Texas governor calls on citizens to report parents of transgender kids for abuse


The goal here is to keep pushing the idea that there is no one born with a gender identity different from what the doctor might see when he holds you up after birth.  No one, just as no one is born gay or lesbian.   It is a lifestyle choice of course, kids rebelling after being groomed / recruited by those other horrible people that chose that lifestyle.  That means keeping reinforcing it is child abuse to let your kids socially transition.  It is child abuse to let boys grow long hair, to let girls cut their hair.  It is child abuse to let a boy where a dress or skirt.  The horror of it all.   You know what might fix it, make those trans boys kids marry an older straight man when they first display the idea of being a boy.  8 maybe, 10, definitely by 12.  Get them pregnant will show them they are not a boy.   

If you are someone that believes any of the above you are wrong, you are a bigot, you are drastically misinformed / uninformed.  You are holding on to ideas that were debunked decades ago.  This is about reinforcing Christian church doctrines / ideas into laws, schools, and forcing everyone to live by them.  This is about errasing the LGBTQIA from society and vilifying them by making them the horrible boogieman that kids should be terrified of.  Remember the 1950s school films telling boys to beware the homosexual who was always out to snatch them, take them somewhere, then raping them making them homosexuals also, a future danger to other boys. Boys Beware:   This 1955 educational film warns against “the dangers of homosexuality,” which is described as “a sickness of the mind.” The ten minute video was produced by the Unified School District and the Police Department of Inglewood, California.   That is the world these people love, that they think is real and wants to force the country to return to.  Often they cloak it in god says, but it really is about their own comfort, their own feelings, their own hates and bigotry.   Hugs.  Scottie

There is a video I tried every way I can think of to embed in the post.  It won’t show up so I am going to take it out and just put up the link there in its spot.  Hugs.   Scottie

Gov. Greg Abbott said those who fail to report instances of minors receiving gender-affirming medical care could face “criminal penalties.”
Image: Greg Abbott
Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks during a press conference in the Permian Basin, in Midland, Texas, on Feb. 1, 2022.Eli Hartman / Odessa American via AP file

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is calling on “licensed professionals” and “members of the general public” to report the parents of transgender minors to state authorities if it appears the minors are receiving gender-affirming medical care. 

The directive was part of a letter Abbott, a Republican, sent Tuesday to the Department of Family and Protective Services, calling on it to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of any reported instances of minors undergoing “elective procedures for gender transitioning.”


Abbott’s letter follows an opinion released Monday by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, which stated that allowing minors to receive transition care such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery is child abuse under state law. 




If you do not recognize this it is from a Chick tract called The Last Generation. It was about what our side was supposedly going to do. It is always projection.

Remember when the NRA said it was important for every man, woman, and child to own a gun to stop the government from becoming fascist?

Same damn thing

If you want to know who’s really filth, look no further than Republicans in office.

“…and be sure to also report any neighbors if you suspect they may be harboring Jews in their attics or cellars.” Jesus Christ. 🤬

They are not going to stop because they know that there is no one to enforce the constitution. There is nothing the federal government can do and they know this and will act accordingly.

What percentage of male babies in Texas are circumcised?

According to the reports……ALL. Not a single parent would admit their male child was intact.


“Reports?” I assume /s? But seriously, circumcision is obviously elective surgery an infant can’t consent to. Gender affirming care (seldom surgery) is only done with consent and years of medical consultation.

So, if a 17 year old girl gets a boob job because it makes her feel better about her body, is that considered gender affirming care to Abbott and those like him? I’m betting he couldn’t articulate why that doesn’t count for him… not that he has to try with his base, of course.

It would be nice for gutsy Texan to report this happening and when nothing is done, go to the media.

But they also must be prepared to flee the state, since the cult is dangerous.

Hey, everyone obsess about what those younglings are hiding at the inbetween me down there.

I would rather report fascists POS governors

The date on the article says this story is from two years ago — Feb. 23, 2022.


Thank you, I was losing it, cause I thought this had happened before.

Yes, it was his mindset then. And I guarantee it still is now and will continue to be so until he is wheeled into his grave.

Idiocy exposure bears repeating.

Texas – the East Germany of America.

It’s true. They even want to create a registry for everything these days. Including pregnant women.

In the past 10 years, we have relived a good chunk of the 20th century. We have experienced pre and post WW2. I have a much greater understanding of that time period now.

Fucking bastard’s gone full Soviet Fascist…

I hope families with trans kids have escaped that hell hole.,

Some have… but many can’t. Moving across state lines is expensive, especially if you don’t have any family to help you out.

