Missouri Rejects Rape Exceptions, Senator Says Forced Birth Can Be ‘the Greatest Healing Agent’


Please notice the legislators use their religious beliefs to force their religion on all people in the state.   My god doesn’t make mistakes so you have to put your body at risk having your rapists baby even if you are a little child yourself, and you have a different faith than mine.   My god, my god, my god, they scream as they stamp their feet.  Worship my god the way I do they yell at people.   Women are nothing but vessels for a man’s use, pleasure, and birthing his off spring.  She should be happy to be property.  I know it is so because I believe it is what a mythical being told me that I follow.   They don’t get that not everyone goes to their church and wants to live by their idea of god’s laws / church doctrine.  I can not decide if it is pure ego that thinks they have a right to force their religious views on everyone, if it is ego that makes them ignore all science in favor of belief, or if it is a desperate need to please their god and show it that they are worthy of him.  Like a child desperate to please an abusive parent.   Hugs.  Scottie

Missouri was the first state in the nation to ban abortion and seemingly remains determined to be as cruel as possible.

Missouri state Sen. Rick Brattin said forced pregnancy and birth could be “the greatest healing agent” for rape victims in his arguments against adding a rape exception to the state’s abortion ban.
Missouri state Sen. Rick Brattin said forced pregnancy and birth could be “the greatest healing agent” for rape victims in his arguments against adding a rape exception to the state’s abortion ban.
Photo: Rick Brattin/Facebook

In 2022, Missouri was the first state to ban abortion when Roe v. Wade was overturned, and anti-abortion lawmakers in the state are continuing their streak of cruelty. On Wednesday, across party lines, Republicans rejected an amendment that would have added rape and incest exceptions to the state’s total ban. Democratic state Sen. Tracy McCreery proposed the amendment by pleading with her colleagues to “show an ounce of compassion” for victims. As it currently exists, McCreery said the ban tells victims, “We’re going to force you to give birth, even if that pregnancy resulted from forcible rape by a family member, a date, an ex-husband or a stranger.”


As if voting to reject McCreery’s amendment weren’t insulting enough to victims, state Sen. Rick Brattin (R) explained his vote by arguing that being forced to carry their rapist’s baby could be “healing” for victims. “If you want to go after the rapist, let’s give him the death penalty. Absolutely, let’s do it,” Brattin said. “But not the innocent person caught in-between that, by God’s grace, may even be the greatest healing agent you need in which to recover from such an atrocity.” Seemingly trying to make his comments as horrific as possible, Brattin also managed to compare abortion to slavery.

Another Republican, state Sen. Sandy Crawford, argued against rape exceptions because “God doesn’t make mistakes”: “Even in some of these very horrific cases, there was a reason that God allowed there to be a child out of this situation,” Crawford elaborated. Meanwhile, Republican Sen. Bill Eigel—who’s running for governor—inexplicably claimed McCreery’s proposed amendment would “bring back the institution of abortion so that kids can get abortions in the state of Missouri,” stating, “A one-year-old could get an abortion under this.” To this, a Democratic senator returned, “I don’t know that a one-year-old could get pregnant, Senator.” I really don’t know what to say to any of this, except that Republican lawmakers clearly have no good arguments in support of their heinous laws and the violence they’re inflicting on survivors and pregnant people—and that becomes clearer every day when they start inexplicably invoking pregnant one-year-olds.

Missouri legislators’ rejection of a rape exception comes after, last month, new research estimates that in states that have banned abortion since the Supreme Court overturned Roe in June 2022, there have been an estimated 64,565 rape-induced pregnancies. Of these 64,565 pregnancies, 91% were in states with bans that lacked rape exceptions.

Missouri Republicans’ arguments against a rape exception are the latest contribution to anti-abortion politicians’ hall-of-shame hits on the topic of rape and abortion. Over a decade ago, failed Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin gave us “legitimate rape” (his claim that there’s no need for rape exceptions because “legitimate rape” won’t result in pregnancy). And ever since—certainly, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe—it feels like every other month there’s a new outlandish, wildly offensive comment from anti-abortion officials about abortion and rape. Shortly after Roe fell, a Utah Republican said she “[trusts] women enough to control when they allow a man to ejaculate inside of them and to control that intake of semen,” therefore negating the need for abortion for rape victims.

