Florida Bill Would Place Chaplains In Public Schools

Again like my last post, evangelical / fundamentalist Christians feel both entitled and driven to push their god / Jesus on everyone else kids in PUBLIC schools.  No one is saying the families that want a religious life can not have one.   Of course they can, but they can not force it on other people’s kids.  They can do it in their homes, in their churches, even in public they can show their religion.  They just can not grab kids from other families and force them to go to church or other ceremonies.  But as their power and numbers decline, as young people reject their message of hate and bigotry, instead of changing their plan is to force indoctrinate other people’s children.  The goal is to convince more kids to “Turn to god and hate others who are different”.   Hugs.  Scottie


Florida Politics reports:

The three Rs (reading, writin’, and arithmetic) are slated to have a new addition soon in public schools: religion. The Senate legislation (SB 1044) is slated to be heard in Tuesday morning’s Appropriations Committee on Education.

That bill, sponsored by Sen. Erin Grall, would “authorize volunteer school chaplains to provide support, services, and programs to students as assigned by the district school board or charter school governing board.”

“Parents must be permitted to select a volunteer school chaplain from the list provided by the school district, which must include the chaplain’s religious affiliation, if any,” the bill reads.

Read the full article.

A similar law has already been approved in Texas, where it is spearheaded by an avowed Christian nationalist who once worked for an anti-LGBTQ hate group.

Republican state Sen. Erin Grall has appeared here in recent weeks for her bill to ban minors from social media.

Last year Grall appeared here for her bill that would require rape victims to show proof of having been raped in order to qualify for an abortion exception.

Grall that same month authored a bill that would fine trans people $10,000 for using the “wrong” public restroom.


. . . but not a clinical or administrative social worker because that would be . . .


This is clearly to expand their victim base and expand access to children for them.

My Iman will be right there.

I’m guessing the local coven and the Church of Satan can each send a representative.


“Parents must be permitted to select a volunteer school chaplain from the list provided by the school district

I’m guessing only the right brand of Christian will get onto their list.

Given a choice between leaving my child with a christian priest or a Wiccan, there’s no question which I’d decide.


Which provides yet more grounds for a lawsuit.

Christianists are LGBTQ people’s biggest enemies, they have been forever.


…and the result was:


And enemies of women as well

Florida and Texas are the two prototype theo-fascist regimes. If the Orbanites are successful there, they will expand it all through the South and then everywhere else.

Florida, Oklahoma, Montana and New Hampshire all allowed PragerU into their schools. Christian nationalism has footholds all over.

They call it a “culture war” but we all know it’s a Christianists war to make the US a theocracy.

“Parents must be permitted to select a volunteer school chaplain from the list provided by the school district, which must include the chaplain’s religious affiliation, if any,” the bill reads.

Gosh, sure sounds like a religious test for public office…

If this does pass (although it’s a clear violation of the separation of church and state), I hope that parents who attend churches with their children that are open and affirming to the LGBTQ+ community demand that their pastors be included on the lists that school districts provide. If a district refuses to include a pastor then parents should sue the fuck out of the district and the state of Florida.

Reform Judaism, UU, Pagans, MCC and similar LGBTQ-majority Christian denominations/ independent churches…

NO, NO, AND HELL’S NO. Parents who want their kids to see a religious chaplain can take them to a fucking church. Public schools are for teaching about the REAL world.

Republicans: “There must be no indoctrination in our schools!”

Also Republicans: “The principle function of schools is to indoctrinate children into our religion and worldview!”

This is one of those bills that’s explicitly written to get challenged and overturn prior Supreme Court rulings about religion in public schools. It’s so flagrantly and obviously unconstitutional.

Hey, lady, if you do something about assault rifles, maybe kids won’t need Last Rites.

She is a very busy busy body. I wonder what nonsense she is going to do next.

Christianity, forever finding ways to impose their bullshit and lies on others.

Nothing Talibanish at all about this.