*mumble mumble*, small government, family values, parental rights, grrr…

Gov Abbott does love his fascistic “rat out your neighbors for a bounty laws.” He also has one for women suspected of having abortions.

Unrepentant bigot threatens people who don’t have any inclination to be nosy about their neighbors’ medical history.

Nark on yer neighbor. Texas values?

A police state, so yeah, Texas values. “Freedom”, my ass.

Freedom for me, not for thee.



53 thoughts on “Texas governor calls on citizens to report parents of transgender kids for abuse

  1. I am absolutely amazed these so called “Christians” haven’t made it a law for them all to wear brown shirts and hand out rainbow arm bands to “mark” all those undesirables……..it’s coming. Nazis one and all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Suze. At first I thought the targeting of gay and trans kids was a political gimmick. But the more I see of how driven they are, and having read that a lot of the Texas republicans are being funded and pushed by a billionaire fundamentalist pastor, I see it really is a religious issue for them that they really believe. Somehow or for some reason, they really believe that gay and trans people somehow are a threat to society and their god. I don’t get that reasoning. I just watched at anti-trans homophobic person keep repeating the harm to society is that it is a lie. But there are a lot of lies in society so why is that because they believe that being trans is a lie so much more dangerous that all the other lies they ignore. Why does my being attracted to my husband cause them such distress, why is a drag queen such a threat to them, why are happy trans people something they are driven to make illegal? Why do they worry about what is in other people’s pant so much? I feel dumb because I don’t understand it. Hugs. Scottie


      1. I think what annoys me most after the obvious discrimination against people, is that these “Christians” are cherry picking th Bible to justify their hatred and doing it all in the name of God. If they are “Christian ” then they should be ONLY following the NEW testament as Jesus said he was the “new covenant with God”… and not searching out old testament quotes to justify their inhumanity.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Suze. That will be coming soon if the republicans gain the White House and both legislative branches. tRump has already bragged he will be a dictator from day one. Plus there is that project the fascists are working on, project 2025. A complete take over of the entire government to remake it in to an authoritarian strongman government with very few civil rights for the people. Hugs. Scottie


  2. I remember when Abbott began this; I recall one or two families whose children were briefly in foster care but have not since read what happened in those cases. Anyway, it was compared to naziism at that time, too, because it’s precisely what the nazi government wanted, for people to report suspected Jews/Gypsies/Gays and those who were helping them. Then the ones who reported usually got favors, and as the economy declined, food and fuel rewards. When the economy declined further, reporters were not accused of crimes on whims, thus staying out of prison themselves. It’s not hard to see that TX will progress in the same fashion if it continues on this road, especially if they secede (heaven forbid though it’s difficult for me to not wish they would.)

    It makes a person wonder what their primary oppo is like. sshhuudddeerr.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali. Suze also mentioned Nazis. I had forgotten about the secret police angle. I remember when I was in West Berlin the East Berlin was ruled by the Russian puppet government of East Germany. They were not recognized by the US and the western governments. But one thing they had was secret police, where everyone was watched and scared of being watched by everyone else. It was horrifying and a terrible way to live, thinking at any time anything you say, any misstep you might make will be reported to the authorities for you to be punished. It reminds me of the old joke. Hugs. Scottie

      An old gentleman lived alone. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison.

      The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament: “Dear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa.”

      A few days later he received a letter from his son. “Dear Papa, Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where the bodies are buried. Love, Vinnie.”

      At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

      “Dear Papa, Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances.”

      An old mexican man lived alone in East Los Angeles. He wanted to spade his garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Jose, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.

      Dear Jose:

      I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my garden this year. I’m just too old to be digging up a garden. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the garden for me.

      Tu Padre

      A few days later, he received a letter from his son.

      Dear Papa:

      Por Dios, Papa, don’t dig up the garden. That’s where I buried all my drugs and money.

      Tu hijo, Jose

      At 6 a.m. the next morning, the L.A. Sheriffs showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any drugs or money. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day, the old man received another letter from his son.

      Dear Papa:

      Go ahead and plant your garden now, papa. It’s the best I could do under the circumstances.

      Love, Jose

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Scottie, this transgenderism idea is a mental illness that has been displayed to the point of absurdity. A biological male should be called sir and a biological female called ma’am. Preferred pronouns and preferred gender identities that are incompatible with one’s biological gender indicates mental disturbances.