Also in 2022, a Michigan Republican candidate said he told his daughters “If rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.” A Republican state lawmaker in Ohio called pregnancy from rape “an opportunity.” Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) acknowledged the abortion ban in his state could force child rape survivors to carry their rapist’s babies, but shrugged off the idea of personally doing anything about it: “I would prefer a different outcome than that, but that’s not the debate today in Arkansas. It might be in the future, but for now, the law triggered with only one exception … in the case of the life of the mother,” he said in June 2022. In other cases, Republican lawmakers have refused to even address rape victims speaking out against their laws altogether.

McCreery introduced the proposed rape exception as an amendment to a Republican-sponsored bill that would continue Missouri’s ban on taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Democratic lawmakers in other states have also run into problems trying to add exceptions—including rape exceptions—to their state abortion bans, and rape victims and advocates have argued that the processes to access rape exceptions are too cumbersome for victims. “It may not be today or tomorrow, but down the line, this could happen to someone you love,” Hadley Duvall, a rape survivor who’s helping to lead an effort to add a rape exception to Kentucky’s ban, told Jezebel in January about the prevalence of sexual violence. “And if you can look them in the eye and tell them ‘You don’t deserve this medical procedure, even though your innocence was taken from you, your health is in danger’—I don’t know how they live with themselves.”

Per Jezebel, Brattin went on to compare abortion to slavery.

Brattin first appeared here in 2017 when he declared that there’s a “distinction” between human beings and LGBTQ people. That earned him a scathing rebuke from the editorial board of the Kansas City Star.  

In December 2023, Brattin appeared here when he authored or co-sponsored nearly two dozen anti-LGBTQ bills. One of his bills would make it a felony to perform drag in the view of children, another would institute a K-6 “Don’t Say Gay” law.

In 2014, Brattin introduced a bill that would require women seeking abortion to get written permission from the father of the fetus. In 2022, Brattin ran for the US House, finishing second in the GOP primary.


If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

They’d sell Plan B next to the gum at checkout lines.

And an express lane at every Walmart.

And free

“God doesn’t make mistakes…”

Ah, but God did make a rapist

Nah, conveniently, that’s “free will.” Nifty how that works for the religious, huh?


There’s always an excuse to counter an excuse.

so kids with cancer isn’t a mistake.

Well, He never asked Mary for consent.

My aunt had a former student who was a result of a rape.
He is now in prison as a result of several acts of violence against different people due to anger issues.
Anger issues brought on in large part by his mother who made no secret of the fact he wasn’t wanted and how much she resented him.
This fucker has no clue what he is talking about.
P.S. Even in ones with “happy endings” the woman in each story made clear it was HER choice and no one else should get to make that for them.

4 thoughts on “Missouri Rejects Rape Exceptions, Senator Says Forced Birth Can Be ‘the Greatest Healing Agent’

    1. Hi Suze. I ask the same thing when the hate preacher claim I need to be killed because I am gay, and happy also. I just replied to Muttpupdad that the fundie Christian males are selfish pricks and their religion as they created it gives them permission to only care about their own needs, wants, and desires. Their views allow them to disregard all others as lessor or beneath them.

      What I don’t get is fundie women? How do they reconcile what the men say about them, the position the men demand they hold as lessor second tier humans? It seems to be weird that any woman would be a fundie Christian or vote republican.

      Hopefully this election the republican women will see the light and vote democrat. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Just how healing is it for a ten year old girl who has been raped and now forced to be reminded of it for the rest of her life while looking into the face of your rapist child?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Muttpupdad. YES! You, I, and most people with sense see how horrible that is. Fundie Christian republicans don’t understand that, don’t see it, and to tell the truth I don’t know if the males care. Seriously I think fundie Christian males see women as lessor, see women as breeding stock home care child providers who serve men. It is a horrible way to live, by a mythology that allows / demands groups of people / humans to be subservient or an abomination. It basically gives the preferred group, the Christian fundie straight cis males, the right to be selfish pricks who need to worry only about their own pleasure, wants, and needs. Hugs. Scottie


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