Conservative Group’s Plan to Criminalize Porn Is Part of Campaign to End All ‘Recreational Sex’

I do not understand the fear fundamentalist Christians republicans have about sex and the nude human body.  They are terrified by both those things.  But why?  There god clearly meant for it to be fun and we are created in his image, hell they even call their god father.  So does god have a penis?  If so he must have used it.  Many religions have embraced sex.   Sadly too many belittle women to benefit men.  But there was a time when nudity, especially male nudity, was not only accepted, it was expected.  Boys swam nude even with girls present.  Kids in school showered together.  No one thought a kid seeing a penis would destroy their lives, but parents have so traumatized young people now that I knew a boy who would only shower with his underpants or shorts on.  He dressed in as low a light possible.  His parents were hyper religious.  I have read stories from others that also had religious parents that made the topic of sex and any form of nudity forbidden leading to unpleasant consequences as they were growing up.  From being less when informed on sexual things / how it all worked, to not being able to talk with their parents and family when they need to tell them about being abused or hurt.  Hugs.  Scottie

The May 2023 post states, “Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills.”

The original post included a C-SPAN clip from a Heritage Foundation panel, in which author Mary Harrington promotes what she calls “a feminist movement against the pill” in order to help return “consequentiality” to sex.

The Heritage Foundation has been scouting personnel for a potential upcoming Republican administration. The group’s resurfaced post sparked outcry from critics and support from conservatives.

Earlier this month, FSC Director of Public Affairs Mike Stabile flagged the 2023 post, replying, “It’s not just abortion, trans healthcare or porn. One of the most influential conservative groups in the country is now calling for the government to ‘end recreational sex.’”

Leading conservative culture-war crusader Christopher Rufo defended the 2023 statement, posting, “‘Recreational sex’ is a large part of the reason we have so many single-mother households, which drives poverty, crime, and dysfunction. The point of sex is to create children — this is natural, normal, and good.”

The term “recreational sex” originates in religious — particularly Catholic — discourse that considers the sole purpose of sex to be procreation. The mainstreaming among conservatives of a war on “recreational sex” parallels a current effort to revive enforcement of the infamous 19th-century censorship Comstock Act in order to restrict access to abortion medication, birth control and contraception, as Rolling Stone reported.

As XBIZ reported, the Heritage Foundation leads “Project 2025,” a coalition of conservative organizations whose road map for the next Republican presidential administration includes a call to immediately outlaw all pornography and imprison people who produce and distribute it.

Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” blueprint, including the call to criminalize all adult content, was first reported on by Brynn Tannehill in an August 2023 feature for Dame magazine.

In the piece, Tannehill quotes the introduction to the conservative policy road map, which declares that pornography “has no claim to First Amendment protection” and states, “Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”

12 thoughts on “Conservative Group’s Plan to Criminalize Porn Is Part of Campaign to End All ‘Recreational Sex’

    1. Hi MDavis. Knowledge of good and evil. So why pick evil as sex instead of good? Maybe the idea is sex was not a sin at all, until the idea of sin was introduced to man. Up until then they were nude and could fornicate all they wanted, including bestiality as god kept telling Adam just do the deed with the animals he created, but Adam was rather picky. So as I read the story, the sin was not sex or nudity, but the knowing the idea it was bad was the sin. As Beau says, “It is just a thought”. Hugs, Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t think they go that deep. They just go “sex is naughty, therefore that’s what got us kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
        “Darn women, we wouldn’t be in this mess if they weren’t…. (brain shorts out) anyway, it’s her fault. ”

        Like Ali says – misogynistic bullshit from the patriarchy.

        see, also: rape apologists.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Oh, FFS. Regulating sex is simple misogyny, just like all the other issues they’re getting into. The bottom line is, everything bad is women’s faults, and people should leave each other alone until they’re ready to have kids together. That being said, though, much of the reason that isn’t (still) how things are is because those misogynistic men cannot control themselves, and make those kids anyway, sometimes with their own kids. And unless they’re willing to start putting up dollars, no one’s getting women out of the workforce, because it takes two incomes to live and raise families.

