Odie has fallen in thrall of our radiator heater.

Ron is out grocery shopping.   I want to start going with him, and have a few times, but lately I am not up to it and there are things I need to take care of while he is shopping.  I was doing the dishes so he would have counters to put the groceries on when he got home.  Yes, I am tired.   But the funniest thing happened while I was doing them.

It has been cold on and off here in Florida during January and February.   This last few nights it has been around 46 degrees or lower at sunrise.   So before he goes to bed Ron turns the radiator on low with the temp dial about 72.  The heater we have in our bedroom bathroom heats both rooms and as I get up about every hour to pee, when it gets cool enough I turn it on.   Between the both of them they heat the main space and we keep the other doors closed until it warms up outside.   Also the electronics in the Pink Palace keep the room about 74 on the coldest nights so far.   I just have to remember to leave the computers up and running with the door closed.  

So to the point of the post, while I was doing the dishes Odie wanted food.  I gave it to him.  But Odie is older, we think at least 12 but more likely older, and not in the best health.  So while I went back to doing dishes after he finished eating, he went to the radiator heater that he often lays next to when it is running.  We have noticed that when it is active he will lay near it or against it.   He clearly loves the warm heat coming off it.  

So he finished eating, came out, stretched out next to the heater.  But no heat came out.   So he got closer.  Then he tried hitting it with his paw.  Finally, as I was rushing to get my phone, I saw him rubbing his face on the fins.  Yes even though the house was warm enough I gave in and turned on the radiator to the lower setting.  But that was not working fast enough for him and he was getting upset so I went over and activated the medium 1,600 watt setting.  That made it heat up fast enough and he laid back down next to it happy.  As he fell asleep, I turned it back to the lower watt setting.   Below is the pictures of our really spoiled fat cat.  Hugs.  Scottie


2 thoughts on “Odie has fallen in thrall of our radiator heater.

    1. Hi Ali. We knew Odie was getting fat, and he had a very bad temperament problem. But after our 24 hour run / escape from hurricane Ian when we got home, Odie was very sluggish. He reused to walk much, he couldn’t get into his chair, he fell down a lot. Plus more.

      I felt the stress of it caused him to have a some type of stroke. I had a tia last year due to my heart rate so it was possible.

      But I was wrong. It was not a stroke or TIA. It was that he was really diabetic, and the stress brought it out hard because his routine had been changed.

      Seems in cats diabetics, high blood sugars can cause them to lose muscle control and other issues.

      So we started him on insulin. His insulin costs far more than mine does. And his mobility has come back but he has gotten even more lazy and entitled. But we love him, take care of him, and yes other than when he poops on the floor in a fit of anger for not getting his way, we cater to him.

      After he is gone, I told Ron I don’t want any more pets. Yes I know. That will last two weeks. But a boy can dream, right? Hugs.

      Oh I am now making a tomato red sauces for supper for spaghetti and garlic bread. So have to go. Hugs. Scottie

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