Nex Benedict’s death is an ‘awakening moment’ for parents of trans kids in Oklahoma

Please understand I read this article, but I can not go back through and colorize it.  I have nothing to say I have not screamed already.  Please do notice this is being driven by Christian hate and bigotry.  The groups pushing this are proud of it, that they are Christians.   Are they?   Read about Vinny Langworthy, a trans boy followed into bathrooms with people trying to take pictures of him under the bathroom stall doors.   Tell me again who are the real sex perverts?   I thought Christians leaders were for keeping families together, but here they have broken up families as one parent needs to take a trans child out of state leaving the other parent behind.   Sorry people there is a lot in this article, and I have reached over load.    I am trying desperately not to cry, I have been up all night not able to sleep and I seriously I just want all the hate to stop.  Please, just for a few hours at least.    Maybe I will watch more of the Picard series Ron got me, but then … See I had almost cleared two weeks of old tabs tonight, I rushed through others blogs I saved, I answered comments, I was going good. But the last few stories of hate and bigotry have finally broken me.    Hugs.  Scottie
Nex Benedict smiles while posing for a photo near a tree.
Nex Benedict died on February 8, one day after a fight in a Owasso High School bathroom in which they were beaten. (COURTESY OF THE BENEDICT FAMILY)

LGBTQ+ community members in the state are vowing resilience with a message that “we’re not going anywhere” after the 16-year-old nonbinary student’s death.

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