    The actual fault for all the not-nice things is misogynistic men who also dislike themselves.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ali. You noticed that everything to these men was the fault of bad women. But wait a minute. I thought it was the gays that were causing all the bad things? I thought the hurricanes, fires, floods, drought … well every bad thing including electing demon loving democratic to office … ever notice that floods / drought are two completely different things, yet both are blamed on the actions of the gays … Or more to what they say, their god is so angry at a few men having consensual sex makes him so angry the all-knowing omnipotent god strikes out hitting a large number of cis straight people … mostly the wrong people except the men having sex with each other? I am so confused!!!

      Ok so men first blamed women for offering them something they could have refused … but being men they were unable to control themselves and partook / ate the forbidden fruit / did the act. … But the fault was not the man’s for being weak or not able to control himself like they accuse women of being, but the fault of all women because they offered … existed … and the man / men took it? I am so confused.

      So if a four yr old offers me a mud pie, something most kids make at one time or another, and I eat it … I then get to blame all kids forever for everything bad in my life?

      So to help me understand. Men had no control over themselves so they blame what they call the weaker sex for everything that made god angry. OK but … their god hates the gays and trans people so their god then causes the death of lots of straight cis people by causing a lot of bad stuff that men also blame on women? So are women to blame because they are weaker than men or the gays to blame for god’s bad aim and out of control temper. I am so confused?

      🙄😛😜😝😲☹😖😖😀😁😂🤣 Thanks Ali for giving me a reason to write this, I had a lot of fun. It is like the response I wrote to MDavis on this same post. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The misogynists dehumanize LGBTQ+ because they lump them with women. After all, they can’t be men if they aren’t like the misogynists. (I am not calling anyone a woman, especially if they don’t like that! I’m explaining misogynists’s POV about anything ‘feminine’ that they may like that isn’t their wife.)
        But, yes, I believe that the people who interpreted then transcribed the OT stories put their own understanding on their language. As my first pastor used to say about the length of day and night: ‘We don’t know how long the evening and the morning actually were at the time of creation. We don’t know that days were 24 hours in the times before men. So take the understanding of times in the OT to be the best guesses of the writers.’ That’s a paraphrase; it was a lotta years ago. I apply that to misogynists’s understanding of humans, since they don’t really bother to get to know any who aren’t themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I remember, earlier in the 2000s, when the right always brought fear about “the gay agenda,” just *always* using that term. At the time, the kid was in high school, and while tech was there, they still used ring-bound journal-calendars, or agendas, and agendas is what they called them. Every time I heard the term “gay agenda,” I thought, “I need to ask someone what brand agenda they carry, and what brands/makes are ‘gay approved’ to be the gay agenda.” Finally I got up the nerve to ask a guy on the email list where a group of us discussed politics from the liberal/progressive POV. He laughed and said it was fine, and that he would carry no less than Prada, citing the movie, “The Devil Wears Prada.” It was hilarious, but then his partner (just before legal marriage for all) said he wouldn’t touch Prada, and it would have to be either Gucci or Louis Vuitton. It was fun! Anyway, maybe that can add to the confusion. I wonder what sort of billfold or briefcase a rightwing white straight cis male prefers? I don’t expect anyone here to answer that, of course. 😂🖖

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        1. Hi Ali. Oh yes, the gay agenda. To do the dishes, get laundry done, make sure the bills are paid, if we have kids make they are fed, helped with school work, safe, happy, to make sure we have time to make sure our spouses know we love them. So much more on the daily gay agenda like changing light bulbs and cleaning bathrooms.

          Oh yes and then after all that we need to spend the rest of our free gay agenda time sexing all the straight men making them raging homo’s slobbering for more penises. I keep forgetting to get to that last one because the first ones and daily life get me just worn out first. I guess I need vitamins.
          Hugs. Scottie

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Hi Ali. No I did not remember them. I never had access to TV until the late 1980s. But I did look them up. Grand, I especially liked the 1954 Betty White one. But I have had trouble with anemia before due to my bones not being able to produce red blood cells, so I could have used Geritol. I would have given me the iron I needed. Instead I took pill supplements and ate a lot of red meat. Hugs. Scottie


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