    1. Oh ragnarsbhut. You are very close to stepping on a landmine. So to be very clear right up front, the medical community disagrees with you! I am very up on the science of this. So either back up your incorrect statement with some kind of fact or retract it!!! I am serious about this!

      My real question is knowing who I am and what I believe why you would write such an asinine comment that can easily be debunked by all the medical information.

      The only reason I can think of you would write such a thing is you are pushing a religious view point. I will remind you I post lots of religious leaders who support the entire LGBTQIA community including the trans people.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Scottie, people are biologically male or female. It may be possible to change one’s outward appearance, however, not the parts they are born with. Both are basic biological facts.


        1. Ragnarsbhut. It doesn’t surprise me that a covid denying anti-vaxxer thinks he knows more than the medical community. Foremost sex is not binary, biologist have proven it is a spectrum. You think that if it dangles it makes you a male or a boy, and if not you are a girl, or female. You are wrong, that is outdated and been surpassed by new medical information. Look at the graphs in my right sidebar. The chemicals, hormones, genes, and all that goes into determining where you are on the spectrum are different for everyone. I have posted about people who go all their lives thinking they are one sex, only to learn they are a mixture. I have posted of a woman who had given birth, but her genetic make up put her on the leans male side.

          Intersex people prove that there are more than two sexes, that sex is on a spectrum. Before you say they’re an anomaly, learn some facts, they are far more common than you think. There are more intersex people than there are people with red hair. Think on that. It is not so rare.

          As for changing the parts, again you show your ignorance, friend. Clearly, you should look that up. It has been done since 1952. Did you know that trans women can produce breast milk? Again the necessary equipment is ready, it needs only the hormones to activate them.

          Also know that gender and sex are not the same in the society. They are sometimes used interchangeably but gender is a social construct, based on the human need to label and promote one over the other.

          So before you call it a mental illness you better realize that all major medical organizations recognize it as normal and that the best practice is to do gender-affirming care, which includes medical examinations, while allowing social transitioning, when appropriate under a doctors’ supervision puberty blockers which are safe, and been in use since the late 1950s, and are totally reversible, followed by hormone therapy if the person has lived as their gender they identify as for long enough and is mature enough to make the decision. That is normally done late in the teen years. Surgery in the US is only recommended for those 18 and over and mostly happens when a person is between 22 and 28 years old.

          Understand there are people like you who thought being gay was a mental illness and then when proven wrong they said it had to be a choice. That was wrong. Don’t be on the wrong side of history again ragnarsbhut, understand gender identity is something we are born knowing, it is not always the same as our sex assigned at birth, and those people deserve equality, freedom to be who they are just as the rest of us do.

          Hugs Scottie


            1. Hi Ragnarsbhut. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? You said transgender is a mental illness. I said people like you thought that being gay was also a mental illness. Don’t be on the wrong side of history.

              I never said you said being gay was a mental illness, I said people like you who think something is a mental illness because they don’t understand it or agree with medical science are proven wrong, and are on the wrong side of history.

              But think of what you said. Being gay is not a mental illness. Good you are somewhat in the modern age. From the 1950s to the 1970s many people tried to argue it was, then they switched to saying it was a choice.

              But again you think something that medical science and the majority think is an acceptable thing that happens to people, you instead think that is a mental illness. Why? Because your right wing media hosts say that. They are hesitant to target gay people even though some of the most hateful do because the majority of people like your self already accept gay people. So first they attack the trans people, then later they will move back to attacking the rest of the LGBTQIA people.

              So if you accept gay people are normal, you have to accept that people who don’t identify as the gender that they were assigned are also normal. After all the gender a person feels they are is in the brain not between the legs. No doctor can see into the brain, so they go by what is between the legs.

              The medical community says they are not mentally ill. You need to accept that. Then be welcoming and supportive of those trans people being attacked unfairly. Hugs. Scottie


                1. Hi Ragnarsbhut. So again you reject the consensus of medical providers, medical scientist, and medical researchers because you think you know more than those people? Do you have their education, skills, and years working in the field of study? Do the right wing hosts or the preachers you listen to have their education, skills, and years working in the field of study? NO!

                  So you again reject something because you don’t like it and you don’t understand it. Way to drift off into the wrong side of history.

