(ots) love to call themselves alphas.

            So why shouldn’t the LGBTQIA have something that means them, that is their group of choice? To deny them that is to again remove representation of them from public society. Don’t mention them. Just pretend they are not different from us and no one will know.

            Yes Nan, we are who we are. Why must we be identified or set apart because of sex differences or preferences? Wait so you’re in favor of unisex bathrooms. No more separating boys / girls. So you want everyone to use the same bathrooms? OK I can go with that. Oh differences in sex preferences, so we can drop the gay and straight from marriage and everyone can get married with no fuss to anyone else? No gender on licenses and birth certificates, or even passports. Jails and prisons will be co-ed? Differences … OK so all teams are now co-ed, as are locker rooms, showers …

            Our society is built on labels and identifiers. Everything from assigned sender / sex at birth to forms for identification all your life. I agree I think half of the rules are no necessary, but if we are to have Mr & Mrs, then we need to have Mr & Mr and Mrs & Mrs be accepted as well in society. If a same-sex married can show pictures and talk about their spouse in schools and public, so should the gay couples. If men and women can walk hand in hand, so can two guys or two women and be accepted in public and society.

            While I agree with you on stopping prejudice, I can not agree to stop letting people self associate and group themselves under labels of their choice. Hugs. Scottie

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        2. Hi Ali. Being nice and decent to others is always a good thing, the preferred thing. I think it is what separates the old Republican Party from the new Republican Party. The old Republican Party did not try to be abusive and hurtful, they enacted bad policy but tried to be civil when doing it. The maga republicans enjoy hurting others, being mean and rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. Remember, they took being called deplorables as a badge of honor.

          As I said before you are a good person and a wonderful friend to the oppressed communities. Hugs. Scottie

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      2. Hi Nan. I can not answer for Ali. But for me it is not offensive, except that at one time it was used as a word to hurt and denigrate people. I know in the 1970 in school to be a teen and called fagot was horrible, it was the worst. I imagine before the world gay took over to mean homosexual, then to be labeled a homo or homosexual would have felt just as bad and dangerous. Crushing to one’s reputation. I think fagot was the word used most in my Jr / Sr high schools, then in the 1990s kids started saying the phrase “That is so gay” as an insult. I know I still dislike the word fagot.

        But as an adult, I realize words only have the power we give them. People assign the meanings of words, what a word means, and that can / does change with time. People decide if a word is harmful or not. In the 2000s famous gay men tried to remove the sigma from the word fagot, reclaiming it as a good gay word. I don’t like it still. Same with queer, that was a bad word to be called as a little kid, most not even knowing what it meant. You did not like someone, call them queer.

        I long ago decided there were not any really bad words, just words a polite society decided were too hurtful to use, like the N word used toward black people. It causes them pain so it is not a word good people use. Hugs. Scottie

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    2. Hi Ali. They hate to have their hate disrupted with facts. They have had it proven time and again by biblical scholars that the current versions have mistranslations and that are not applicable to modern times. But they don’t care. They need that feeling of superiority over others, of being more worthy, of being more right with god. They need that looking down on others, being secure that their god hates who they hate. Furthermore, they can overlook the sick and hungry children, they can claim to be pro-life watching a pregnant person dying of a nonviable fetus, they can justify jailing all the homeless that make the area around the church look bad because those people are sick drug addicts who maybe sex perverts. If those people would only give their lives and tithes to god, he would provide them with housing and food. See it is not their fault all the bad out in the world, they are super religious, and they tell you that at every meeting. They have their crosses and their mandatory pictures of white Jesus. If you try as someone clearly did in your paper to educate them, they know deep inside themselves that you are just without the grace of god that they have. You need to work on understanding the lord, and learn that god hates some people and so you should mistreat them in god’s name, so god will be happy.

      Ali, did I sum up the way they see things well? It is a hard mindset for me to understand, but I see it play out every day in the news.

      Oh and dear friend, do not worry about what words you use here. We all know where your heart is, that you are a good and decent person. We know you wouldn’t try to hurt or slur anyone deliberately, and in times like above you use the words the other person did to convey what they were feeling / thinking. You are among friends here. Hugs. Scottie

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        1. Hi Ali. I want to again say, please do not feel you have to censor yourself here. We all know where your heart is. You are a decent person! Sometimes we all make honest mistakes, that is OK as we know you don’t mean it to hurt, and so far honestly Ali I can not think of anytime you offended or said anything that was hurtful toward anyone.

          Ali, I enjoy your input and the links you share. I am sorry if I can not always get back to you in a timely manner, but know your voice has been a value to this space. Thank you. Hugs. Scottie

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          1. Aww, I’m blushing hard.

            No worries about getting back to anything I write. You know me; if I have something to say, I say it. I can always ask you later if I think you missed something. It goes two ways, and I appreciate all your work here. I’m also glad you’ve found a balance with this blog and the rest of your life. Well, I know you’re working on it, anyway, and I’m glad!💖💜💖

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            1. Hi Ali. Thank you! Seriously, it is nice to have people understand how hard it is for me today to even see / answer comments. Yet also understand I love them more than any other interaction online. I have decided to go through the bell and save pages with posts yet try to answer comments right then. But as you and others might understand, my other home duties, and eating, … all else get in the way.

              Plus Ali, what most people may not understand is I don’t have as much time online as people might think. For example, yesterday due to pain and allergies I felt ill with a fever at around 2 PM. Ron tried to get me to eat, but I couldn’t. So I went to bed early. Everything hurt. I just wanted it to stop. Sorry if that sounds selfish.

              Then later about 7 PM I got up and called out for Ron, and Ron came in, I was shaking / sweating and he had me take my blood sugar because I was confused. I took my blood sugar, it was 76. Low, lower than my doctor told us he wants me to go and when in the hospital a bit lower would put you in the ICU. So Ron made me a bowl of Campbell’s tomato soup. It is not only tasty, but has a lot of sugar. Plus I like it with crackers which is more carbs.

              I went back to bed after taking more pain medication. So at 10 pm, Ron came in to wake / remind me to take my evening medications and my nighttime insulin. But my blood sugars have been so low we have been checking them before I take it. I was only 101. I did not take my nighttime dose of insulin, which was a good decision because in the morning I was only 102. Before we started checking, I was waking up with blood sugars far too low and a couple of times ICU levels.

              Ali, my point is sometimes I spend far more time in bed than on the computer. And it is frustrating. I want to do more. But my physical, mental health won’t let me.

              And here is the most important thing. I don’t want to play victim here because it is just reality, my reality, I can not be at my desk, on the computer as often as other people. I don’t feel sorry for myself, I feel frustrated. I want to do more and simply can not. And Ron keeps telling me to let it all go. Not to be so serious about it all.

              Yes, please do ask again if I miss something, because sadly some days I can not get to the comments until they pass by the bell time. As Jill said, they only have so many slots and will cut off quickly for things you want to answer.

              Anyway. Thanks, Hugs. Scottie

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