Alberta joins GOP in war on LGBTQ+

So Lance is a video YouTuber I enjoy listening to.   But the thing about his well researched true science rebuttal to the new trans hate battle in Canada I wanted to respond to is he missed an important aspect of the hate drive on the right.  

During the video the political leader says that they are requiring all teens to wait until 16 before using puberty blockers, and she says this is because no harm is done.  But this is the propaganda of the anti-trans people.  First the truth is puberty blockers are safe, long time used for at least 60 years, and the only time the right has an issue is when used for trans kids. 

But more importantly these people have to ask themselves why do they want trans kids to go through the assigned gender at birth puberty?   Because after the puberty changes happen, it is so much harder to reconcile the internal gender ID with the outside look. 

Think of it, a 12 year old boy who knows they are a girl is about to have his face change, hair grow on parts that women don’t, his shoulders broaden, his bones and muscles change, his chest and hips change.   Her entire body is about to become what she is not, a male.  Her testis will grow and produce even more of the hormone they want stopped.   They will turn more into what they know they are not.  Hating their own bodies even more.  Again requiring that surgery that the right hates and calls mutilation.  

Now think about a female who knows they are a male.  They are about to develop breasts that they hate and will have to have cut off, they will develop softer face features, they will turn more into what they know they are not.  They will have smaller shoulders and wider hips.  Hating their own bodies even more.

The problem is not that these physical changes can not be changed, but that a person’s looks don’t change easy.  Plus it creates the very thing the right claims to hate, confusion over gender identity and trans kids having surgery to change their breasts.   But worse so very worse it sets them up with face, hair, and so many other body images they have to deal with that they know deep inside them are wrong for them.  The thing is it could all be avoided by listening to the child, and administering the proper medical treatment which is totally safe puberty blockers.  

In both the male and female trans kids by forcing them to go through the WRONG puberty their body develops the very things they will hate all their lives about themselves.  Those body changes they will have to have surgeries, and forever try to hide, or worse always be accused of noting being pretty enough or not being masculine enough to be who in their mind they know they are.  

This is the critical point, and why the right hates puberty blocker, desperate to force trans kids to go through the wrong puberty.  So later they can look at these adults and shout at them … You are not a woman, or you are not a man.  So they can identify them when they go to the bathroom, or in public, so they can call them out.  It is sick.  

The right is so desperate to keep the clearest division between what is recognizable as a male or female.   That is why the right hates fem gay boys and twinks.  Shit, they are too easy to be attracted too.  The very thing the right is horrified about, they might be attracted to a trans person.  If you have questions you don’t feel you can google for yourself, comment for me to explain it to you.  If you are one of the normal people / viewers here, please comment and add your voice to correct the right wings insanity.   Hugs.  Scottie

3 thoughts on “Alberta joins GOP in war on LGBTQ+

  1. Well, I’m just sorry people can’t mind their own business about other people’s medical issues. Taking it out on kids is wrong, but some people believe they have the right to know about and judge what other people do. It’s a dirty shame they have to be that way.

    The email I sent you tonight deals with this issue, actually, so enjoy tomorrow when you get on the puter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali. I agree with you so much. The fact is these anti-trans people are trying to deny all the medical evidence and science that is against them. Why. Due to the inability to accept the modern age, religion, or straight hate against something different from them.

      But it gets worse. If that is their issue with trans people / kids / medical science, what is their next target. The rest of the LGBTQIA. Will they then insist that gay kids get conversion therapy? I am sorry to seem like a broken record, but to me it seems these people have a fascination / obsession over the 1950s society. That society was a facade that if you looked beneath it was some really different and sometimes abusive stuff.

      But your point is true. Why do these fight so hard over what they don’t even understand? Because they need to control others. They need their way to happen to be happy. We have all seen that. But for them there can not be acceptance because accepting others makes them unhappy.

      So if the bigotry is based on religion, then it is to further their god’s will. There really is no way to reason with that.

      If it based on, well I don’t feel that way so no one should. Then how do you argue with that. Yes, you don’t feel that way but do you have the right to demand all adults and their children act / believe as you do?

      See where this goes. Either people say that each to their own, freedom and rights for all, or … Everyone will do what the leader says in lockstep which is an authoritarian fascist state. Which really is what seems what So many republican leaders want. Such as DeathSantis, tRump, Cruz who right now is trying to pass a bill making it easier for people like him to leave his continuants in danger while going to a warm country unseen. Basically the republicans think they are rulers who do not answer to the public and that they shouldn’t have their activities known, hidden from the lower commoners views.

      So Ali that is the choice we have in the next election. Those that accept everyone not harming others, or we let the republicans rule where they can harm everyone they disagree with.

      As an older poor gay man with an even older husband, both of us in bad health, it is a very scary situation. Plus with me being online and very vocal, when the republicans take over we are the headed to the camps. Why do you think the right loves doxing? It is the modern equivalent of outing the LGBTQIA kids in school or in the town.

      Thanks Ali. Hugs. Scottie

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