                  Understand Ragnarsbhut. The modern age will continue, people will grow more understanding and accepting. Tolerance changes to acceptance. Equality will happen even as the regressive religious hold outs try desperately to have one last grasp at returning to and holding on to the 1950s society. Leave It To Beaver was a lie, it never was a true representation of society. And society won’t return to that. The youth of today see through the bigotry and hate of the past, they have friends that are mixed race, non-white, and LGBTQIA including trans. Just like every generation before than has accepted more people who are different this next one will also. They like those people and understand them. Oh well Sorry for you. Hugs. Scottie


                    1. Hi Ragnarsbhut. Yes. I agree. I deal with science and fact. You deal with woo, myth, lies, easily debunked claims, and I almost think you prefer a fake world, a fantasy of how you wish things were by living in the past than living in the modern age and accept modern understanding. You so much remind me of the people that can not accept the current modern understanding of biology, science, sexuality, and acceptance of differences because you are stuck in the past.

                      I wish you the best. I do hope you will educate yourself, learn that what you believe is wrong, and accept the changes in the world around you. But if you don’t, please do what everyone like you has done in every prior age, stay quiet and grumble to your friends as you slowly become older and die off.

                      One thing I won’t have just so you know. I won’t have you spreading lies, myths, debunked stuff attacking either covid facts or the LGBTQIA here on my Play Time. So please stop and don’t try.
                      Hugs. Scottie.


        1. rudeness does not convince me you actually know anything about the subject matter and does not endear you to anyone reading it. if your entire purpose is simply to argue then please argue with other uneducated. thanks

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Ragnarbhut. I again suggest you take your own advice. You have already proven you do not underestand vaccine science and imunology. Don’t compond it by pretending that stuff you learned 40 years ago in high school is all there is to know on a subject. Hugs. Scottie


                1. Hi Ragnarsbhut. Then you know nothing really. Look what is gender? Try to explain it if you can scientifically. You can’t. Because gender is something we made up to fit people into to nice boxes. Ever hear of gender stereotypes? That is because they are made up. Duties for one sex, a different duty for the others. Women stay home to vacuum floors, raise kids, guys go to work, be firemen, and police, and do manly stuff. It is all made up. Female, male, are all a mix and everyone has as much potential as the other. Again, I already answered yes people can change their parts.

                  Ragnarsbhut. You really should stop digging a hole here. You clearly have no clue of the science, getting all your information and ideas from right wing media. That won’t fly here. Hugs. Scottie


                    1. By dogs that love gravy, you are doing a great job by hand then. Your attempt at humor and deflection fails. But it does show me how unserious you are about your self claimed thinking outside the box. And the hole gets bigger. Hugs. Scottie


                    2. Scottie, I am not asking you to agree with me. I am just asking that you at least consider the possibility of some truth to even what could be anecdotal reports.


                    3. Here is why I say you’re wrong and keep being able to prove it.

                      Ragnarsbhut. You know how I know that is a lie. You just asked me why Dr. Fauci did not talk to Dr. Peter A. McCullough. Here is why.


                      US cardiologist Peter McCullough, known for spreading Covid-19 misinformation, claimed without evidence that Disease X was “expected to be engineered in a biolab.”

                      For the vast majority of people, any side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are mild and temporary, such as a sore arm or fever. There isn’t reason to believe people need to undergo any sort of detoxification procedure following vaccination. Some people have persistent symptoms after COVID-19, referred to as long COVID. But there aren’t any proven treatments for this condition.

                      Despite this, Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist with a history of spreading false or misleading claims about COVID-19 and vaccines, has been promoting an unproven “spike protein detoxification” protocol, which has been widely shared on Instagram.

                      So let’s talk your newest name. Karen Kingston. Again had you just googled it rather than listen to ranting right wing media host you would have found she was lying.

                      Graphene oxide is not included in the ingredient lists of any filings for either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Speaking to Reuters, Pfizer’s senior associate of global media relations said that, “Graphene oxide is not used in the manufacture of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”

                      Kingston’s argument rests on two deeply flawed assertions: that the only company in the world that produces PEGylated lipids is the Chinese company Sinopeg and that documentation on Sinopeg’s website proves that graphene oxide is present in their products. Neither assertion, however, bears any semblance to reality.

                      “It’s a lengthy process to verify former employees but I can confirm that she was not involved in the research, development or manufacturing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,” a media relations officer at Pfizer told Lead Stories on August 4 when it reached out to the vaccine maker.



                      Ragnarsbhut. Do you see how easy it is to debunk your points, the lies fed you by right wing media hosts who just wanted to drum up hate and discontent? All you had to do is google what they said to find the real facts. I googled Karen Kingston debunked and got pages of results. So please don’t tell me you listen to every source. Hugs. Scottie

                      There are facts, and opinions based on anecdotal stories, they are very different. My facts beat your anecdotal every time. Hugs. Scottie


                    4. Scottie, give me a source that indicates that Peter A. McCullough and Dr. Anthony Fauci had a live in-person conversation about this matter and I will be convinced. Unless and until that happens, good luck trying.