Kids need math, science, reading, history and other teachers. Not chaplains. There are churches on practically every corner in Florida. Anyone seeking religious counseling can easily find it.

WTAF? Sectarian chaplains have no more place in Florida’s public schools than sectarian prayer does. Florida’s government has simply ceased to do anything useful for the state, and is now reduced to “messing with it.” Some Christian parents may be pleased with this bill, but I can’t think that non-Christian parents, or their children, will be happy. I hope the ACLU, and other organizations who think the separation of Church and State is important, will take up this matter, and see it defeated. The US is NOT a theocracy.

Because the kids just CAN’T see a chaplain at their own church.



3 thoughts on “Florida Bill Would Place Chaplains In Public Schools

  1. I’m not sure what you think the role of chaplain is, but it most definitely is not to evangelise, proselytise or otherwise impose one’s religious convictions onto others. Perhaps the US is different in this regard than NZ, but here chaplains, whether attached to the military, prisons, hospitals, centres of learning, sports bodies or places of employment serve as spiritual caregivers, regardless of their own faith (or non-faith), supporting well-being and resilience in their communities.

    Only a third of Kiwis are Christian and the majority of Kiwis have no religious affiliation, yet most of us understand the vital role that chaplaincy has in supporting those who are struggling in a seemingly uncaring world. Chaplaincy training is undertaken by both religious and secular bodies. Any chaplain attempting to push their religious or non-religions beliefs onto those they are supporting is likely to find themselves out of a job.

    While it’s still true that there are more chaplains with a Christian background and any other background, that’s an accident of history, and the numbers of those whose backgrounds are from Muslim, Jewish, Māori, humanist and other traditions are increasing.

    Even in the US, humanist organisations have started to provide certified chaplaincy training so not all hope is lost.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Chaplaincy is supposed to be about exactly what you write it is about where you live. It is spiritual, but not prosetyzing, or specifically an denomination or doctrine. Many have (or used to) have counselling training outside of religious counselling.

      That said, I’m certain no one who reads here would trust these legislators or their “chaplains” farther than any of those people can be thrown, and I don’t, either. They’re using the term “chaplain” to lull people, as well as phrasing it that parents have the right to choose a chaplain from their list. I’m fairly certain that if a school’s parents choose to not avail themselves of that right to choose a chaplain, a chaplain will be provided by the Board, or someone. This stinks.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi Barry. You are thinking honest people doing an honest task. I worked for a Chaplin in the US Navy once, he never pushed his religion. I was his driver and he was a full bird 06 Captain. But a kind nice man who treated everyone fairly and never pushed his religion on me even though I knew he was a Catholic.

      But that is not the “chaplain” the bill refers to. The kind of chaplain these people will force in to these jobs are fundamentalist evangelical hate preachers. Their entire goal and reason for being there is to push their religion on the students and staff.

      So while I would agree with you that with proper training maybe such an arrangement would be OK and above board in a different country, here in the US where Christian nationalists are trying to make the US a theocracy and take over all aspects of government, while in red states run by republicans they are pushing their version of Christianity heavy into public schools, the program is a disaster. It is just another way to force their god on everyone’s kids, hoping that in some of them it will stick. Sadly any kid referred to them who is LGBTQIA will be told to change, hide it, that it is wrong and a sin. Any kid referred to them that is questioning about their acceptance of those LGBTQIA kids will be told those are bad kids that will go to hell, and it is important to shun or harass them to change. These type of chaplains will fight every attempt to promote tolerance and acceptance for anything not in their church doctrine in the schools they go into, and worse will report anything they don’t like to right wing media. That will lead to teachers, schools, administrators facing harassment from the right like we are seeing now from these groups that rally their hate troops to target places that support the LGBTQIA.

      Think what would happen if one of these chaplains were to see tolerance anti-bullying posters and even god forbid a drag queen story hour poster. They would run to the Mom’s of liberty and Mom’s of TikTok, who would start a flood of hate at the school.
      Best Wishes. Scottie

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