VOX: I got to see the IRS’s free tax-filing software in action. Here’s what I learned.

I got to see the IRS’s free tax-filing software in action. Here’s what I learned.
Meet Direct File, the federal government’s TurboTax alternative. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.

Read in Vox: https://apple.news/AiSqJa7geRIeLZJHvUKnqBg

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

2 thoughts on “VOX: I got to see the IRS’s free tax-filing software in action. Here’s what I learned.

  1. Americans appear to have a ridiculously complicated tax system. Here practically all income is tax deducted before being received, and most income earners have no need to complete an income tax return. For those who do the form is just two pages, and only one of those being for working out the tax. If you do it online, it’s basically just a single screen on a typical desktop computer.

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    1. Hello Barry. That is because at first the tax system was designed to be directed at the wealthy and corporations. In the US they paid most of the way for government to provide services for the lower incomes and to finance the needs for the country, such as road, education, and far more other things.

      But over time the wealthy kept buying more and more politicians, notably from one party, often throwing their wealth into getting their politicians elected. When their money became an issue, they arranged in the US SCOTUS to basically remove all money limits those with great wealth could use to buy US elections with a decision called Citizens United. It legalized bribery by the very wealthy.

      To the tax issue. It has long been the goal of the left to have a free program by the government to let people put in the information and then hit send, and it is the end of their tax stuff.

      But enter the right wing must make profit for private business aspect. For years private businesses have made a ton of money out of charging people to simply fill out a form on their website, and they file it with the government. They charge for that. For people like me and Ron, we don’t owe tax, but we still pay the company that fee to file.

      That is what these companies are trying so hard to protect. The right to gouge the US citizen who just wants to file their taxes. Profit off the backs of the lowest income people in the US.

      So that is where we are at, Ron and I are low income on retirement but to file our taxes before we had to pay a company even though we did not get any return, it was just profit for them. That is the system these ghouls are trying to keep. That is what the US has become. What once was a shining place where any could move forward is now a trap, where the wealthy do all they can to ensnare any and all to bleed them dry. Hugs. Scottie

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