                    5. Ragnarsbhut. I have answered this. Why would Dr. Fauci lower himself that way. For the last time. Have you had an operation? Did you ask your doctor to bring your car mechanic in and sit down to talk it over? That is what you’re asking. It is stupid. Peter A. McCullough was a proven liar, he lied and got caught by both the medical people living there and by specialist everywhere. Yet the right wing media hosts kept pushing him to people like you. Ask your self why!

                      Because you’re gullible and did not look it up your self. Damn it is so easy for the right to scam people like you.

                      I have tried Ragnarsbhut to be nice, to bring you into the truth, but you cling to misinformation. So what can I do. I wish you the best. If you don’t want the truth, then I suggest you go hang out on right wing sites that support disinformation. Make your self happy in your delusions

                      One last thing. You sent a comment with a lot of video links to already discredited right wing media hosts. Look I don’t know if you can’t read, if you struggle with information retention, but I have already told you I am not interested in your disinformation videos. They are simply right wing media host’s opinions. Yes opinions. They mean nothing! They prove nothing. Furthermore, they are not facts, they are feelings and misdirections.

                      So as I always tell you, show me the peer reviewed studies or unbiased news articles on the subjects. Since these are not that, I won’t be approving such trash. Hugs. Scottie


                    6. Scottie, listen to the reports of the physicians and any other details and make up your own mind. Try to think outside of the box for a few minutes and ask yourself if there is a distinct possibility that the people who were sneered at and mocked might have some degree of validity to their sentiments.


                    7. Ragnarsbhut. Are you a bot? Are you a Russia misinformation agent? Or are you just low intelligence and mentally handicapped? The mean way to say it is … are you stupid?

                      I have explained you are not thinking outside the box, you are simply being a dutiful follower of right wing media opinion hosts who are jerking you around while laughing at you. They took the very vaccine they told you not to take. They wore the masks, and they social distanced themselves.

                      No facts are facts. You don’t like the facts, sorry about that shit. Facts don’t care about your feelings, do they. You are wrong, the stuff you quote and send has been proven wrong. If something is proven wrong, accept it is wrong. End of discussion. Hugs. Scottie


        2. Ragnarsbhut. I suggest you do so! She is correct. You’re thinking comes from the Stone Age of a century ago. Medical information and science changes. You are wrong. Look through the history of my blog. I have posted all the relevant information if you dare to learn. Hugs. Scottie







          1. Scottie, I am willing to learn. I just have a hard time with the fact that there are many people who refuse to think outside of the box. You seem to be perfectly reasonable, however, in other attempts at discourse I have tried to engage in with other people, the attempts went down hill


            1. Hello Ragnarsbhut. I am reasonable, but what you mistakenly call thinking outside the box is simply refusing to accept the truth and reality to instead believe in myths, lies, and misdirection pushed by right wing media hosts who are deceiving you for their own gain.

              Thinking outside the box is seeing something and devising a better way to do it. It is not denying medical science, other scientific developments because you don’t like them or who is telling you about them, or you simply don’t understand them.

              The reason things go down hill when you engage with other people is you are pushing stuff that the mainstream and majority knows are wrong and you won’t listen when corrected. That is why you and I are at odd on covid and Dr. Fauci. No matter how many times I show you that the sources you watch are lying to you, no matter how I discredit them, you just shift to another one of their talking point. The honest really thinking outside the box person would react differently. They would say: Hey if these people were lying about this are they lying about the rest? What else are they lying about?

              If you are willing to learn then you will read the articles, realize these are established biologists and then understand that sex really is not binary fixed points such as A = female, B =male. But instead we all are a mixture of male and female. You and I are both considered male, but not the same on the spectrum of male to female, with us both being at different points chemically, genetically, and hormonally.

              Yes it goes against centuries of just seeing if it dangles, but remember for a time people thought it was well known that the earth was flat, that the sun orbited around the earth, and people had no idea of stars / galaxies / or other planets. Things change as we have the ability to learn new things, we advance our understanding. Hugs. Scottie


              1. Scottie, I know that you may disagree with his conclusions on the vaccine issue in all likelihood, however, I think an in-depth discussion on this issue between Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist who can see the potential effects of the vaccines on the cardiac system and Dr. Anthony Fauci would be interesting. No ad hominems, no name-calling, just an open discussion.


                1. Ragnarsbhut. I answered this question. There is no need! Understand that. It would be a waste of Dr. Fauci’s valuable time to talk to McCullough. Dr. Fauci had access to all the information McCullough did not. He had the access to the people doing the studies, the hospital reports, the very best medical professionals ever! All you really want is a talking point. Why won’t he listen to the guy who keep claiming something that has already been well debunked. Why, Why, Why …. oh sadness … cue the right wing news media to beat the drum of hiding the truth.

                  Face it, every effect on the heart has been well documented and the majority of cardiologist and the associations for them backed the vaccine. Fact any small risk of heart enlargement or inflammation disappeared in a day or two. But heart inflammation by covid lasted a lifetime and could be deadly. Also sports people regularly have the same effect on their heart as the vaccine by playing too hard. If you listened to anything but right wing media you would have known that as it was well reports. Hugs. Scottie


                  1. Scottie, putting the 2 of them in the same room and any people who indicated potential injury associated with the Covid so-called vaccines could have been all that was needed in order for potential risks to be known. It is absurd that there are people with an “I was not there and so it did not happen” attitude who may hear reports of such events. How many people contacted the manufacturing companies to report any adverse events and yet nobody from the companies reached out to them to ask what happened?


                    1. Ragnarsbhut. Are you cognitively impaired? I have answered this a half dozen times. You are wrong and flogging a dead horse. I have asked you to accept that and stop.

                      One last time and then stop. This is getting very tedious and stupid.

                      Asking Dr. Fauci to spend time with a debunked liar like McCullough, is worse than asking your brain surgeon who is about to operate on your brain to consult, sit down with, and talk it over the operation with the garage mechanic who changes the brakes on your car. Yes both operate, they change and fix things. But damn it the things they work on are not the same. So do not bring this up again. I have spent five replies on it.

                      These people have nothing to offer Dr. Fauci. Your right wing media hosts are lying to you. Dr. Fauci had all the power of the US government to have the very best minds, medical people, and science data at his fingertips. Why do you think these fringe people have anything to offer compared to that?

                      The answer is you bought the lie pushed by the right wing media hosts hook line and sinker. That doesn’t make you a thinker, it doesn’t make you a thinker outside the box.

                      It makes you a gullible stooge. Understand, they played you. I have tried to help you see that, but you really don’t want to, and I am too fucking tired of wading through crap to keep trying. You want to let them lead you off the cliff while they are fully vaccinated and enjoying the safety of that, go for it.

                      The reason it doesn’t matter. Enough people have now seen the light that even though we did not end Covid, something we could have if every one had taken the vaccine who could, social distanced, and worn masks. But enough people now have immunity DUE TO THE VACCINE AND BOOSTERS that the CDC can lower the isolation time if you get it. Yes don’t repeat your doctor said not to get it, just thank the rest of us that did for your safety. Hugs. Scottie


                    2. Scottie, I am speaking in terms of speculation. If I was to have the chance to see a live video discussion between the 2 people that I mentioned, as well as an unbiased neutral observer, I might be less inclined to be rigid in my thinking. The only thing I am seeking is honesty and transparency from all sides, not selective cherry-picking of facts to fit any set narrative while leaving other details off-the-table.


                    3. Ragnarsbhut. Why speculate on something easy to find the truth on. Second why is it you need videos on everything, can’t you read? Do you have trouble with reading comprehension or information retention? If you don’t want cherry picking then stop watching right wing opinion hosts spewing false information, misinformation, lies, boosting myths and so on. I don’t know how many more times I can show you they are screwing you over by lying to you for politics and ratings. Ratings equal money.

                      For the last time why the hell should a busy and proven correct man like Dr. Fauci WASTE his time doing a studio discussion with someone proven to be wrong and not knowing what they are talking about. Then the right wing media will only distort and misinform people about what Dr. Fauci said anyway. Do you demand to see a video with your surgeon and the person who changes your oil discussing the diagnosis before your operation? Hugs. Scottie


                    4. Hi Ragnarsbhut. Do you really need me to answer this? You’re really starting to sound like a bot or Russian misinformation agent.

                      Why speculate on something easy to find the truth on.

                      Because everything you’re pushing and the people you refer to are pushing are lies and attempts to harm the effort to keep the US public well and healthy.

                      So now just stop, as you’re not willing to learn before I block you from commenting!
                      Hugs. Scottie


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